Wolfspirit in Kaposia

Welcome to the Den of the Wolfspirit of Kaposia.  This is my home, my people ,my place. 

I am named John by my parents. I was born the second twin son. I received the nickname Wolfspirit in 1980. Kaposia is the Lakota name for the Native American settlement on the West banks of the Mississippi River. The city there is now called South St. Paul, Minnesota. I was raised here and have left, travelled and then returned a number of times to this place I come to as "home". I earned my Bachelor's from the Bendictine Monks of St. John's University & Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota. Since then I have been married, a father, divorced, and the marriage annulled. I have worked as a Youth Minister, Financial Worker, Computer Technician,Crisis Intervention Specialist, Research Associate, and Psychiatric Counselor. MY GREATEST PRIDE & JOY IN MY LIFE IS MY DAUGHTER

*****Catholicism*****Building New Relationships*****Mysticism & Spirituality*****Being With Friends *****Celtic Spirituality & History*****Space Exploration*****Alternative Medicine*****Feng Shui*****Girl Scouts*****Society for Creative Anachronism*****Renaissance Faires*****Medieval and Renaissance*****Intellectuals *****Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan events & Politics*****Animals, especially Wolves

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