Wong Brothers Refrigeration Sdn. Bhd., Manufacturer and contractor of commercial industrial refrigeration cooling, coldroom, coldstore, walk-in, drive-in, cooler, chiller, freezer, refrigerated warehouse, refrigerated reefer refer dry freight composite truck body bodies, prefabricated prefab polyurethane panel, clean room in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

35 years manufacturing and contracting experience

Refrigeration, Coldroom, Coldstore
Clean Room
Profabricated Polyurethane Panels
Indoor Snow
Truck Body


Wong Brothers Refrigeration have over 35 years manufacturing and contractingexperience in refrigeration, and is the most highly integrated refrigeration company in Malaysia. The products range include walk-in, drive-in, coolers, freezers, coldrooms, coldstores, refrigerated warehouse, commercial and industrial refrigeration system, process cooling system, prefabricated polyurethane panels, clean room, refrigerated truck body, dry freight truck body, telecom cabins, etc. Since 1992, about 30% of our production are exported to China, India, Indonesia, Mauritius, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, etc.
Wong Brothers Refrigeration Sdn. Bhd. (366710-X)

429,Batu 2 3/4, Jalan Ipoh 51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Copyright 2001 Wong Brothers Sdb. Bhd. All right reserved.