Lesbian A-Sisters (LAS) is a Metro-Detroit area organization created to improve the quality of life for women who identify as lesbians or bisexual who are differently-abled or have health issues, through assistance by volunteers from the glbt community.

Lesbian A-Sisters is offering a new program called POW (Positive Opportunities for Women). The goal of the project is to increase economic self-sufficiency for disabled lesbians and bisexual women. LAS will provide a positive, supportive environment where individuals can access employment resources and gain knowledge and skills to conduct independent job searches, build self esteem and achieve a successful, productive, self-sufficient lifestyle. A series of vocational workshops will be offered, as well as monthly support groups. LAS will also provide information about employment issues in quarterly newsletters and on a website for disabled lesbians and bisexuals.

LAS is currently seeking volunteers, board members and consumers from Southeast Michigan. If interested in learning more about LAS, please contact Candice at
LIttleoz2@aol.com or Angie at akaiser@aidsprevention.org. They can also be reached at (248) 545-1435/(800) 542-2447. The website is an additional source of information http://www.aidsprevention.org/women.htm