World Class Ballers

  1. Sign-up for our upcoming season on our waiting list. Post the following information on the waiting list board.
    1. Userid (Gamertag)
    2. Location or hometown
    3. E-mail
    4. AIM/ICQ/Yahoo
  2. Check the Team Draft Thread for a list of available teams. You will have to register for the forums and log in before you are able to view the list of teams and post. If there are no teams available, then you will be contacted later in the season when certain owners go inactive or at the start of the next season. Turnover is expected to a certain degree.
  3. Upon choosing your team, go to the Thread of the Team that you chose. A link to a list of all the team threads is available under the Team Draft Board.
  4. After updating your team thread with the required information, go to the Schedule Games section. There are several different methods of getting games in:
    1. In the xbox dashboard, add everyone's gamertag to your friend's list. A list is available in the Schedule Games section in the forums. When you see your friend online, send him an invite to play a league game (voice on).
    2. Create a buddy group on AIM and label it WCB 1. Enter everyone's AIM into your set-up. A list is available in the Schedule Games section in the forums.
    3. Voice chats twice a week (Tuesday & Thursday) from 8-10 EST. If you don't have the time to send everyone a friend request or add them to your AIM buddy list, this is the best place to meet. It's manditory that you add all the Comishioners, Moderators, and Judicial Board Members to your friends list. Look for the Comishioners around voice chat time. If you see any of them online around this time, select "join chat." from your xbox dashboard.
    4. If you can't make the voice chats, or you don't have an AIM account. Post your availability in the Schedule Games section or let people know when you will be looking for a game.
  5. Winner reports the game. Go to the Statistics section & Follow the exact format on the scores thread. Play everyone up to 4 times each season. Autostanding/ Scores page coming soon.
  6. Check Standings. Go to the Statistics section & check the current standings. Updated at least twice a week. Autostandings/ Scores page coming soon.
  7. Misc. Pay attention to the news ticker for the latest announcements to GMs, prizes, and XSN tourney champs. Also, if the League is full, other competitions including ladder tournaments and XSN Inside Drive Competitions are available for people looking for a game. Join this great community. Get involved! Join now!
This site is still under construction. More special things to come. Stay tuned and thank you for visiting WCB. - World Class Ballers"

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