Chokeslam Challenge

Bobby Lee Harm vs. Big Show


Zico: Welcome to War Zone, the first ever WCF Show! Zico here, with my good buddy and co-announcer Train!

Train: Thanks Zic, great to be here, lets not waste any more time – Chokeslam Challenge time!

Black Label Society plays, as Bobby Lee Harm walks out, to a chorus of boo’s from the crowd.

His music is interrupted by a resounding “Weeee-eeellllll”, as the Big Show makes his way down to the ring.

Zico: Stevy Shaker starts things off early, not wasting anytime in launching himself at Show, with a fury of punches, but Show just won’t budge! Stevy tries a running forearm, but that doesn’t do much, the Big Show is staggering a bit though!

Train: Stevy’s gonna have to work out another strategy, because these punches aren’t doing enough to Show. Wait, Stevy’s starting with the kicks to the shins! This is what he has to do Zic, take Show down!

Zico: Stevy runs at Show and tries a Spinning Heel kick – but Show catches Stevy and drops him on his head! Show picks up Stevy and Gorilla presses him.

Train: Show’s firmly in control now, he’s just tossing Stevy all over the ring by the throat! Man, that can’t be good. Oh, and a big headbutt to Stevy has him down!

Zico: Show whips Stevy into the ropes, and Flapjacks Stevy! Ow, that must hurt! And again Show, oooh, another Flapjack! Stevy is taking a punishing! Show throws Stevy into the ropes, and Stevy leaps and hits the Spinning Heel Kick! And Show staggers!

Train: Stevy runs and leaps to the top rope, and pulls off an amazing top rope flip attack on Show! Show’s down, and Stevy runs to the top rope again, and hits a MASSIVE frog splash!

Zico: Stevy’s handing out a beating here – he seems to have gotten his second wind! And wait, Show’s still moving! Stevy runs to the top again, and OH MY GOD!!!!!! HE HITS A SWANTON BOMB!!!!! Show must be out cold! And Stevy goes to Show – wait, he’s picking Show to his feet …

Train: Stevy puts his hand around Show’s neck, and attempts to lift Show – but he just can’t get Show off his feet! And Show picks up Stevy out of nowhere! A bearhug!

Zico: This could be dangerous! Show’s squeezing the life out of Stevy! And Stevy looks to be out cold! Show stands over Stevy laughing, and picks Stevy to his feet … oh no, Stevy looks to be going for a ride here!

Train: Show puts that bug hand around Stevy’s neck, and … WAIT A MINUTE!! WHO’S THAT?? OH MY GOD, ITS KAZ!!

Zico: Kaz! What’s he doing here … wait, he’s got a chair and * WHACK * oh my God! Show falls to his knees! And Kaz moves to the corner … he’s waiting for Show to get up and … GORE!!! GORE!!! GORE!!!

Train: Kaz just knocked the Show OUT! Stevy’s on his feet, looking a bit puzzled at Kaz … but they pull Show to his feet and … OH MY GOD!!! A DOUBLE CHOKESLAM!!! AND STEVY GOES FOR THE PIN …

ONE … TWO … THREE!!!!!!!

Zico: OH MY GOD! Stevy Shaker, Babymaker, has actually beaten the Show! Although he did have a bit of help from Kaz, but a win’s a win, and Show will not be happy!



Pandora vs. Nikita


Can’t Stop plays, as Nikita makes her way to the ring, accompanied by Axel. She stops at ringside, and asks Axel to go backstage, to keep the match one on one. As Axel leaves, Nikita climbs into the ring.

Black Label society plays, and Pandora, accompanied by the Machine, heads to ringside. Machine leaves, leaving Pandora to enter the ring.


Zico: Pandora and Nikita lock up in the middle of the ring here, and Nikita goes for a quick Schoolb … Schoolgirl pin


Zico: Pandora gets a quick kick-out and gets right on Nikita by grabbing the hair and flipping Nikita and putting her in an armbar.

Train: Two very dangerous women here, Nikita fights up and whips Pandora, and a nice standing dropkick of the return! Nikita picks up Pandora, and delivers a big vertical suplex, and goes for the cover …


Zico: Pandora kicks out at two! Nikita is starting to take control of the match now, as she snapmare’s Pandora and locks in a sleeper. Pandora is quickly up though, and reverses the sleeper into a Russian leg sweep!

Train: Pandora has to sieze the opportunity though, as Nikita just had a dominant spell. And Pandora just drags those nails right along the back of Nikita! That’s gotta hurt! And a running bulldog to Nikita, Pandora goes for the cover …


Zico: Nikita kicks out at two. This girl’s tough Train! Pandora delivers a big Mat Slam to Nikita, then goes to work on the back again! Pandora runs to the ropes, and runs into a big kick to the stomach from Nikita!

Train: Nikita hits a DDT! This could be it! But wait … Nikita gets to the top … Pandora stands up, and Nikita hits a big missile dropkick! And she’s feeling it now! A bulldog from Nikita! Again, Nikita goes up top … but this time hits a BIG hurricanrana from the top! Nikita may well have this finished right now … but she goes up top!

