No Angels are the Popstars from Germany. They've been around for quite a while now, and seem to be doing pretty well in Germany, but I don't know if they've released their music anywhere else. I think they did plan to do so, but I don't really know if I like their chances of being too successful anywhere else. It's not that their songs are bad, but that No Angels seem to be a bit of everything, and don't really have their own unique sound or style. Maybe they're just not anything special. But they're not a bad band, all the same.

The Band

No Angels are five girls: Lucy, Sandy, Vanessa, Nadja, and Jessica. They appear to be a little older than most pop groups these days, but I'm not too sure. It seems that they're trying to use their looks more than anything else to gain popularity. Maybe if they focussed that much on their music, they'd have a better chance of success! Despite that, they do seem to be pretty popular in Germany, and there's a lot of No Angels merchandise and stuff like that around!

The Music

Let me see.... I'm just hearing most of the songs for the first time now! **g** But I actually have the whole first album here, so I will let you know what I think! The first track & first single is 'Daylight in your eyes'. This starts off being one of the most boring Popstars songs I've heard, and luckily gets a bit better, but not much! The chorus is okay, and some of the girls seem to have good voices. The song then descends into this horrible boppy beat that I could really do without! Track 2 of the album, however, is a really nice song. It's called 'When the angels sing'. It starts off being a little nursery-rhymish, but is really pretty good. I think a lot of the songs mention angels, but we'll see about that as I go through them all! Oh dear.... They made up for that good one with the next track called 'You could be the first'. This is pretty awful. Onto the next one! 'Promises can't wait'. This is okay I guess. It sounds kinda amateur, or unfinished or something. Track five is 'Cold as ice', which is kind of slow. Not terribly exciting, but not too bad, either. 'Rivers of Joy' was No Angels' second single. It's not really too good, but at least it's more fast-paced than most of their boring previous songs! It sounds kinda like one of those upbeat gospel songs you'd hear in church or something! It's growing on me as I hear it, but I still don't think it's my type of music.

 'Be my man (the plan)' starts off well.... I hope it will continue like this. **waiting & listening** Yep, this seems to be a fairly typical pop song similar to what you'd hear from most pop artists these days... It's pretty good, really. Perhaps not one of the best songs in this genre, but better than most of the other songs on this album so far. The next song, 'Go ahead and take it' starts off with some really annoying talking! Don't you hate it when they have stuff like that in songs?! But it does get better, and it isn't too bad, overall. This is sort of a mid- to fast-paced song, and I don't know if I've ever really heard anything like it before. I can't really place the style! But it's okay. 'Couldn't care less' is another slow song. Predictable lyrics and some annoying repetition of 'couldn't care less' aside, it's quite a nice song. 'Faith can move a mountain' has some annoying elements, but it sounds okay.... Yep, this isn't bad. 'Cry for you' is another slowish song. I don't like the way they're trying to sing here at first! It doesn't sound good and is kind of annoying. But the chorus is okay, once the song gets to that part. This song is okay. The next song is 'Send me flowers'. It has an annoying 'na na na' bit, and has some kind of guitar sound in it, so it's not quite in the created pop style. It's an alright song. Track 13 is another slow song, called 'That's the reason'. It has nice piano and choir sounds in the background, and is a pretty good song.

I have another song called 'There must be an angel', but maybe this wasn't on the first album? I don't really know... Maybe they have a second album already? I'll find out! But this song is good! I think it might be an old song, but it shows that some of the girls have strong voices. The latest single released by the girls is a song called 'Atlantis', from the movie of the same name, and with someone called Donovan. The parts of the song sung by No Angels are good! But I feel that Donovan really ruins the song with his talking!

Links: No Angels America is not a bad site And it's one of the only sites about the band in English. seems to have something do to with the band, even though the title is 'Love Calculator' (okay....), but I wouldn't really recommend it! is a site I just found, but it seems okay! Especially if you understand German!

The official site is actually okay, and it's at, I think. It doesn't seem to be working at the moment, but I think it was a few days ago!

