Moth and Fire

Of the six billion people on the planet, some one billion call themselves Christians. In accordance with John 8:12, these people have "the light of life." In order to possess that light, Jesus said earlier in that same verse, "I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life." Following Jesus gives one that "light of life." Thus all who have the light live as "children of the light" (John 12:36). Leading the way, John the Baptist came to "bear witness of the Light (Jesus). That was the true Light" (John 1:9). Five out of six people in the world have not received the light of Christ. What about you?

Of course, another type of light exists: false light. 2 Corinthians 11:14 says, "...Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light...therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness..." Which light have you been foolowing? Five out of six people somehow or another have some affinity for the false light. Like moths drawn to any type of light, many of these moths are reasoning moths: they may be among some who have made a conscious decision and elected not to follow the light of Christ. Sometimes the choice made resembles one that a Burmese man made some time after the first missionary landed there. As it occurred, he decided against receiving Christ as he did not want to be in heaven without his friends, family, and loved ones. As spiritual kamikazes, sometimes unbeknownst to themselves, five out of six human moths dive bomb into eternal flames, sufficiently mislead to the point of enjoying doing so.

We wonder why the moth feeds the fire with its delicate wings and body, all of which causes the falme to grow in proportion to that consumed energy. That they do go to the flame defies reason. Meanwhile, God looks at mankind in the same way as we study the moth. Drawn to a light which will destroy it, the moth proceeds to its destruction like much of mankind as it is likewise drawn to the false light of Satan toward eternal destruction. Perhaps as spiritual moths entranced by their own beauty, many fly into the two-way mirror of eternity, unable to see the enemy behind. Being blinded by the false light can change, however, as 2 Corinthians 3:16 says, "Whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away." Then, and then alone will one understand his rescue from the fire.

Although majorities win elections, and although five out of every six people are non believers, no majority can change the truth into a lie. Jesus makes it clear when he says, " man comes unto the Father, but by me." The false light that says all is well leads billions to hell, while the true Light says change your path away from God's wrath. One is the light of eternal death while the other is the light of eternal life. Choose yours.
