Lust or rage are signs indicating the avoidance of the individual concerned, this occurs when there is an imbalance in the individuals physiology, such that a healthy person will be the physical make-up of equanamity, but when impassioned with the two vital passions in terms of violence being lust and rage, an individual noticing this impassioned state in an individual is given forewarning to avoid. Such that ones own physiology is going to be serving as an indicator to the preservation of ones spieces. One will give warning signs to an individual that the species is better preserved by avoiding the individual with this tell-tale sign about their emotional state, such that the essential data is presented: the classical red devil. 21.10 One would have a preference for an amorous desire that points in the direction of successful procreation rather than the many relations possible that are not necessarily going to be procreative. 17.10 The Second Coming doesn't have to be the physical manifestation / incarnation of Christ himself, but a person on earth already who may fully embody the spirituality such that the spirit of the most exacting personality of any such being such as a Christ or a superb incredible being fully is embodied in a human being such that that human being is to all intents and purposes the Christ or Christ, or we become introduced to such a concept as Christ through such a person on earth becoming fully embodied with any such type of spirit called Christ. The Lord as such is here again: captain of 50, man of rank, all in one person. 21.10 There are four comings: the first which is ejaculate; the second which is obviously related to the phenomenom of the first coming of Jesus Christ, and of course the expected Second Coming of Jesus Christ; then there is another phenomenom of a coming that is related to ejaculate, where sexually, you can be not so much as aroused, but it is to do with sexual attraction, where it's more a case of becoming fully present in your body, and knowing of your feelings for a person. Here you come down from where ever it is you're residing, your spirit comes into your body fully: if your spirit is the other side of the world thinking about some activity or your spirit is somewhere in the past thinking about some activity or the future, in fact at a particular moment your spirit that is all of your 'self' becomes into your body, where your body is there and then, and you are fully present in your body. A coming into your body. There is as such one coming which is to have an orgasm, an ecstatic experience, and another which is the precurser to a relationship where you come down into your body and then set off from there. October You are in heaven in that you carry your heaven around with you while others are invariably in different heavenly states. Some are even in hell as you walk around, and as you sit in your room some are in hell while you are in heaven. Indeed, in their hellish states they may even attempt to influence your heavenly state. But even in heaven, one practices self defence, suggesting even in our earthly states we are absolutely in heaven while absolutely in an apparent hell where we're struggling to defend ourselves and to live in heaven. As such, heaven is a case of struggling against the draw of hell to remain in heaven forever. Heaven and hell are the same but for struggling to remain in one rather than the other. Even though I'm on earth a practical hell, that practical hell is to all intents and purposes heaven, because what we're going to be doing in heaven is what we're doing on earth, the only difference being that our earthly state becomes better and better. And while we'll be in heaven living an exalted life, and defending ourselves as we go through our heavenly lives, in fact while that's what we do here on earth, the two are a single continuum; the two are combined. While we view for the most part a hellish state on earth, it's up to us to make things better and better to seem more the heavenly state that is in fact here and now. Heaven is here and now. You really must be on your guard at all times for notwithstanding the multitude of your good deeds, you are no more than the colour of your skin, the height of your stature, the plentitude of your hair, the shape of your girth; you'll be looked upon as no more than these so called traits - even your accent. When that persons time has arrived, that is all you shall be perceived as, the case being, be on your guard to such an extent. 06.11.07 My gambit is, in order to succeed in life, the first thing one doesn't do to proceed in successive steps is put pistol to temple and blow brains out! As such, having not done that, that's the very first step towards success's in life, then there are further steps. 