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2ins Singles

 None - only song so far was 'People are People'

2ins are two guys who auditioned for the second Popstars series in Australia. I had actually forgotten about them! I'm not sure how that happened! Anyway, they didn't make it into the final band, but I don't really know why! Maybe the judges didn't like the idea of having twins in a band… I don't know! I think it would have been pretty cool! ;)

The Band

Well, the two guys in the band are Henrik and Johan, and they are twins, obviously ;) They're from Sweden, but now live in Australia (in Perth, I think). Since they are good looking blonde twins, you are probably going to like them if you're female! **g** They must have been seen on TV by some record company people who decided to sign them after the show, I guess… And they are talented guys, so I can see why! They could have easily made it into the final band, but they just didn't, for some reason.

The Music

I hope the guys are still planning to pursue their music career! I haven't heard much about them, really, and nothing recently. 2ins released their first song 'People are people' a few months ago. It's apparently a cover of a Depeche Mode song, but as I don't know much about that band, I don't recognise it! The song isn't bad, and it's sort of a pop-dance song. But like a lot of Australian bands, 2ins don't seem to have very good publicity people! I watch all of the music TV shows on normal TV (not cable anymore, **sigh**!) every weekend, and I didn't see the 2ins video once! And I didn't hear their song on the radio either, although I don't really listen to the radio all that often, and I'm sure it was played. Apparently the song was not actually released as a single, and was only on a compilation album. Well, I hope that we'll hear more of these guys soon, but I don't think that's going to happen!

Links: Their official site is at But I want more information! I'll let you know if I find anything! **g**
