Saboteur Ninja 2
3 - KIME
Sabre Team 
Note the following table:
~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~
R Teather    012C C4   012E 63   0130 C5  0136 63       0138 63
N Adamson    02C1 64   02C3 63   02C5 64  02CB 63       02CD 64
K L Dobson   0458 BF   045A 63   045C B8  0462 63       0464 BA
T Hudson     05DA 63   05DC 18   05DE 63  05E4 1A       05E6 63
P J Roderik  0796 63   0798 6F   079A 63  07A0 69       07A2 63
T L Ramo     092D 66   092F 63   0931 66  0937 63       0939 66
L Jelico     0AD6 63   0AD8 5F   0ADA 63  0AE0 59       0AE2 63
P Hackney    0C77 63   0C79 67   0C7B 63  0C81 67       0C83 63
Now, say I wanted to upgrade Mr R Teather, to 99 percent 
for all attributes, I would save my game, and go into debug 
and do the following:
e 012c c4
e 012e 63
e 0130 c5
e 0136 63
e 0138 63
Now compare the above to the values beside R Teather 
on the table.
Better Weapons
Use a text editor to edit the "config.ini" file in
the game directory. Change the following lines in 
that file to have all weapons do 999 points of damage. 
Enter 'POOKY' on the high score table, and
then hold 1-5 to warp to that level.
Press [F1] to enter the options screen. 
Then, enter one of the following codes to 
activate the corresponding cheat function. 
If you entered the code correctly, a 
description of the code will appear.
CODE       Function
ALLVID   - All Cars
XPERTS   - All Tracks
GLASSX   - Crystal Cup
ROCKYY   - Diamond Cup
ZDPEAK   - Zenith Cup
DESERT   - Scorpion Car
RATTLE   - Cobra Car
RUNNER   - Cheetah Car
MYSTER   - Panther Car
Additional Time:
While at the title screen type in a 
garden in, then press T during game 
play to receive extra time.
Shadow Company: Left for Dead
God Mode for Every Soldier:
Select the Soldier, press [ENTER] then type in DOLEMITE.
Other Codes:
Press [ENTER] then type:
Code                  Result 
PAUL HANEY SEES ALL - Show All Enemy Soldiers 
TOGGLE BOTTOMBAR    - Bottom Display On/Off 
AUTOWIN!            - Instant Win 
Access All Campaigns:
Press [ENTER] then type in SET_CAMPAIGN NAME (where NAME 
is the name of the campaign as listed below).
Hint 1:
Get your men into position within firing range of enemy 
troops, select them all, and then toggle Overwatch mode 
to begin a coordinated attack. 
Hint 2:
If firing starts but you can't see where, learn this sequence 
of keyboard commands: F11, H, P, O. This sequence lets you 
select all troops, halt their movement, have them drop to 
the ground, and put them in Overwatch mode to return fire. 
Hint 3:
Throw grenades at the base of guard towers to take them out; 
the explosion is big enough to kill guards atop the towers.
submitted by rickHH
1,000,000,000 Cash
Remove the read-only file attribute from the 
"scorch.cfg" file in the game directory. 
Use a text editor to edit that file to change
the amount of money in the game to "10000000000".
Scorched Planet
Type in the following code during gameplay: 
ALIAH - Invulnerability 
FATAL - Gain all weapons and ammo 
Use these codes to warp to that level: 
LAVA2 - Mission 1 stage 2 
LAVA3 - Mission 1 stage 3 
GATE1 - Mission 2 stage 1 
GATE2 - Mission 2 stage 2 
GATE3 - Mission 2 stage 3 
CROC1 - Mission 3 stage 1 
CROC2 - Mission 3 stage 2 
CROC3 - Mission 3 stage 3 
HEAT1 - Mission 4 stage 1 
HEAT2 - Mission 4 stage 2 
HEAT3 - Mission 4 stage 3
Get the best words possible: 
When playing a game go to "guides" on the top 
taskbar and select "word lister".It will tell 
you the best word to put down with the letters 
you have.
VTELO: All normal tracks available
INVER: Reversed tracks available
MONTY: Obstacle graphics are changed
JOINT: More obstacle graphics
CLOCK: Turn off the clock
TAZOR: Makes the bullet car available
ABURN: Other cars become bullet cars.
(Note: This cheat can't be undone without a 
reinstallation or backing up the Choice.dat 
file - BACK IT UP!)
