Fly Insects Mosq.

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Mosquitoes, fleas, gnat's, maggots, ants, moths, fly's, wasps, yellow jackets, meat bees, honey bees, hornets, ticks, chiggers, spiders, no see-ums, etc, etc..... They can make a camping trip miserable.

If you find them at home, be assured you will find them in your camp. Most likely more of them, too. Then again, you may not find them at all.

When picking out a campground or campsite, try to stay far away from thick bushy woods, deep grass, stagnant ponds, out houses, garbage dumpsters and anything you think may attract the little creatures. This also goes along with keeping your campsite clean of food crumb or drink spills. Closed or dispose of garbage. Pop cans are big with insects because they are left usually sitting around while you slowly drink it. Be sure to always check inside before slugging down a gulp.

There are many things you can purchase to help cut down on, but not eliminate these pests and here are just a few:
Mosquito coils, body spray repellant, repellant lotion, citronella candles, and repellant sprays for your cloths, the less useful perimeter bug sprays and a whole lot more. You are going to have to decide what works best for you. We have found that there is nothing that repels everything. The mosquitoes bother us the most. Therefore, what we will do prier to setting up camp is to spray a bug killer under and around the table, bear box and anywhere we see fit. Then we set up the tents to give the sprayed areas a chance to air out. It is a good idea to then wash the areas where food will be stored or used. Then at night or anytime we feel the need to, we will light a couple of mosquito coils and/or citronella candles upwind of our campsite. We also we will place one in front of the tent doors. When sitting down to eat, one will be moved to the table either under or near to it upwind. Besides that, we will also use spray repellant or lotion on each member of our party. This is a backup to the coils and/or candle, incase a mosquitoes gets to you anyway. Again nothing will eliminate all, but coils and/or candle do seem to help cut down on them.


When buying a tent be sure it has insect screens on all doors and windows. Other things you can buy are screened dinning canopies. For the person who wants extra protection, there are bug suits and head nets.
Okay, you have used everything and still been stung or munched on. For this, you can purchase Sting Eze, Afterbite or something similar to that. This will help with the sting or itching from a bit. In any case always watch for an allergic reaction. Signals of allergic reactions may develop quickly. They include a rash, difficulty breathing, a feeling of tightness in the chest and throat, and swelling of the face, neck and tongue. Person may feel dizzy or confused. Severe allergic reaction can become life threatening if not treated at once.

If someone is stung and the stinger is still present. Scrape it away or use tweezers to remove it. Wash the wound and cover it. If there is pain or swelling apply some kind of cold pack.


As for Ticks and the Removal of them!
It has been pointed out to me by a reader. My ways of dealing with ticks and their removal is out dated.
I did some reading recently about this subject at our local library. I also came across a web site from The Nassau County Department of Health of the state of New York! You should check this out.
The old methods of handling Ticks work, but could make matters worse. Please visit this site or one of the many other sites. You might even go to the library and get some books on the subject.

My thanks go out to those readers who brought this to my attention!


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