Workers On The Go
Greetings .... Are you a Camp Host, Work Camper or would you just like to learn more about this lifestyle?  My husband and I are full-time RVers who are also Work Campers.  We have done a lot of research into this lifestyle both from the aspect of living in an RV full-time to what kind of jobs are available to Work Campers.  We have been RVers since the early 1970's.  We have owned or had access to every kind of RV having started out with a camping trailer as they were called back then.  Most of our camping and traveling have been around  fishing.  Besides fishing we like to travel to interesting places like National Parks.  There are so many National Parks that we might not see all of them.  As you have probably found out this is an addictive lifestyle, but I am not sure which it is ... the camping or the traveling.  It started out as a weekend thing, then a weeks vacation, then a two week vacation.  Every three day weekend and every holiday  until finally we didn't want to come home.

So now you know how it started ....
There are a lot of rewards possible in this this lifestyle but there are also some drawbacks.  When you begin telling your friends, family and coworkers about your plans, they are not going to understand.  We found that the ones that were positive and supportive lacked compassion so there is always a feeling of isolation.  But one consulation is that you will meet  a lot of new people, other full-timers and work campers and there will be life long friendships that will develop..

Here are a few links to other Work Camping Couples.

Happy Trails
Work of Work Campers
The Clarks
The Rolling Home