Screamer 2
All Championships 
To access all the championships, type 
"CHMPA" at the main menu. 
All Tracks 
To access all the tracks, type 
"MRTRK" at the main menu. 
Bonus Cars 
Type one of these phrases at the main
menu for a bonus car. 
 Code    Car
tacar    Black Claw Car
tbcar    Aphrodite Car
tccar    Hornet Car
tdcar    Thunder Car
Screamer Rally
Simply type the following cheat 
code at the main menu:
TRAMO - All Tracks
CARBO - All Cars
LEALL - All Leagues
Enter these passwords at the Password screen to 
leap to the corresponding level. 
(Note: space between words must be observed.) 
2.  OLD MAN                 3. SHORT BUT TALL
4.  DIET MNIP               5. TITHES
6.  POPCORN                 7. NOT POODLE
10. SNOWBOARDING           11. 216BIT
12. RENDERING              13. BEAR GAME
14. HORSE                  15. KIDDYWINKS
18. MUNTRESS               19. PANTERA ROSA
Dancing Arco:
During game play type vaudeville.
Scorched Earth
Edit the scorch.cfg File
You should see a configuration file with lots 
of variables. Scroll down a bit until you reach
a line that reads:
Initial_Cash=xxxxx (xx could be any number).
Delete this number and enter 100000000 
(one hundred million) in its place.
Now save this file and run the game.
You will now have your $100 million.
If you are careful, you can change any of the 
variables in the config file. 
As usual, remember to back up your files.
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe
Wingmen are important in SWOTL so it's lucky they are easy 
to clone. When you have a good pilot who's flown a few missions 
say he's a German called HERMAN you can copy his data file to 
create wingmen with the same record as him. Quit to DOS and change 
into the SWOTL directory for example C:SWOTL and type:
 copy c:\swotl\herman.ger c:\swotl\klaus.ger
You now have a pilot called Klaus with the same statistics as Herman 
you can do this with as many names you can think of and can have as 
many pilots on your hard disk as it can handle.
Follow the same procedure for American pilots except type:
 copy c:\swotl\chuck.usa c:\swotl\randy.usa
to make a copy of an ace pilot called Chuck. This can also be used 
to make backup copies of your pilots in case they get killed.
Sega Rally Championship
Easy Driving Car
Hold X and press [Enter] to select any car at the car
selection screen. 
Unlock All Tracks
At the options screen type XXY . 
Unlock Lake Side Track
At the main menu press X + Y , then select any game. 
Full Screen
Hold X and press A at the car, race, or, mode selection 
screen to remove the dashboard and display. 
Easy Way to Get the Stratos Car 
To get the Stratos Car the Easy way go to the Menu Screen 
then Press X,Y,Z,Y,X select a mode. At the Car select screen
to select the Stratos move to the Celica and press down to 
select the AT transmission and the Delta to select the MT 
Hyper Car 
Hold Down X and Press Enter to choose your car at the car 
select. It looks the same but it is easier to handle. 
Lake Side Course 
To get the Lake Side course Finish the Championship overall 
in 1st place. At least 9th on the Desert course, 4th on the 
Forest course, and 1st on the Mountain course.
After that it will be in all things even in the Championship. 
Mirror Mode 
Hold Y and press Enter at the game select mode in Arcade mode. 
Ultimate Ghost Car 
Go to Time Attack. Where it says 3 Laps or Free Run, hold X and 
Y and select 3 Laps.
Semper Fi
Tip 1:
Do not let the poor map and unit graphics fool you 
into making rash mistakes in movement or initial positioning. 
Use the fire and movement overlays liberally when plotting a 
move or setting up a killing zone.
Tip 2:
When you are setting up a defensive line, use the unit 
detail charts to put your units with the highest number of 
opportunity-fires-per-turn in key positions.
Tip 3:
Be aware of how far mechanized units can travel and plan 
accordingly--most Marines are hard-pressed to resist a 
determined tank rush. Remember, ground-attack aircraft and 
choppers are your friends and can blunt the worst attacks 
for you
Sensible Soccer '98
Press [F9] at any non-match screen to display a 
screen that allows various game parameters, 
including speed, bounciness, gravity, goalie 
skill, and more.
Sensible World of Soccer
Change Opponent's Formations
After starting a match and playing the first half, 
wait until the statistics screen appears. Press 
Page up or Page Down the press the Kick button to 
edit opponent's team formations.
