Wolfspider64's Easy Guide To Speaking 1337. 1337 ALPHABET

A = 4          N = /\/
B = 8          O = 0
C = (           P = |>
D = |)          Q = 9
E = 3           R = |2
F = |=           S = 5
G = 6          T = 7
H = |-|         U = |_|
I = 1            V = \/
J = j            W = \/\/
K = |<          X = ><
L = |_          Y = '/
M = /\/\        Z = 2

Many adjectives and verbs can have  "orz" added to them.

rocks = r0><0rz
sucks = su><0rz
owns = 0wnz0rz
Even more commonly used are these three math symbols:  <, >, and =.

For those who remember these as "the alligator", here's a math lesson.

< - less than
> - greater than
= - equal to

I am greater than you, but am equal to him.

In 1337, you will often see the number one randomly put in  between exclamation points.

j00 su><0rz!!!111!!!1!11!!
YOU = j00
annoying person = n00b
extremely funny = XD
a joyous holler = w00t
oh my god = OMG
in my opinion = IMO
laugh out loud = LOL
rolling on the floor laughing = ROFL
like = liek
the = teh
ever = evar
with = wit
own = PWN

More to come....
*Note: This is just my guide to 1337. Different people have there own versions of 1337. This guide will hopefully get you started on the path to understanding most of it.