The Staff and Geniuses Behind Wolfe's Lair
Justin (a.k.a. "Wolfe")  The founder of this website, editor-in-chief, president and CEO of Justinworks, Inc., site supervisor, artist, writer, graveyard shift custodian at Justinworks, duke of normandy, failed wine fermenter (though the blueberry wine came out pretty good).  Well, that's pretty good enough I guess.  The site on geocities was officially founded June 30, 2000.  Previously, Wolfe had a site with AOL and a very failed attempt with Tripod.  Wolfe will continue to loyally serve his website, that is, until he perhaps sells out to a major company like Microsoft or Super Stop n' Shop.
Ryan Q. Sullivan (a.k.a. "Sullivan," "Sully,")  Just started on Wolfe's Lair in 2002 with his column "Sully's Corner."  Has a talent for putting his cynicism across in a delightful way(if you haven't noticed).  Sullivan is a self-proclaimed "Student extraordinaire."  3rd in his class I believe (oh it's out now!!!  Yeah I saw in it guidance!  I wonder who's number 149?) So wait, does that make him like a "Trilutadictorian?" hehe that's a funny word to say out loud.  Okay so maybe his middle initial isn't Q. (I wish it was).  He hates this picture.
Harold Brimley (a.k.a "Lefty," "Skip" and various other outdated nicknames).  Political Bullhorn for my website (whatever that means).  You may have heard of his attempt to protest canadian money seeping into the U.S. at the border.  Majored in political science and a minor in gunsmithing throught the Jackie Zeaman Degree-through-the-mail program.  Bravo Brimley!
And of course, all the little people here at Wolfe's Lair!