Car 54: Where You Are Going?

I approached a three-way intersection the other day and came to a stop. Without traffic lights the flow of vehicles depended upon each driver's understanding of road rules and the proper application of them. You know, any traffic that moves in these arrangements does so via the extension of common courtesies that each extends the other during the act of driving. But do not expect anything from Car 54.

In any event, at that stop sign the first move was mine. But Car 54 appeared to pre-empting my right to do so. In its rolling stop, it was going to cut across my path and continue in that direction. Poor soul had no more worries than someone driving a bumper car at a circus. Not wanting to play bumper car, I waited. I waited, as driving defensively one has to make sure of what Car 54, the other car, is doing even though (we'll blame it on the car) it sometimes doesn't know what it is doing. Likewise, one has to make sure where Car 54 is going, even though that car may not really know where it is going. In the spiritual sense, it is even more difficult. You cannot tell where a person is going by looking at them nor can you tell where they are going to end up.

Let's get back to the three-way stop. Car 54 didn't tell the people with whom it was interacting and whose safety depended upon it, where it was going. Once upon a time, by law we were obligated to indicate which way we were going through the use of turning signals, as they told other drivers what our course of action would be.

Christians more often than not do that very same thing. They, too do not reveal to those with whom they are interacting where they are going. It's almost as though they're keeping it a secret, even though there's eternal life at stake here. But if they do not engage their turning indicators to let others know that they have made a right turn from hell and are now on the road to heaven, how can anyone be sure? Because their direction has changed inside their heads, just like the operator of Car 54, who can see that? Car 54's turning signal might have come on in the driver's head, but I couldn't see it. When the human spiritual Car 54 changes direction, and that change remains inside the head, who can know it?

Many turn to Christ and do not indicate to anybody that they have made the right turn. Many Christians do not stop to explain about a change in direction. Friends and relatives conclude that they have lost their capacity to reason. Albeit, those who don't want to hear about Jesus don't mind flashing their turning signals loud and clear. It is true that they don't say they are going to hell; they just say don't bug me with your heaven stuff, and go to hell anyway.

And though this is a bit of a digression, the only place we have to run for our lives when crossing a street is at a crosswalk. Where rules of the road are to be followed, sometimes its only the beginners who follow them. All in all, it's just another indicator of just how many Car 54's there are out there. By the way, are you a Car 54? A spiritual one? If you are a spiritual Car 54 and don't know where you are going, you might have fallen for that phoney detour sign and became totally lost. Perhaps religion jumped in front of your car and frightened you away from the truth. Today, if you don't know Jesus as the way, the truth and the life, (John 14:6) you are at a three-way stop. If you continue on your same road, the flashing red light up ahead is not a neon smartie.

That people on their way to heaven do not tell you about Jesus is tantamount to not waking people up from their sleep when their house is on fire. If Jesus is not your Saviour, trade in that old Car 54 for Jesus and more. Believe on him today as this message could be the turning signal which shows you that there is a right direction. If you go to church, go with Christ in your heart and don't let religion jump in front of your car. Let nothing stand between you and your salvation. Remember it is Jesus who saves, no one else. None get to the father except by Him. Whoever you are and whatever you do, wherever you go on Sunday morning or wherever you do not go, once you accept Jesus as Lord and saviour, no one on this earth can take it away from you. Remember, only Jesus can lift your Car 54 out of that rush hour traffic to hell. Ask him today.