Zico: Nikita dives off the top, with a big elbow! But she misses! Pandora moves! Nikita smacks the mat, and looks like she may have hit her head there as well as her elbow! Pandora climbs to her feet first, and BAM! She hits the big DDT! The Pandora’s Box, out of nowhere! And there’s the pin …


Train: Wait, Pandora had her feet on the ropes! The referee never saw it, and Pandora steals one! A hard fought match, and Nikita will be disappointed not to pick up the win tonight!




Dunkan Disorderly vs. Diesel


Whisky in the Jar rings, as the crowd goes nuts! Dunkan walks to the ring, with a beer in hand, climbs into the ring and tosses his beer to the crowd, as they chant “Dunkan! Dunkan!”

Hoooooooowwwwwwwllllllllll – the nWo’s famous theme shatters the crowds chants, as Diesel appears, listening to the boo’s of the crowd, and loving it! Diesel walks to the ring, climbs in, and gives the crowd the traditional Wolf hand-gesture, before turning to face Dunkan.


Zico: Diesel and Dunkan Disorderly have had a lot of rage against each other, and these two won’t waste any time!

Train: And they don’t – Diesel on the attack straight away with a big clotheslone – and it doesn’t look like Diesel is gonna go easy! Diesel’s just opening up on Dunkan, as he picks Dunkan up and delivers a crushing jawbreaker!

Zico: Dunkan is having is ass handed to him here, but as Diesel picks up Dunkan he delivers a Monkey Flip! He picks Diesel up, but Diesel hits another big clothesline! He is dominating Dunkan! And Diesel wastes no time, in hitting Dunkan with a DDT!!!

Train: Dunkan is not looking good today, and Diesel climbs up top – this guy is TOO big to hit the top rope! But he delivers a massive elbow onto Dunkan!

Zico: And the end may be near for Dunkan, as Diesel grabs Dunkan’s head – looks like a reverse suplex … wait a minute! That’s the Diesel drop! He just drop Dunkan’s neck across those shoulders, and that’s gotta be it!


Train: Diesel totally dominated tonight! If this is a sign of things to come, Diesel may well be on his way already to the title!


TLC Match (for #1 contendership of WCF Tag Titles)

Stevy Shaker/Maven vs. P.Pac/Madd Dogg


I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll plays, as Stevy and Maven walk to the ring together for this great match!

They are interrupted by the New Revolution’s music, as P-Pac and Madd Dogg make their way to the ring, gazing at the ladders, table and chairs.


Zico: All four men are in the ring, gazing at this evil, sadistic match set up. And all four guys are getting into it already! There’s punches, kicks, everything!

Zico: It’s come down to Maven and P-Pac at the minute – P-Pac attempts a DDT, but it’s reversed into a DDT of his own from Maven! And Maven isn’t wasting anytime – there’s a German suplex! And another! Maven is handing it to P-Pac, but Madd Dogg comes out of nowhere and clobbers Maven with a big spear!

Train: Madd Dogg starts stomping at Maven, but Stevy comes to the rescue with a nice flying forearm, sending Madd Dogg out of the ring! P-Pac gers a Superkick from Stevy, out of nowhere! And Stevy’s not done yet … OH MY GOD! A running plancha onto Madd Dogg! Stevy’s got the crowd cheering now! And he grabs a ladder! Stevy’s gonna try and end this quickly – but P-Pac hits a baseball slide! The ladder catches Stevy Shaker right in the face! And P-Pac’s gonna try it now! He sets the ladder up, but Maven catches him with a big dropkick! Maven goes up top … and hits a massive dropkick again, off the top rope this time! This is back and forward! And Madd Dogg jumps inton the ting and hits a big clothesline on Maven! These guys ain’t leavin anything behind!

Zico: Stevy comes in with a chair … and catches Madd Dogg right between the eyes! This match just got brutal! Madd Dogg’s been split open! Maven’s back on his feet, and he’s got a table now! They’re picking up Madd Dogg … this can’t be good! P-Pac into the ring to save Madd Dogg but Maven hits a running Spinning Heel Kick on P-Pac!

Train: Stevy’s got Madd Dogg on the table … and he hits the Crucifix Powerbomb! Right off the table to the mat, and Madd Dogg just went splat!

Zico: But wait a minute, P-Pac’s back to his feet – and he catches Maven with an enziguri! But Stevy hits a sickening powerbomb! Through the table! OH MY GOD! Maven and Stevy have got cruise control at the minute!

Train: Maven goes up top to one corner, as Madd Dogg gets to his feet, and Stevy’s at the other corner! Maven hits a dropkick … and Stevy hits the Wet Patch! The big splash! Both men are out! And Stevy and Maven go for simultaneous covers – that’s just cocky! The ref delivers the count …


Zico: And there’s the count! We have number one contenders for the titles! That’s all for the first ever War Zone!