Septerra Core
Hint 1:
Don't forget to use your character's special skills. Grubb, 
for example, doesn't do too much damage in a straight physical 
fight, but turn his "Repair" skill on a cyborg or fully 
mechanical opponent, and he'll dismantle them in one attack. 
Hint 2:
You may not realize it at first, but when you hit the bar in 
the World Bazaar, you can reorganize your party at will, 
using any of the characters that are standing around. 
Any combination of three characters is possible, and you may 
have to pick different personnel depending on what job needs 
to be done. 
Hint 3:
One of the annoying sequences is fighting with a Bounty 
Hunter; no matter how much you pummel him with weapons 
and spells, he always flees combat. And when you get back 
inside, he acts as though he won the fight. There's a trick 
to defeating him, though: Carefully examine the loading dock 
and set a trap for him before you take him on again.
Settlers 2
THUNDER will enable you to be able to build anything. 
When you have the code on, you will see a exclamation 
mark in the top right corner:
ALT-1 up till ALT-6 - 
Change the speed settings of the game.
Press F7 and it will enable you to view the map
For anyone who has added the patch to make it Version 
1.51, the cheat is WINTER
The Settlers 2: Gold Edition
Cheat mode:
Type winter during game play to enable cheat mode. 
An exclamation mark will confirm correct code entry. 
Enter one of the following codes to activate the 
corresponding cheat function. This will also unlock 
all buildings except for the harbor.
Effect              Code
View entire map   - [Alt] + [F7]  
Change game speed - [Alt] + [F1] to [F6]  
Additional HQs:
Enable cheat mode. Clock on any flat area suitable for a 
fortress that is not controlled by yourself or an opponent. 
An option to build a HQ will appear.
Settlers 1
The way it works is that, when you tell a settler unit to do something
(build a road, mines or irrigation, for example), and you have at
least one other unit that still hasn't been moved (blinking), you can
go back to the settler unit, click on it to start it blinking again
(click on its icon in the box that comes up when you click on the
unit), and then press R, M, or I to start the settler working again.
Then you go back and click on the settler again and hit R, M or I
while it's blinking, and you keep doing that until the improvement is
built (you can tell it's done when, when you click the unit, the icon
in the box no longer has a letter on top of it). This works best when
you have the "end of turn" feature on, and of course you shouldn't
move other units until you're done with the settler. If you do this
right, you can get your settlers to build anything you want in just
one turn (normaly it takes 2 to 12 turns)!!
-- Hex codes: --
$30,000/debt All Tech Next Tech
Roman / Russian 23a 5f2 24a
Zulu / Babylonian 23c 5fc 24c
French / German 23e 606 24e
Aztec / Egyptian 240 610 250
American / Chinese 242 61a 252
Greek / English 244 624 254
Indian / Mongol 246 62e 256
** $30,000: **
1) type debug civil(x).sve (x= the saved game you wana edit) you'll get a
hyphen for a prompt...
2) type e ### ff 75
3) type w
4) type q
** All tech: **
1) same
2) type e ### ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff (10 sets)
3) type w
4) type q
-- Next Tech: --
1) same
2) type e ### 75 75
3) type w
4) type q
REMEMBER: the ### will only work if you use the one under the column
its in.. by the way, if you want it to work well, also make sure that
in the save game you're hexing, the one you hex for is you...unless
you're just up for a challenge... :)
negative cash flow of 30000 (only good on other civ's or someone
else's 'puter) 1) same 2) type e ### ff 85 (### is same as in the get
30000 one) 3) type w 4) type q
Settlers 3
Faster building 
Press [F12] to pause the game, then immediately 
press [F12] again to resume. Then, one minute in 
game time will have elapsed for all players.
80,000 credits 
While playing a game, hold [F8] for approximately 
twenty seconds, then press G while continuing to hold [F8].
Faster battles
Continuously right click while fighting to keep your 
warriors in swordplay and your archers firing.
Quick Build 
During the game, press F12 to pause the game. 
When you press it again the game will resume 
and 1 minute will have passed for all players. 
Tip 1
If your pioneers are getting attacked and their health shows  
red or yellow, simply convert them back to carriers. The enemy 
can't attack them, and when you convert them back to pioneers 
they will have full health. 
