
A little girl was born. Born into a home with both a mom and a dad. Her own bed, her own toys. She was safe and warm. Her name was Eve.

As Eve grew up, she questioned life. Why was she here? What was her purpose? Her mother never could tell her what life was all about. Her friends didn't know either. She observed and listened to people and their views on life. How they treated each other and how they treated themselves. Eve didn't think she belonged here. Didn't feel like she fit in.

Living her days with the rules and social entanglements everyone threw at her. If you did everything right, that meant you were a good person. When you made a mistake, you were a bad person.

Still she questions, what is this nonsense? What is the point? Why am I here?

Life moved Eve into adulthood. All of her questions still unanswered. Now people say she's reached maturity.

A first child is born. As does the wonder and miracle of life. She cannot tell her children what life's all about. They, like her, are like her mother. Unknowing and lost. Eve pursues answers from everyone. They all have a perfect answer. All pointing in the same direction, different location. A second child and third. The essence of motherhood and creation coming full force. Eve wonders how time has escaped her so long. Yet still she's bewildered in life.

Motion in life takes her. She finds no answers or satisfaction anymore in the mundane shopping and cleaning. Looking, searching, yet no answers.

Her children becoming mothers. Their mother becoming a grandmother. And she feels hollow. Eve feels, she hasn't fulfilled her purpose in life.

Many years later, Eve reflects in a mirror. She is 87 yrs. Old. She shrugs at her questions any more. Eve knows the answers have come too late. After months of illness and health problems, her daughter by her side asks her, "Mother, what can I do to make you happy and comfortable?". Eve regrettably answers, "I don't know.". She slips away. Eve has finished.

***Eve is life. She'd been looking for answers about life, yet the answers lie in the life she led. Eve didn't know what was important to her. If only she would have looked within herself. Journeyed inside and discovered her wants, needs, and desires. She would have lived knowing the truth. Her children could have lived knowing the truth. Her legacy will continue.

Stephanie Brown 2000