The Alskyrian History


Year Event Description
3147 ~ Earth Time - Left Earth - The President evicted the 2000+ original Alskyrian settlers from Earth.
3201 ~ Earth Time - Landed - After 54 years of travel, the hyper-sleep passengers woke and the crew members landed the ship roughly on the new planet. The flying mechanisms on the Ship were totaled in the crash, but everything inside the ship was left unharmed.
1 ~ Alskyrian Time - New World - The same year they landed, they counted it as year 1 on the new planet.
2 ~ Alskyrian Time - First True Spotting
- Building
- The beginning of the 2nd year the first dragons were spotted by young children.
- The human settlers had withstood the elements, and now was high time to build some proper living facilities. This was done at this time, the small villages surrounding the crashed ship - the center of their entire technology.
3 ~ Alskyrian Time - ATTACK - Spring of the 3rd year, the settlers were attacked by the migrating Ants. Saved by Dragons and Gryphons; so named for their appearance and resemblance to Earth mythology.
4 ~ Alskyrian Time - Spreading Out
- Building
- During the Attack of the 3rd year all the residents left for places they hoped to be uninhabited by Ants or the strange plants that seemed to choke all other life. By the 4th year, the move was complete, and the world's islands were populated loosely.
- The islands were colonized as much as possible, new buildings crafted, and everyone settled in. Communication was kept by the technology, each major House having their own communication level to keep contact with others through video communications and radio signals.
6 ~ Alskyrian Time - Island Inhabitation - Near the ?? of this year Tol-eressëa Island had been inhabited.
7 ~ Alskyrian Time - First Bonding
- First Caers
- After being saved from the large creatures named Dragons and Gryphons many times throughout the year, the human children decided to find the homes of these creatures. The dragons were the first to accept a human into the premises, and during a Hatching. The first dragoners bonded and found their lifemates at that clutch.
- The adults of the newly bonded dragoners were afraid for their children, and tried their hardest to convince their young ones to leave behind the large beasts and come back home. However, this was not to be, and the rebellious young teenagers created the first Caers across the planet with the help of the wild dragons.

- The first Caers across the planet included: Caer Talor Cliff, Life's Breath Caer, Caer Catena
8 ~ Alskyrian Time - Second Bonding
- Politics
- First Aeries
- New Caer
- Discovery
- Gryphons, after much watching and discussion, also allowed humans into the high Aeries, and gave them a chance to Bond. This Bonding was also successful, and the world's first gryphoners were paired.
- The gryphoners now enlisted the help of the established Caers to help out with their breaking into the political world of Caers and Houses. The first Aeries started springing up close to Caers for this purpose and coexistence between the two creatures.
- The first Aeries across the planet included: Shadow's Life Aerie
- Near the ?? of this year Caer Tol-eressëa had been founded on Tol-eressëa Island.
- Fralamar are discovered on Tol-eressëa Island in Marbethil Valley.
?? ~ Alskyrian Time - New Caer/Aerie - Near the ?? of this year [NAME] had been founded near/on [WHAT]
14 ~ Alskyrian Time - New Aerie - Near the middle of this year Furtim Aerie had been founded near Caer Talor Cliff.
27 ~ Alskyrian Time - Change
- Loss
- Near the ?? of this year Tol-eressëa Island had been renamed Lantir-setia.
- The Fralamaraz disappear unexpectedly.
57 ~ Alskyrian Time - Abandonment
- Change
- Near the ?? of this year Caer Tol-eressëa had been abandoned.
- Due to the Caer's abandonment, gryphons remained the island's only defence. The humans inhabiting the island revert to medieval ways to prosper.
320 ~ Alskyrian Time - Island Inhabitation - Near the ?? of this year Paniya Island is colonized by largely Kenyan-appearing people. They take up residence on the huge savannah-plain in central Paniya, hunting and growing coffee, mostly. Some use fitharin to transport goods to the coast, though most use skirr. Those who live more on the coasts keeping up trade routes also fish and use sea nettle spines to catch larger fish.
331 ~ Alskyrian Time - Gain - Near the ?? of this year large amounts of coffee are exported by the coastal population of Paniya Island, and in trade give the inlanders fine tiburon-skin leather and alis-gryph eggs.
331 ~ Alskyrian Time - Bonding - Near the ?? of this year gryphons are bonded by a scattered few inhabitants of Paniya Island, mainly among the cheetah-gryph population. One or two bond to the vulture-hyena gryphs and are known as outcasts among their people. 
360 ~ Alskyrian Time - New Aerie - Near the ?? of this year, N'someka Aerie had been named and founded on Paniya Island.
560 ~ Alskyrian Time - New Caer
- New Aerie
- Near the beginning of this year Caer Brynmor had been founded on Oros Mountain.
- Also near the beginning of this year, Aerie Glyndwr had been founded on Oros Mountain.
562 ~ Alskyrian Time - Sea Spotting
- First Sea Dragon Bonding
- First Coves
- Outside Caer Catena, humans were attacked by a sudden and unexpected migration of Ants, and those that escaped were herded into the water. Sea dragons came to the rescue to those humans, deciding after hundreds of years of hiding, and watching, to break the tradition and speak with the humans.
- After having displeased the elders, all the young sea dragons, especially the young mothers, brought humans to try their hands at bonding. The first Bonding was recorded at Catena, in which during the Sea dragons saving the humans, the sea dragons also searched them out for their empathy. Many of those saved young men and women were the chosen ones of the new dragonlings, and they founded the first Coves.
- The first Coves across the planet included: Catena Cove, Ocean Star Cove
563 ~ Alskyrian Time - New Cove - Near the end of this year Cove Lachlan had been founded near Caer Brynmor and Aerie Glyndwr
564 ~ Alskyrian Time - New Cove - Near the beginning of this year Grey Tide Cove had been founded near Life's Breath Caer and Shadow's Life Aerie
566 ~ Alskyrian Time - Gain - Near the ?? of this year Caer Tol-eressëa and Marbethil Valley had been repopulated. Estel and Alynn return to Marbethil.
56? ~ Alskyrian Time - New Caer - Near the ?? of this year Caer Paniya had been founded near/on ??
568 ~ Alskyrian Time - New Cove
- New Cove
- Near the end of this year Altus Cove had been founded near Caer Talor Cliff and Furtim Aerie.
Near the ?? of the year Tavrobel Cove has been founded near Tavrobel Harbor and on the Lantir-setia Island.

Written Stories of Alskyrian History

Exile to Stranded (Mass perspective)
Exile to Stranded (Pilot perspective)
Stranded to Bonded
Discovery of the Sea Dragons
Discovery of Fralamaraz in Marbethil

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