Midnight Dragon's

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The world of Tear is unlike any other you've ever been to. Its host to very few well known races and clans. A gathering of wanders from other realm, from other times, and from other exsistances is what Tear is composed of. A world of wandering worlds. It is a place to call home.

Its lavish landscape is host to many rare and unseen oddities, such as mountains that fly, rivers that end into deserts, trees that walk, barren dunes coming to forests in a matter of days. Its great moutains soar into the stratosphere touching the Gods themselves. Its caves run through the planet. Their internal winds echoing the breath of the planet.

There are even places where one can see only the night and the stars dancing in the heavens. And places that time stops all together. But along with its beauty comes a price...

For More History of Tear Click Here

Age minimum: 17 years old

To Join: This is a privite game. To join simply write an e-mail to seaofstars1@hotmail.com or TerraDraconis@hotmail.com to get instructions on an interview prior to the game. There you will be given thumbs up or thumbs down as well as instructed on where and when the games are hosted each night in TalkCity.com.

Tear is a privite role playing environment for individual players, chat clans, and guilds who have lost their way in their world or, in many cases, their world has lost way with them. This brings you to Tear, that is why you've come. Tear is hosted by TalkCity.com in their chat rooms. Each clan or guild within the realm of Tear may have its own channel within talkcity. You may have already met with members of a guild or clan if you frequent TalkCity's chat rooms. All clans MUST apply to the ranking system within Tear.

We accept only the best.

Individual players will not be required to have a Bio of their character until the third trial day of playing within Tear RPG. After that time is up they will be approached by one or all of our staff and asked if they would like to become a permanant member in Tear. If they accept they will be givin passage to the Tear message board as well as be required to create a Bio for their character. The Gaurdians, Gods, and Players within Tear will gladly aid them in creating a Bio. As well, it should be noted that if by the third day a player doesnt wish to join Tear as a member that they will not be allowed to enter Tear again until a desicion is declared.

Please note that no player is required to join a clan, tribe, or guild.

Each guild or clan room may have its own singular rules, however, if they are part of Tear they apply by world rules over clan or guild rules. So long as they apply by these rules a clan or guild is almost always accepted into Tear. After you are accepted, your home page for your clan or guild will be added in the Members of Tear. Also a clan will only be recognized if it has 10 or more members within Tear. Mail the application of your clan and their home page to seaofstars1@hotmail.com. Clans ARE required to have a home page AND a roster with current e-mail addresses of its members for reason of contact.

Click Here For Rules & Ranks Of Tear

Click Here For Clans Within Tear

Note: this is a NEW world and is under heavy construction. Imput is always welcomed. Midnight_Dragon2000@excite.com or TerraDraconis@excite.com

Special Thanks To:

  • Kurtis (Orthilox)

  • Jen (Terra Draconis)

  • Jonathan (Midnight Dragon)

  • Joseph (Vectar Omega Zurasa)

  • Don (Naekith)

  • Bobby (Loki)
  • GeoCities.com

And all the rest of our players!
Without them, none of this was possible.