Skygorgia News

Æria standing

Here are the previous news briefs of Skygorgia. (Yes, we couldn't get rid of the log joke.)

January 7, 2003
New year, new semester, new toys, new schedual. I hope that I will be able to keep all my projects going now that I have the enthusiasm. I just recently got my Hydlide Shrine at Now I'm doing Quest 64. Let's hope I don't zone out to playing SNES in my free time.

  1. Fixed up the CSS so that fonts are "universal".
  2. I've added a server for the downloads. To save bandwidth visitors can download off WoodenLeg's personal server when its up. You can tell by the lighted IM picture: Yahoo Presence Also I've added WoodenLeg's WinMX media list and ID to the Downloads. If you have WinMX or just want a file you can email him for it.
  3. Created a real Webcam page so WoodenLeg can acutally use it instead of having Yahoo crash it.

June 4, 2002
Yeah! I've been finally published at GameFaqs. Under SNES, EVO - Search For Eden my map of Fort Bird-man is there. 8)
Just fixing things up here and there in the site. We have changed our cloud back groudn for a more tiled one and added a news site to keep down the clutter.

June 16, 2002
It seems that up home remodeling is harder that it appear. I'm working on cleaning my shower tiles only to slice my fingers, and waste two days for them to heal. 8( I should have been half way done by now. Arrgghhh....
Ahh, I'm finished with my first installment for the Console. A fine master piece of web marking, cutting megs of kilos and saving data.
Well that would not have been doen without my C++ programs.
And you would have done no masterful work if I hadn't gotten your tail. You are the reason we have megs to trim.
Err, about those megs...
*choice words from Æria and Aquæ*

June 4, 2002
I've just set up my nice, new, and big study. Now maybe I can get some work done here.
I just finished reorganizing all the files and scheme for Skygorgia. Many will not notice but it makes my life easier.
I've just finished the CS1 part of the site. Celebrate. Now WoodenLeg will hopefully get on Glrm's end.

May 19, 2002
Just got through all of my finals. Summer and free studying here I come.
I've completely redone the chapel. More of a reorganization than renovation. Anyway it has a new look, like an illuminated book. How a book is to be a chapel I don't know. I just keep the pages, and in this case the book is wrong.

March 2, 2002
Whew! I've just finished a month of hard labor renovating apartments. Now to kick back and enjoy programming. Not only do I rest but now I am a publisher. Tucows has just accepted some of my work. Yeah!
I've just added new stops on the Alae Aeris and a bunch of screen shots to the Storage Cube.

February 3, 2002
I've just fixed all the downloadable programs so that cw3230.dll is included with the files and you won't get that error message. Some new links are up. FilZip is the freeware zipping program WoodenLeg_10 now uses, and gives help with operating systems.

February 2, 2002
Yeah! I've completed a week of regular schedualing. I've had Qmhrn continually updating the Portal, been rereading Robert Jordan. Now only if I can get back to playing my RPGs.
Let's see, I just updated the Globe after Qmhrn's week's work.
Mmmmm, the JavaScript won't appear in IE but it previews prefectly in HTML-Kit. Oh well I know the script works for some one. Now the concepts part of the Portal is completed.

January 29, 2002
Whew, I just fix that wretched JavaScript and now you can see the energy sparks of the Portal properly now. The Structures page is now up too.

January 28, 2002
Well my vacation is over and now I am undating the Portal. I'm trying to keep CS abstract, not favoring a language, but I hope this does not make anything too complicated. I'm also thinking of a new look but who knows.

January 25, 2002
WoodenLeg_10 is now making me do the grunt work of holding Skygorgia up. Anyway the JavaScript for the map is updated. Goodness he knew nothing of it at the time. Also the various pages now have their proper names displayed, it took forever looking for them at the log. Hope this helps your stay be spcript error free.

January 22, 2002
I'm finally back at school and well into my schedule. Hope polish off this site more and get a few other things done. I'm now being educated properly in object oriented program so I may have another game up and finally polish off Sailor Moon Vs Pokemon.
Updating the Computer Science site. Added links to the site map proper credit of borrowed items. Removed midi from the downloads, links, log, and map.
December 22, 2001
Been working all week picking up some extra cash, and not on a Seasonal worker shift 8b. Found some good video game links for mp3 remixes and Nintendo.
Added Megaman theme background music and new video game links.
December 14, 2001
I'm done with finals!!! Yeah!!!! Now to enjoy the holiday with roms and web paging. Hope to get the Computer Science site done.
December 4, 2001
Last day of classes. Yeah!! Got a new digital camera to celebrate. It's cheap but I still like it. Gives me something new to put up.
Added web cam, personal pictures, and emulator icons. Start to have links to the for updates.
December 3, 2001
Added cw3230.dll for downloaded programs.
November 30, 2001
It's been a while since I updated. I've added new links with Neopets, here's mine to the right and his to the left. Due to the realization that I may have used up most of my web space, additions to the page are slowed, i.e. no Chrismon Tree or Computer Science B for now. Anyway, Mario, if you get here look at the downloads and video game links for emulation sites. Enjoy 8).
Added new links.
November 1, 2001
Removed chant, change profile to stats.
October 28, 2001
I just have about four big papers due in this span of two weeks so I'm on edge to keep schedule which I won't 8). Placed up a site for my THEO 112 group project on 1 John so if you want to see it click DOWN.
Updated Prayer site to have index.html as its main page for easy web browsing. Added profile for AboutMe.
October 27, 2001
Added Megaman Skin to downloads.
October 18, 2001
Added new shopping link to links page. Added Sailor Moon desktop theme.
October 17, 2001
Alphabetised the links page, added Yahoo Presence to home page.
October 15, 2001
Created the downloads page. Made Skygorgia more cheery with a normal sky instead of an autumn one.
October 14, 2001
A big thanks goes out to all those Germans, Hispanics and others who signed my guestbook. You really lightened my spirits. Ago gratiam. Anyway as you can see autumn has fully arrived here. I'm now in the middle of my midterms and going crazy over three papers totally about fifteen pages due and about 700 pages to read in addtion to normal class work. Why do not they ever talk abouts these parts of college.
Formated all prayer pages to look nicer. Updated guestbook entries and map. Changed basic page styles for autumn.
October 1, 2001
Revamped the site, added in the map, log, acknowledgements, and links page.

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Last update: January 7, 2003