Core Staff:
Laura "Art" Konicek, director

Past Camp Names: Moose, Fuji, Ohno, and Ulna
Years Worked: 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004
Hoobies(when not working on daycamp stuff): sleeping, teaching Sunday school, helping out a GS troop in
       Winona, drawing, reading, doing homework and more homework, and more homework.
Favorite Color: purple (I have to, school color!)
Favorite Places: bed (when sleeping), bed (when reading books), bed (when eating). 
       The dorm room is kinda small!
Favorite GS Memory: Piper Valley (at Greenwood).  Midnight.  In a tree.
Good Qoute:
    "To laugh often and much;
       to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
       to earn the appreciation of honest critics and ignore the betrayal of false friends;
       to appreciate beauty;
       to find the best in others;
       to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch,
              or a redeemed social condition;
       to know even ONE LIFE has breathed easier because YOU have lived.
                                                      ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Anything Else: I lived in Richfield for 18 years.  I graduated from Richfield High School  in June 2003.  My family
       moved to Longmont, Colorado on August 8th, 2003.  I started college at Winona State University on August
      25th, 2003.  I am directing the Daycamp in Richfield, Minnesota.     
Pop quiz:  where do I live?
Jeanne Larson, assistant director
"Speedy," counselor coordinator

Old Camp Names:
Sven, Speedy (it is famous), and random ones at encampments
Years Worked: 2001, 2002, 2004
Hobbies: GS daycamp, GS encampment, GS resident camp, GS outdoor club, GS OGLAP, GS resident               camp, GS everything  else, play with church contemperay choir, teach church religion classes, help               with older youth classes, play oboe, play clarinet, try to learn flute, band in general, tennis, track,                      outdoor things, and you get it.
Favorite Colors: purple, pink, and blue
Favorite Places: Camp Greenwood, the outdoor wilderness, and my bedroom (my only own place)
Favorite GS Memory: well, there are so many!  I would have to pick my time I spent as a CIT I and a CIT II.
Good Qoute: I don't know, here is one I am going to make up.  "Never be afraid to do something you love
       because that fear will get you in the future." -me   "It is not what you see on the inside, but what is 
      inside the heart and soul" -also me
Anything Else: I live here in Richfield.  I am a senior in high school.  I am very different from others.  
      I love what I do and always try hard.  I love all of you and you are all great deep down in yourselves.
"K.S.," program specialist
Laura "Art" Konicek: Director
Jeanne Larson: Assistant Director
"Musique:" Program Director
Program Specialist
"Speedy:" Counselor Coordinator
"Genre:" Caddie Coordinator
to contact...
via e-mail:
via daycamp phone line:
       (507) 450-3407 
leave a message
Core Staff "Bios:"  (old ones from last year)
About the Woodlake Day Camp Staff:
As you may know, the day camps put on in the past three years have been put on "by girls, for girls," and have earned quite the reputation throughout our council.  Each year, our camp has a different theme.  These included "Around the World" in 2001, "Sports" in 2002, "Science" in 2003, and "The Arts" in 2004  Our theme this year is still undecided.

The camp will be held this summer, an undecided date.  We expect to host around 70 first through sixth grade campers. 
Seventh through twelfth graders run the camp and hold different positions depending on how many years' experience they have.  Positions include Girl Unit Assistant,Second Year Counselors, First Year Counselors, and Caddies. GUAs are in tenth through twelfth grade, and hold the most responsibility in the group.  Second year counselors are typically in ninth grade, and have two years of experience with the camp. First year counselors have one year of experience, and are usually in eighth grade.  Finally, caddies are in seventh grade and have no prior experience in leading a day camp. Adult volunteers supervise classroom activities during the camp.

All staff members can expect to develop leadership skills, make some great friends (both their own age and older), and have an overall rewarding experience.  Putting on a camp takes a lot of work, but is a ton of fun-just ask any of the caddies and counselors from last year!
  Staff Links    About the Staff     Registration     Pictures      Forms

Meet the Staff 2004:

wanna hear more about this
  year's caddies, counselors, and
  GUAs?  view group pictures and
  read their girl scout biographies

  **Core Staff Bios found below
Girl Scouts
Woodlake Service Unit
Summer Day Camp
?"Musique" Symons, program director

Past Camp Names: Pixi, Aussie, UFUR
Years Worked at Camp: 
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004
Hobbies (when not working on daycamp stuff):
Colorguard, writing, singing, playing my keyboard, playing my flute, reading, listening to music (I LOVE MUSIC!!), volunteering with girl scouts, participating in our school musical, BOWLING(!!!), spending time with my family, talking on the phone, hanging out with daycamp staff, and so much more.
Favorite Color: purple
Favorite Place: definitely daycamp, OBVIOUSLY! (haha)
Favorite GS Memory:
Spending the night of a dance with Troop 976
at Centennial’s playground eating ice cream and taking pictures….
that was a GREAT night…

Good Quote:
“Music is love, love is music, music is my life and I love my life”    
Anything Else:
Um…..I’m special? Naw…I’m blonde!
       PS: I’m a junior at Richfield High School and I have no life. Just kidding!!
               hee hee... she's sleeping
                                                                                                                                                                     in this picture!!!
"Genre," caddie coordinator

Old Camp Names: Alfalph, xipe and karate
Years Worked: 4th year at day camp
Hobbies: Colorguard, Band, Reading, listening to music, girl scouts, preparing for day camp,  having        fun w/my sister and friends (also anything with music)
Favorite Color(s): Blue, Black, yellow
Favorite Place(s): Florida, Marching Band and Day Camp
Favorite GS Memory: When my troop went to the hairdressers together it was fun
Favorite Quotes: "Music first, music last, music always." – AJ McLean,  “When life gives you a              lemon, ask for an orange.” – Nick Carter and “I became insane with long bouts of horrible                  sanity” Poe
Anything Else: I’m a freshman in high school. I live in Richfield. I’m  “special” and I act immature          and a little not smart and insane at times but people like me anyways.