Tip 2
If you are playing a game and your spies spot a large amount of 
troops heading your way, convert all your spare settlers into 
pioneers and group them up.  Send the pioneers into the invading 
troops.  It's cruel, but it will give you some time to get all of
your troops into the area. 
Tip 3
Here's a good way of getting material to an area. Build a market 
and set a route to eg brewery to sphinx.
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Alternate costume colors:
Press LP + MP or LK + MK at the character selection 
screen. Note: There are actually four different 
colors to choose from.
Play as Shin-True Akuma:
Highlight Akuma at character selection screen. 
Then, hold [Select] and move down, right, right, 
down, left, down, left, down, right, right, right. 
If done correctly, Akuma should be highlighted again. 
Press any button to select Shin-True Akuma.
Street Fighter Zero 2
To Fight Mid-Game Boss
Defeat first four characters in 2 rounds with Super Combos
Finished or Super Art Finish (Custom Combos), Then you will
against your mid-game boss.  (you cannot lose a match)
To Fight Shin Akuma
Defeat all characters with Super Combos or Super Art Finished
(Custom Combos) and get at least 3 rounds of Perfect victory, 
after that, Shin Akuma will appear before your fight against
the last boss. (You can lost a match, but don't lose a round.
(P/S : Not sure if use non-original Colour)
To Select the Original Chun Li (S.S.F.2.Turbo)
On player selection Screen, move the cursor to Chun Li, then
hold the Select button about 5 sec. and press any key.
To Select Shin Akuma
On player selection Screen, move the cursor to Akuma, then hold
the Select button and move the cursor over Adon, Chun Li, Guy, 
Rolento, Sakura, Rose, Birdie, Akuma, M.Bison, Dan, Akuma and 
press any key. (On Akuma, hold Select D,R,R,D,L,D,L,D,R,R,R 
[a BIG "Z" letter] and press any key)
To enable cheats, press the "Pause" key (you must be in 
pause mode to type in cheat codes), followed by 
"imabigcheat". You will hear a bell sound when cheats 
become enabled as well as see your score disappear. 
You cannot enter a high score if you cheat.
blast   - Full powerup of the current main weapon
plasma  - Selects plasma main weapon (blue wide fire)
pulse   - Selects pulse main weapon (red stream fire)
cash    - Mega credits, gives you 5,000 credits.
flames  - Ship becomes invincible for a short time.
nuke    - Full nukes; gives you up to 4 nukes
life    - Extra Life
warpto# - Warp to any level in current episode where # 
          is a level from 1 to 9
impulse   - Gives Standard Impulser
ioniser   - Gives Hydrogen Ioniser
megapulse - Gives Megapulse 2000
gravdis   - Gives Gravdis 5
ener - Enertron
mine - Mineslammer
dyna - Dynamo 500
TOP SIDEARMS (These are zeroes, not letter o's)
t00 - Removes Top Sidearm
t01 - Credit Drone
t02 - Plasma Bomb
t03 - Evolter
t04 - Matter Disruptor
t05 - Rebounder
t06 - A-Matt Boomerang
t07 - Fragmentor BE800
t08 - Bi Partical Cannon
t09 - Flamer
t10 - Ion Cannon
t11 - Magnum 3000DX
t12 - Dual Laser
t13 - Torpedo Launcher
BOTTOM SIDEARMS (These are zeroes, not letter o's)
b00 - Removes Bottom Sidearm
b01 - Credit Drone
b02 - Plasma Bomb
b03 - Evolter
b04 - Matter Disruptor
b05 - Rebounder
b06 - A-Matt Boomerang
b07 - Fragmentor BE800
b08 - Bi Partical Cannon
b09 - Flamer
b10 - Ion Cannon
b11 - Magnum 3000DX
b12 - Dual Laser
b13 - Torpedo Launcher
Shadow of the Beast
When the 'beast' title appears, hold down both mouse 
buttons and the joystick button until asked to insert 
disk 2.  This will give you unlimited lives.  
Unfortunately, this does not work on all versions.
Shadows of the Empire
Use the name 'R Testers ROCK' to play any level.
Use the name ' Credits' to watch the end sequence. 
Select Hoth to play. 
Use the name ' Jabba'. 
Gives you extra ammo. (space required)
 Level Select 
At the level select screen enter this code two 
letters at a time, holding down the 2 letters 
for 1 second:
Type T then T again then continue to the next set 
of letters which would be WI and type them as usual
by holding the 2 letters (WI) down for 1 second and 
then continueing to the next set. 
