Woodstock Quilt Guild's Website
President - Kathy Boone (Sept 09)
Vice President - Betty Butler
Secretary - Theresa Stevenson
Treasurer - Trish Robinson
Registar - Linda MacAfee
Past President - Sandra Culberson
Webmistress-Darcy Anderson darcybrynn@yahoo.com
The Guild was established in the spring of 1999.  We meet the first Monday of each month at St. Gertudes Church Hall at 7 pm.  We currently have 50 members.  This year we are doing a block of the month,  continuing with Super Saturdays  The Guild also brings in instructors to teach classes and we have participated in the quilt show.  There are many levels of quilters, and we incourage you to join as well
Woodstock, New Brunswick, Canada

Meeting Dates 2008-2009

March 2
April 6
May 4
June 1
The Newsletters
Our retreat 2007
Library List
Pictures of all kind
Comfort projects
Kay's Quilt
Project Linus
You may contact the web mistress and guild member at wsnapo@hotmail.com