06.11.07 The Lord arives on earth and he makes an announcement via loud speaker or internet or radio or television and he goes. "People of earth you have a certain amount of type to send all of your things to me; kow-tow; bow. Thereafter worship __ as the ____ your G__, other wise prepare meet your maker! The people reply, "Well how long have we got?" The ____ says, "The sooner you make it snappy, the more things go well for you!" 09.11.07 So you come from heaven. You also carry your grail around with you and any territory that you have to control, as is the situation with your accomodation, wherein is that heavenly experience. 09.11.07 Winter is a time for introversion indulgence. You would as soon wake up in the sandy climes of paradise, the way the animals disappear to hibernate until summer. Summer is the opposite to winter - as it were the revealing of our situation - a nightmare from which we are pleased to be awakening. In winter you breathe through your chest; in summer you breathe through your abdomen to rebalance through lowering your sense of self away from the sun giving exitation to your uppermost body. 09.11.07 Another day, another end to another not particularly interesting day. It's wet outside, dark, the street lights are on. Cars are rushing by at this time of the evening, it's probably about 8.30. A couple of drinkers in the pub across the road and it's cold outside; it's wet outside. It's not raining; it was raining, it's stopped raining, and it's all wet outside, and not the only thing that awaits me is bed. I'm not going out, I'm not a night owl am I? Well, thats the day through, I'm not going out, the only thing that therefore awaits me is bed. It's November time, it's not particularly warm in any shape or form, BUT I'm at home. Now shall I switch on the radiator, the DVD, the TV. the PC, the internet, cable, playstation, mobile? Would I rather the warmth of the bahamas than this cold, dark, wet? Shall I book a plane, but I can't afford it. Shall I just get in bed and forget it? I can suffer the cold as the cars rush by, and the only thing for me to look forward to is bed and dream. In bed it's warm, and dreams are jolly jolly good fun. Are they ever not? The reason I get in bed is becuase there is no life. It's not nurturing of life. And to escape from death would be the light switch, the DVD the radiator. The bed perchance to dream? It is horrible outside. Summer is lovely, nurturing of life, baking. Winter presently is nurturing of anything but life. On one hand we have the beauty of summer, on the other, we have the death of winter. Right now, let's be clear, it is very, very not nice. Why would it be nice? Is it because it's just the other side of the coin and we have summer to look forward to or even our bed. It is a miserable existence. But the illusion of bright lights, heat, tele, computer, DVD etc makes it telerable. Without these it is wet, cold dark and then we may really have to consider exactly what it is outside, and we must escape through sleep. Outside is not just winter it is death. Winter turns up and it says who am I? You're the flip side of summer? Oh no, summer is life, vitality joy, and when you winter turn up it freaks me out. Sleep, escape. When you appear, I just want to escape. Winter, me na check fi yo. And how do we escape? By switching on the light, the satalite? Or even better, by going to sleep. Escape to where? To sleep of course, but hopefully not to the same place as here. So where do we go when we attempt to escape from here? It's going to be a retrogression from hell isn't it? So we have the morning which is grey cloud. A perpetual night, perpetual misery. So we burn fossil fuels, things become brighter. Then finally we try to escape through our night. We want to wake up in the summer. This death of winter is killing our spirit and it doesn't draw us into the environment. Being wrapped up in a blanket is gravitating towards the lovely summer land of sleep. Going towards bed to snuggle up in blankets is surely a retrogression from the cold of winter Why us dream land necessarily going to be better than here? When we sleep, how do we send ourselves to heaven rather than hell? You surely don't sleep on a bed of nails. You will have sweeter dreams if it's is not a bed of nails - if of course we have the choice. This iis as a dream, and being asleep is wakedness. Why must I continually return to this darkness? And yet I return as if I embrace it. This death doesn't invite me to procreate; it invites me to stop. When it appears I preferably get into bed and I stay there. I hibernate. I thrive in summer. I expire in winter.