 Max Challenge Point 
When you leave Mos Eisley and enter the Dune Sea, 
take a 90 degree turn left and go straight. You will 
see a little square, you will there see that adorable 
urchin Max (as in "Sam & Max Hit the Road.") 
 End Boss:
In level 4 (Junk Yard) when you encounter the end boss, you 
should go to the left toward the mountain with a challenge point
on top of it. Behind it there's a small place with 2 stakes of 
barb wire. Look at the mountain and proceed into the V-shaped 
valley. If you do everything right, you should end up in a pile 
of scrap. Use the 'V'-key to kill of the end boss. He can't hurt 
you because you are inside the mountain.
in the Skyhook battle level, when you're flying 
the Outrider(not manning the turrets), hold camera
change(C key on keyboard) for 5 seconds.
(must have X-wing code on) while flying X-wing, 
hold camera change(C key on keyboard) for 5 seconds.
Fly Outrider again 
(must have Tie Fighter code on) while flying Tie 
Fighter, hold camera change(C key on keyboard) 
for 5 seconds.
Shadows of the Empire - Hex Cheat
This is more easily done when you finish a couple of missions.
Edit the file *.soe in the Shadows of the Empire subdirectory. 
You will find that the remaining lives in the past missions. 
If you finish the 1st mission with 4 lives and the second with 
5 lives. Now you are currently in the third mission with 5 lives. 
Look for 05 in the hex editor and change it.
You can place like 10,000 lives but the game will give you 100 
lives in the next mission.
Shadow Warrior
To activate these cheats type "T" while playing, 
then type in the code, then press ENTER
swchan      - god mode
swgimme     - all items
swgreed     - all cheats
swsave      - saves map to disk
swtrekxy    - warp to episode x, level y
swres       - change resolution
swstart     - restart level
swghost     - no clipping
swmap       - auto map
swtrix      - bunny rockets
winpachinko - what it says
swname      - change your name in multiplayer
swloc       - frame rate
cdon        - Play CD music
cdoff       - Stop CD music
Submit by
I have found the following hex offsets in the character 
file that you can change to your advantage:
Character #1
 attribute       Offset
Magic Level    |  1A51
Cur. Strength  |  1A52
Max. Strength  |  1A62
Max. HP        |  1A66
Shattered Light
- HeX-Cheat -
In dir CHARACTERS is file *.dat (name begining with user name).
So, this is file we want to modify.
And here are offset locations for most usefull values (all in HEX):
1D       Body Points
21       Mana
25       Strength
29       Concentration
2D       Dexterity
31       Acc
35       Defense
39       Willpower
3D       Number of Spells
You can change skills but they must be there first. In game
distribute 1 point for each skill then edit them in file.
Skill offsets start from A2, then AA, B2 .... in 8 byte records.
Safe value for character stats is 100 (this is enough for start)
and about 150 for skills.
Shadow Man
Shadowman Cheat Menu
Do the following to get access to a cheats menu with 
options like invulnerability, all weapons, all items, 
infinite ammo, level select, and many more.
Under the installed folder in the path 
Rename RELEASE.MSC to something like RELEASE.MEN, 
then copy DEBUG.MSC to RELEASE.MSC in this same folder. 
Now, when the game is started, there will be added menus 
where many extra options can be set. 
Flame Grilled LeRoi 
To cover Shadow Man in flames, follow these steps. 
Make your way to the very last room in the Temple 
of Life (it holds the Baton). Next, move to the last 
small room on the right, and press Action at the altar. 
Shadow Man will offer your Cadeaux in exchange for an 
energy upgrade. Press Action again at the altar. 
Shadow Man will say something about the Loa moving 
out of that altar. Run out and head to the altar next 
to the one you were just in. Press Action at the altar. 
If everything goes well, you should see a "Cheat Activated" 
message flash accross your screen (in the way Luke's teddy 
bear does). Go into your inventory and you should see a 
new item, the Book of Shadows. Select it and your cheat 
should be there. At the time I found this, I had 24 Dark 
Souls, and that might make a difference, but I don't 
think so. 
Use your ears! You can recognize the various creatures 
lying in wait ahead of you by their sounds, cries, and 
Strafing doesn't work as it does in an action game--you can't 
turn while you're strafing (unless you surrender control to 
lock-on strafing). Strafing is best used to set yourself up in 
a good firing position when moving around a corner, or to dodge 
an incoming projectile.
