Some Interesting Links...
I have returned to this site a Links page.  I have compiled some of the most interesting links on the internet.  Take some time to check them out! This site is great!  Features include celebrity assasinations, humorous movies, parodies, etc.  I would highly recommend this site if you like internet humor.

Hecklers Online- Also another great site.  It's interactive comedy at its finest!!! A funny site comparing the likeness of President Bush to a chimp. Yep, if you're bored, go here!  Very very interesting links to cool places.

IQ, personality, miscellaneous tests- This site is very interesting because you get your IQ in as little as 10 minutes and find out more about yourself. (By the way, my IQ is around 127, if you want to compare to me :-) ) This is another test site.  Very very good site and it is entertaining! A great site, including materials posted by viewers.  WARNING!  Some material may be "inapropriate" or unsuitable for some (I.E. Parents) Yeah it's pretty self-explanitory.  Lots of interesting but useless facts, including strange laws, trivia, etc.