** **I thrive in summer I expire in winter - I don't need it. Summer is life, and winter is death. Why can I not stay in summer? Why don't I go to Africa for ever? The answer is, it's not the country, it is spirituality. Spirituality is inextricably connect with the weather. And how do you create your spirituality so that you remain in summer? How do I stay in summer without returning to winter? To bed, accross the street to the Amsterdam gay bar, sauna, hotel on a corner, itself next door by being on another road to the trendy night club Audio - formerly called in my youth, The Escape. Spiritual growth for the ordinary man in the street is in fact spiritual consiousness where you're actively cultivating heading towards more and more comfort rather than not actively heading towards more and more comfort which is subjection to random discomfort. A reliable science of a good life, rather than leave it to chance. I want to put my belly on your belly; my lips to your lips; my face to your smiling face, soft skin, gentle features; occasionally I remember it is only you I l---, the only one I can imagine loving; who fits in my life. You're the only one who is in my life. Some times when the suns golden rays shine into my cold appartment creating a golden aura, your love right in front of me, it is undeniable there is no one in the world I can ever love but you. You inspire my most excellent posture. I can but offer only the best of my transportation that you are conveyed to the most beautiful experience at my disposal. The fact is I am humbled by the love I feel you have for me. I praise G--23.12.07 There you are, plain Jane; for over a year you've been working accross the road, not thoroughly attractive, but lets consider some acceptable standards such as slim, perfect height, youth - 22? to my 43. You're healthy too, you look well, and your occupation keeps you fit as you work away enerstly in your humble job. You must be doing something right in your lifestyle for you always approach the better side of the glow of health. You are reliable, every day you turn up, on the dot, you wave your arms, you carry bags and disappear to return the next day to resume your work as if happily. Your presence not the once offensive over a year and a half, I'm becoming accustomed to, even finding pleasant; on occasion, charming. Now, sweeter each day I feel moved. Such a faithful maid quitely about her classical duties classically pulls the heart strings of one upwardly mobile like myself, to sweep you away, rescue you from the distress of your lowly situation and to properly regard the beauty if not of your face or body in particular, but of your faithfullness, receiving just reward. 24 There's no shame in throwing food away if necessary, rather than a satisfactory rinse. 24 A car is the physical represention of the devastation to nature in order to bring about its creation. It is a powerful assistant in the destrution of the world or an even more powerful tool in the establishing of the new heaven and new earth. What is the point in this life, when the stongest happily continue their agenda, with the weak apparently unconcerned regarding their plight? Grey skies, paved concrete boring faces and statures of giants about equally uninteresting pursuits. So there is beautiful music occasionally, and I mean genius, but ugliness aside, while life with perversion of natures garden appears all there is, in our experience, once in a while we come across true beauty, a reminder existence, with its mysteries is all worth while. 02.01.08 You rest with roof over head, inexpensive bedding on a single sleeper. Your curtains are drawn in the winter of your council accomodation, paid for by state benefit; fortuitously you have your pc, no landline as yet, choice mobile, and other necessary lifestyle gadgets. Everything looks promising even while not far off as just a couple of years ago, your bed was 'the bench', alternatively concrete floor in any local car park. Dusty, you became accustomed, and convulsed with shock as a patient when escorted to the local secure unit. Rough to not so rough sleeper, you await the resolving of your lifestyle turmoil. King Lears inablility to stop the waves was proof that he was not omnipotent like God or a god. Brighton is a typically happy place because people will come from afar for a clear view of sun, and opportunity to walk into the sea. They will gaze, and listen to the sound of the waves with everyone else. Like the local park, but in fact applying to the whole city. A hedonistic town by nature. A couple sunday afternoon they walk, middle-aged, relaxed appearing, secure. Wherefore? around them is glock coompared with africa towards whom it is pointed. Wherein the security? glock strength. Lucid enunciation crisp diction cut glass accent: eloquent. Metrosexual is a neologism generally applied to heterosexual men with a strong concern for their appearance. For example, they may have eyebrows waxed, fingers manicured, facials etc. procedures which are generally eschewed by the average male. The metro- (mother[1]) prefix indicates this man's purely urban lifestyle, while the -sexual suffix comes from "heterosexual," meaning that this man, although he is usually straight, embodies a heightened aesthetic sense often stereotypically attributed to gay men. The pure concept of Christ lives on through the trials and tribulations. It was pure Christ then, and it