About Me

Well if you've got this far - you need a life.......But since you've actually got here I'll give some quick specifications:

Actually, my real name is David Woodley, but I've been called Wooders more years than I care to remember. So it seemed natural to use this handle in the fast typed world of internet identities.

I was born in 1967 on a farm near the classic Australian town of Dubbo, throughout my childhood I also lived in Parkes (known for once having the biggest radio telescope in the southern hemisphere - also the basis of the movie "The Dish"), Port Macquarie (had to learn to surf) and then the steel city of Wollongong. After several years commuting, I finally moved to Sydney.

In 1996 I met my wife, Mei Mei. We have three dogs (that love riding in the Jeep), a Siberian husky, a border collie & a cattle-X.

During my waking hours, I run  the retail outlet Wooders Garage.

Anyways that's about all there is to tell. At least that's all I'm going to tell :-)


Comments? Well hey then drop me an email & let me know.

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