The following was written by The Great High Gaud during 4th period on 8/29/01.  It makes no sense whatsoever, but enjoy anyway.

Once upon a gay pile of garbage, some really messed up stuff happened.  There was a monkey sitting on this pile, until he exploded.  That caused the garbage to fall over and crush all of Canada.  Then the monkey said, "What a lying piece of shit bitch!" then got struck by lightning and died.  So then all the roaches said that 37 people wanted to kick some ass.  Why am I doing this, you ask?  Because I got high.  I am a proud failure.  There are so many bitches and/or bastards in the world.  They are...but I don't care, time to hit rock bottom.  Then the monkey lied to me about a bunch of shit, so I did like Mario and hurled a big fucking rock at him, and now he's dead.  Then Jay and Shelly got it on, damn.  Is there a cactus on your head?  Then Silent Bob said.  If a tree falls on me in the woods, and no one's there to hear it, I die painfully.  YAY!!!!!  Ok, now Shelly's getting it on with Silent Bob.  Then me and Scooby Doo went to Canada to find the monkey.  Scooby killed him and ate him, then we got high.  Then we got all cannibalistic and shit, and I ate myself.  That kicked ass!  Damn lying monkey bitch, DIE!!!  Kick 'em in the face!  God is a back-in-the-day smoker.  Back when he was creating the world, everybody was getting high.  Millions of peaches, peaches for me, millions of peaches, peaches for free.  I love the sickness, but that damn horse kept me from going to college.  If you fall asleep on a train track, lucky you!  I can't fall asleep or clowns will eat me.  Must go now, about to gut the monkey with a butterknife.

P.S. Now Shelly is getting freaky with Jay, SIlent Bob, and that pimp:  Guy on the Couch.  All at the same time!!!!
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