Snipe at your own risk! When in Snipe mode, you can't move at 
all; more often than not, you'll discover that your weapons 
can't hit a foe who hasn't been "altered" to your presence 
(thereby eliminating much of the usefulness of Snipe mode).
If you have to swim, kill whatever is in the water first. 
You won't be able to aim worth a dime underwater, so hop 
in the water, attract the beasts to you, and hop out. 
Now go ahead and "shoot the fish in a barrel."
Make sure you have room to back up when attacking one of 
the charging creatures. You don't want to back into a wall 
and get carved up by the minions of the dead, do you?
When moving down an unexplored corridor, shoot down the 
hall into the darkness often; you'll alert the enemies of 
your presence, shaking them out of their "hidey-holes." 
Is this a good thing? Certainly, because it's better to 
be prepared for an attack rather than to have some nefarious 
Deadsider drop down on you.
Don't forget that you can hold down the Fire button to charge 
up your Shadowgun, in order to deliver a more powerful blast
Shanghai: Dynaesty Create a file in the game directory called "Cheater". Start a new game of Shanghai or Tournament. Press . keep pressing the spacebar to remove pairs of tiles don't use the mouse the game creates a guaranteed winnable path and needs the use of the spacebar to follow the path through submit by
Shadow President
Cheat Codes:
1= George Bush
2= Seneca
3= Martin Luther King Jr.
4= Martin Luther King Jr.
5= James A. Baker III
6= Theodore Roosevelt
7= Gorbachev
8= Aristotle
9= Henry Kissinger
10= Henry Kissinger
11= Abraham Lincoln
12= Lyndon B. Johnson
13= Woodrow Wilson
14= Dwight D. Eisenhower
15= Winston Churchill
16= General George S. Patton Jr.
17= Jimmy Carter
18= Abraham Lincoln
19= Mortimer B. Zuckerman
20= R. Buckminster Fuller
21= Harry S. Truman
22= Harry S. Truman
23= Richard Nixon
24= Napoleon
25= John F. Kennedy
26= John F. Kennedy
27= Franklin D. Roosevelt
28= Dwight D. Eisenhower
29= Harry S. Truman
30= Thomas Paine
31= Gerald R. Ford
32= James Madison
33= Napoleon
34= John F. Kennedy
35= Thomas Jefferson
36= Harry S. Truman
37= Herbert Hoover
Level - Password 
Shattered Steel
I beleive these cheats are for the registered 
version only.
GONZLES  - makes bots fast
SMITE    - destroys target
CAPONE   - spawns 5 gnats to help you
HENCHMAN - spawns a shiva to help you
FNORD    - gives you a 120 howitzer
During a mission, hit escape and type 
RATTY RAT RATTY for invincibility
- Shipwreckers! - Level-Password\GameTTips -
1-2 - Ship, Skull, Fish, Anchor, Ship, Anchor
1-3 - Ship, Anchor, Skull, Ship, Anchor, Fish
1-4 - Skull, Ship, Fish, Anchor, Anchor, Ship
2-1 - Fish, Fish, Anchor, Ship, Skull, Anchor
2-2 - Skull, Anchor, Anchor, Fish, Anchor, Ship
2-3 - Fish, Anchor, Ship, Ship, Ship, Skull
2-4 - Anchor, Fish, Ship, Skull, Skull, Fish
3-1 - Ship, Skull, Skull, Fish, Anchor, Skull
3-2 - Fish, Skull, Anchor, Fish, Skull, Fish
3-3 - Fish, Fish, Ship, Skull, Fish, Ship
3-4 - Ship, Anchor, Ship, Fish, Anchor, Fish
4-1 - Skull, Skull, Anchor, Ship, Fish, Fish
4-2 - Ship, Anchor, Skull, Fish, Fish, Anchor
4-3 - Skull, Ship, Skull, Skull, Fish, Ship
4-4 - Ship, Fish, Ship, Fish, Ship, Anchor
5-1 - Anchor, Ship, Fish, Skull, Fish, Ship
5-2 - Fish, Ship, Anchor, Skull, Ship, Fish
5-3 - Ship, Fish, Skull, Anchor, Anchor, Skull
5-4 - Skull, Ship, Anchor, Fish, Ship, Skull
- GameTips -
Tip 1:
Secret caves are often hidden behind rocks. 
