History of the CJ5


After three years of owning my TJ, the Jeep bug was beginning  to bite deeply. I had been thinking of restoring an old jeep for some time, when I spotted a small advertisement in the "Trading Post". It was a 1975 CJ5 for $1,000.

Now these units can sell for up to $15,000 restored & in pristine condition...heck the cheapest CJ I'd seen previously was about $5,000, so as you can imagine I thought it was a bargain. That night, after work, I drove 100km from Sydney to Wyong and bought it.
This was on a Thursday, on the Saturday I rented a car-trailer & Landcruiser (more suitable for towing than the TJ) and collected the new toy. Well once I got it home, it was moved to the back of the garage where now the restoration has begun.....

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