Woodmont Civic Association

The Woodmont Civic Association is a neighborhood association located in Arlington, Virginia.


Thank you for your interest in joining the Woodmont Civic Association.  Dues are $10.00 per year.  The dues are used to support the activities of the association


  • a quarterly newsletter, delivered to each household
  • quarterly business, information, discussion meetings (third Thursday in January, April, July, October)
  • an email list providing alerts to items of current interest
  • a web site of current association information and links to relevant county information
  • directory when published (about every 2 years)


The dues year is the calendar year, January through December.



Please fill out this form and mail it, with $10.00, to


Steven Reighard, Treasurer

Woodmont Civic Association

2921 24th Street North

Arlington, VA 22207





Annual Dues:  $10.00


Name(s): ____________________________________________________


Street Address: ______________________________________________


Telephone:  _________________________________________________


Email Address:  ______________________________________________

(will be used only for Woodmont Civic Association business

and Arlington County emergency preparedness initiatives)