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By Vickey Stamps © 6-7-04

It has been the greatest ‘Marathon Of Sports’ even presented to mankind. All the events save one have been completed and the winners rewarded according to the policy of the officials that had organized the gathering. Now it was time for the main event, which would finish up everything else. It would be a race that carried the highest reward of all.

All mankind had been mandated to take part in this event. So from all countries and cultures upon the earth, lined up East to West and West to East they stood and waited for the race to begin. The participants were so heavy in number they stood in long rows north to South and South to north further then any human eye could see. At one end were the elderly and infirm, some in wheel chairs, walkers and with a walking stick or cane. Some were blinded, deaf or full of physical and mental pain. Some were young and healthy, fit for running any normal race; some were children who would walk beside a parent or parents. These parents would be praying that nothing in the race would stop their children from that final destination. Some babies would be carried in the arms or womb of their mother. Many of these forging onward to the finish line, would send prayers for strength to endure. These would flow to the heavens and then settle down like a thick and silky carpet for those that followed behind to tread upon, that their steps might be less difficult.

The elderly and infirm steadfast and with the promise of divine guidance would make their way forward. Cast away would soon be~~ the wheelchairs, walkers and cane. No longer would those filled with pain, who had been suffering nearly beyond endurance feel that pain, but would be lifted from that state of being.

Ahead of all would be the old man down the street, first to break the ribbon of the finishing line, and gain entrance into that world of wonder, that great reward promised to those that persevered.

Along the vertical path and on each side of the terrain before them, stood angels, millions upon millions and more. To the right I thought I saw my parents and I waved. To the left were other family members and friends who had made a similar but earlier race toward and to this same ending point. Oh, indeed the angels were so enthusiastic as they lined the road. They jumped up and down, shouting out words of cheer and inspiration to those who continued to travel. Angels with wings jostled against each other, before folding their wings to make room for their fellow angel.

In the grandstand beyond and above formed much like a cross, came the humming of a harp and the blast of a trumpet. The Race had begun.

Having health problems not yet released to my Great Physician for his care and treatment, I found myself soon far behind. I plodded on however in faith. I did began to feel quite alone, The movements of the others on this journey and the cheering on of the angels became like a distant shadow to me.

The end was near, but now darkness from a storm had come along. Rain, thunder and lightening had brought down trees and their branches across the path I traveled. Over and around them I went. Mud lay thick upon the ground and held me heavier in all the mire which lay mixed with it. The cleats of my worldly and expensive athletic shoes no longer helped to grip the path and ease my steps, but instead stopped me now. I was stuck. I could not move nor take another single step, not even half a step could I make. Heaven and its ribbons were in sight just three hundred foot away. I could see the lights and sense the jewels that marked its streets. Jesus sat with those who’d gone before me and His arms were opened wide to receive them. Again the angels cheered with a mighty resounding roar as each was received into the Kingdom. Such excitement for them but such fear for me. Here I stood trapped in that mud and mire just three hundred foot from the finish line.

“Lord! Hear me!” I called and the sound of all the angels stopped as if struck dumb at my audacity to interrupt the happiness of the winners of the race as I dared to challenge and distract my Lord.

“I have traveled far. I’ve nearly been drowned in this terrible weather. My road has been rough but I have kept on. Now I can go no longer and must depend upon your promises from the Holy Bible. You talked of faith and grace to see me through. You offered me a welcome were I weak and burdened. I claim those promises now. They are mine. Hear me, Lord!”

Where Jesus had been sitting and rejoicing, he now stood. His head turned toward me and looked upon me from those three hundred foot away. I could have sworn He smiled and replied “So was it written”. As in what could have been but the winking of an eye, I found myself lifted up from my imprisionment there in that final path through life. I was placed on hallowed ground and held fast in the arms of my Lord!”

What is this? The alarm has gone off from the clock ticking loudly beside my head. Was this but a dream? I slipped my feet across the bed and down onto the floor. Taking a deep breath I stood, prepared to go down the hall and into the kitchen to get that first warm drink of the day. But wait! What is that I hear behind me in the room that I have left? Is that the sound of angels wings fluttering as they jostle about, jumping up and down in excitement. Are they cheering me on as I step forward into another day. Is God’s final race to begin this day and are my steps to him just three hundred foot away?

“Come to me, all ye that labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-29

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith~~and this not from yourselves. It is the gift of God~~Not by works so no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10

For God so loved the world He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

(All References are from the New International version of the Holy Bible)