has not been discredited. A successful messenger (from Christ) with the word: Christ. So it was that early Africans led a diaspora that eventuated in the modern day Nordic appearing Europeans. My suggestion is that, such an appearance is simply part of the possibility of human development, and as such, if you give this some thought, if generations of ones own family, no matter where one is from, had also continued this migration, you should also have inherited the same genetic traits as continuing the bloodline. African became Nordic; African is at the heart of Nordic. Modern day Africans, had remained on the continent instead of joining the diaspora. They had declined to undergo the physical transformation, while some of their family went. Some remained as they were, while others changed. Physically. What remained similar for both was spirituality. For certain, the influence of the physical appearance had its effect on the phsyche of both 'tribes' without this necessarily having to be excellent. To give this more definition, it could merely have been an idolatrous successful claim to supremacy, without the means to maintain that true worthiness would. Effectively, some of our brothers and sisters have achieved an appearance that may be part of their appearance of global success, while true success is not based on physical appearance, but on spirituality (for those in the know!). So it is we have some people walking about today falsely presenting the impression of the transformation, that is our inheritance only in the next spiritual evolutionary stage. While others, in their present physical state are faithfully ambling along the path of spiritual development and their inner spiritual appearance. Clearly, a case if ever their was, of white being black and vice versa. For some, the transformation is physical, while they remain at the same spiritual stage as when they began the migration. As such for some, there may be mountains to traverse, and seas to swim fast, in order to deliver themselves from the hole they are digging for themselves. They are effectively stealing from themselves, and may have an awesome debt to consider, just when the are least able, with very slim possiblities of extrication. 31.07 While us vegans do well for exploiting, for some of us not even honey bees, but derive syrupy sweetness from such sources as Lyles Golden syrup in our cooking, I have been thinking for some years now, that our true consumption behaviour is supposed to be similar to wild animals, none of whom cook, with the exception of, for instance, the practice of spiders, to embalm their prey, until they are ready for their meal. We are instead meant to arrive at vegetables, pick, and eat. The storing creates anxiety, through fear of theft; the food preparation unnecessarily takes it's wear on the negotiation of our bodies through our lives; the cooking depletes the earths resources, while simultaneously polluting the environment; and all of this is the present culture, on account of our inability to get on with each other. The vegan foods may well need heating to remove the harmful side effects of the possibities of modern contamination, or for other normally inedible foods to also be edible, where under perfect conditions, only what is effortlessly edible would be in abundance. This method is the optimal use of our enery, leading to the efficiency of spiritual development as befits developing aspirants. By way of this process we live more in harmony with out enviroment, which means, we don't tend to destroy it, and ourselves. We proceed along a path of eternity, rather than the finite path of death. We become as immortals, more and more spiritual. Our living experience is more and more spiritual, and this is to say life in all its creative wonder is more enjoyable. Our hand reaches out to pick a fruit with the expectation of when it is to be consumed. The minimalistic vibrations from out body generate communications into our enviroment serving to further cultivate our future nourishment, or stymy it. It is a cumulative cycle. Alternatively, we remain in the present, rather than switching off until the time we expect to eat it. All our life becomes focussed into that singular moment, intead of generating multiple permutations to the ordinary activity of feeding. We are subsequently able to appreciate every little thing about that experience, with the effect of assisting even for that moment our spiritual development. This is what we're missing, with our modern cuisine, highly dependent on processing our food before consumption, that we need to begin, indeed via veganism to, throw off, in preparation for the proper way, as we approach the next stage, which will receive us as not completely alien to the culture. Your skin becomes more and more beautiful. Your spirituality and physical self becomes more excellent. You achieve optimal human functioning. You begin to truly fly, as the classical angels.