Look for cave-shaped outlines in a wall and blast 
them to find the secrets.
Tip 2:
Use waterfalls to put out fires on your ship. 
Tip 3:
The map is useful for showing unreachable areas. 
Once you see them, look for the secret passage that 
gets you there.
Tip 4: 
Bump into every waterfall you see. Many of them 
take you to a secret room.
Tip 5: 
Try to shoot enemy ships as they first come toward you. 
That way they can't turn their broadsides toward you and 
return fire. The behind-the-boat view is good for spotting 
and killing ships coming toward you.
Shockwave Assault
Start a new game with one of the 
following case-sensitive player names: 
Code Blue          - Super laser 
TakeMeToYourLeader - Unlimited shields, weapons 
ThinkBlue          - Super shields and lasers 
TheWarofTheWorlds  - Level select * 
                     (Press [Left] or [Right] at the 
                     main menu to select a new starting 
                     level after enabling this code.
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
Press "T" for Talk then type:
 MPGOD        - Godmode
 MPKFA        - Full Ammo, Armor, and Health
 MPHEALTH     - Full Health
 MPAMMO       - Full Ammo
 MPARMOR      - Full Armor
 MPCLIP       - Clipping Mode on/off
 MPPOS        - Show Position on/off
 MPCAMERA     - Adjust Camera on/off
 MPMECH       - Change your mech 
 MPLIGHTSCAPE - Adjust Light Scape on/off
 MPTEARS      - Reload Weapons 
 MPFRAMRATE 0 - Turns frame rate off.
 MPFRAMRATE 1 - Turns frame rate on.
 MPPOS        - Toggles coordinates.
 MPANIME      - Anime type explosions
Coke Machine Trick 
When you first start the game, where you meet Admiral 
Akkaraju you can see people working on computers below 
where he is. Go down the stairs and jump on the tables. 
You'll find a quarter. Go back to the area where the 
coke machines are and insert your quarter in the machine
to the right. 
 SHOWFRAMERATE 1/0  - Show framerate
 WORLD levelname    - Go to level (see levelnames)
Select Level
Press ~ to display the command line, then type 
world <name> with a name from the following list:
 These are the valid levelnames:
Enter one of the following codes to 
activate the corresponding cheat function.
Function     - Code 
Death Glow       - map dglow 
Toxic Waste      - map under 
Remnants         - map rubble 
Wreck Age        - map age 
Catharsis        - map cath 
Den of XX Denial - map dog 
The Shipyard     - map city 
Nite Fall        - map nitefall 
Ending           - map end1 
Transport Hub    - map hub 
Under Dwellings  - map caverns
Sierra Games
I was looking for some special cheats for all those old Sierra
adventures like Larry, Police quest and Kings quest etc.
Up to my surprise the only cheats i found were things like 
"Press ALT-X" in larry one etc.
ALT-V shows version number of the game.
Many of these sierra game have some kind of "Debug" mode, when you do
some combined key action Press ALT-D(ebug, how obvious) , you will see
the version dialogs like when you hit ALT-V but without knowing, Debug
mode is enabled now!. Then you enter the following command  "GET OBJECT"
[Enter] After that you will see a line asking for an object number. In
this way you will be able to get objects in your inventory without
finding them throughout the game.
This last possibility made it possible for me to finish Leisure Suit
Larry 1 with only a few points since the only thing i needed to do was
bringing the apple to the woman. Ofcourse i had to get rid of the woman
staying in front of the button that opens the door and all that.
It seems like not much people know this secret. It also worked for the
earlier police quest games and kingīs quest games.
but ONLY the early versions (1 and itīs sequel or something)
There is another problem, you have a certain range of objects, if you
enter an unknown object number, the game will show an error dialog with
a number and then it will quit.
The best way to test it out is to test all numbers from 0 to 100 (if it
gets that far) and note down what object is what number.
The error dialog also shows something like GET(#) and PUT(#), to me that
indicates that you will probably be able to dump objects out of your
inventory but i never tested that.
In Larry I it will work for sure because i took time to retest that, i
believe it also worked for Kingīs quest ranges 1 to 3 and Space quest 1
to 3 but you will have to test that yourself.
I believe that the debug mode was implemented just to test various
stages of the game without needing to go through the earlier stages
This ALT key is used for a lot of ALTernative playing methods.
                                                 Next, S2,S3,S4