The Ottawa Medieval Sword Guild
Formed in 2002 the Ottawa Medieval Sword Guild defines itself as a Company of Men at Arms specializing in 14c armoured combat, and dedicated to the development and restoration of traditional western martial arts. Born from AEMMA, the guild still shares many similar training methods and principles and still maintains close ties with its parent group.  However, the OMSG is not a formal academy, but rather a forum for its members to gather, research, train and socialize in the ways of the medieval warrior.  Currently the groups main source of study is the manuscript "the Flower of Battle", written in 1409 by master Fiore dei Liberi.  In addition the guild also draws upon many other other historical sources to develop its skills in grappling, dagger, sword, spear, pollaxe, archery, and horsemanship. In keeping with its image of 14c men at Arms guild members also enjoy partaking in authentic medieval combat and actively seek out tournaments and venues to prove thier martial prowess.  Furthermore the guild is active in the community participating in educational demonstrations for area schools and the general public. 
OMSG website
Camping Weekend 2003
School Demo's 2003
Photo Archive