Pamela Fitzroy's Camping Story

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Submitted Tue, 29 Jun 1999
By Pamela Fitzroy

My son's Boy Scout troop organized a family camping weekend in Gettysburg, PA. I am a Civil War buff and was very excited about the trip until I found out that the Campground did not have a free cabin.
I had never camped before. My husband had camped as a child and does the hunting thing every year. My son is a Boy Scout and has his own tent. I on the other hand, did not have a clue! I was bound and determined that I would not miss this trip. My husband had been working 7 days a week for 3 months and was little to no help.
I got on the Internet and visited as many camping sights as I could find (love your sight! It was extremely helpful!) I printed out checklists, combined a few and came up with one good one. Now that I had some idea what was necessary, I started to shop. Sears had a closeout on last years model of tents. Understanding the sizes a little better after a lot of research I picked a nice two room tent. I put a lot of things on layaway and then hit the yard sales and flea markets. When our car would not pass inspection without a great deal of work we decided to purchase something that we could haul camping equipment in.
A month or so before the trip my son and I put the tent up in the back yard. I let him invite a friend or two and they would sleep out. Sunday afternoon we would take the tent down. The following weekend they would sleep out again and on Sunday we would take it back down. My neighbors thought I was such a great mom, letting my son have a sleep over every weekend. Little did they know I was just practicing so that we would not look like idiots in front of the Boy Scouts.
I purchased a camping kitchen at Kmart. I even had this set up in the living room. I wouldn't set it up outside, the neighbors would know I was crazy! Took it down once or twice just to practice.
The evening before the big trip I sent my husband to work in my car. My son and I loaded the Blazer with all of my junk. We had rubbermaid strapped to the roof-every space inside was completely full! when my husband came home at 8:00 in the morning we were ready. He showered and changed and we drove for 4 hours to the camp sight.
I set up everything, the tent, the dining canopy with camping kitchen. I had everything organized. Then the other campers started to arrive. They teased me a bit. Said it looked like the Hilton of camps. Although, every time someone forgot something they would say " Go over to the Hotel Fitzroy. They probably have it! " Even though I might have gone a little over board, I had a really great time! I could cook and wash up easily!
So my first experience was a good one. I am really looking forward to our next outing! In a few weeks we are headed into the mountains of Pennsylvania for a long weekend. Thanks for all of your great advice!


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