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This page is dedicated to Sesshomaru Chantelle Kristallo (Oct 11 2003- Jan 24 2004) and Snowy!!!!!!

Nov. 15, 2004: Woah been quite a while huh? Well this is Toeboe here. I'm hoping to fix up the site a bit! It's been so long! Well gotta get to work heh heh! Browse around!

Jan. 24, 2004: Very upsetting news...:(.... Sesshomaru and Snowy are dead.... :'(..Sessho was a great hamster and may we always remember her in our hearts..... *Snowy too (even though i have never seen him*)

Welcome to the packs domain! This is our homepage. Our pack consists of an Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega/Delta. Toeboe is the Alpha, he was born in Tulum the land of the wolves. Cheza is the Beta, she was born in the Rocky Mountains of the humans world. Jagara is the Gamma, and was born in Evergreen Forest. Kiba is the Omega/Delta, he was born in Dark Valley. That's a rough view of the pack, and if you would like to find out more go visit about the pack's page! Thanks and have fun browsing!


Welcome to the pack's domain!!!!! Feel free to browse around!!!!

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