A Profile of

John D. Woodward, Jr.

Attorney at Law

John D. Woodward Jr. is an attorney who focuses on the legal, regulatory, and policy challenges of emerging technologies like biometrics. In May 2000, Mr. Woodward accepted a position as a Senior Policy Analyst at RAND Corporation, a private non-profit institution that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis. At RAND Corporation, he worked on national security, intelligence, and technology policy issues. He had previously served as a RAND consultant and co-authored RAND's study on U.S. Army biometric applications.

In October 2003, he assumed his current position as Director of the Department of Defense Biometrics Management Office under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act. In this position, he oversees many of the Defense Department's biometrics activities. Please visit www.biometrics.dod.mil to learn more.

Mr. Woodward lectures and writes regularly on the law and policy concerns of biometrics and other emerging technologies. In July 2004, he testified on biometrics before a subcommittee of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. His book on biometrics, Biometrics: Identity Assurance in the Information Age (McGraw Hill 2003), co-authored with Nicholas Orlans and Peter Higgins, has received favorable reviews and is used by several universities, including the U.S. Naval Academy. In March 2002, he testified before a congressional hearing on "Privacy vs. Security: Electronic Surveillance in the District of Columbia" held before the House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on the District of Columbia. In June 2000, he testified about biometrics before the congressionally-created Commission on Online Child Protection. In May 1998, he testified before a congressional hearing on "Biometrics and the Future of Money" held before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Banking and Financial Services, Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy.

He previously served as an Operations Officer for the Central Intelligence Agency for twelve years. Mr. Woodward's overseas assignments included tours in East Asia and East Africa. He speaks Japanese and Thai.

Mr. Woodward received his Juris Doctor degree magna cum laude from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. He was a Thouron Scholar at the London School of Economics, University of London, where he received his M.S. in Economics. He received his B.S. in Economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He served as a law clerk to the Hon. Roderick R. McKelvie, a U.S. District Court Judge in Wilmington, Delaware.

He belongs to the Virginia State Bar.

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