
Next is Holly with "Wind Beneath My Wings"

Kelly - Nice song. Awesome movie. This song is all about emotion and the original probably evokes emotion in everyone who hears it. I hear NO emotion in your voice. Quite monotone actually until about midway through. You sound like you’re bored and only singing because you had a clip due. Every week I’ve suggested that you try a song that uses your upper register more than your chest register. You’re not doing it. Why? Same advice for next week, although I doubt you’ll do it.

Matt – Not the best…you’re best was still your audition. You’re just not stepping up to the plate and if you’re here next week, I hope you step it up and show more emotion, and be the best you can be.

Heather – Holly my darling you and Matt are tied for worst of the night. This was flat, emotionless, and just plain boring.


And last but not least is Matthew with "Eye of the Tiger"

Kelly - Hey, don’t knock the song. Eye of the Tiger kicks ass! Isn’t it the Rocky song or something like that? The recording isn’t that great (technicalities that is). Not sure really what to say. You don’t sound very enthusiastic really. Nothing vocally to say really. It wasn’t great, it wasn’t bad either though. You just didn’t sound all that into it.


Heather – OMG. I have loved this song my entire life, silly and cheesy that it may be, I have loved it. The vocals on the original were dynamite, and not easy to replicate. You managed to make it unbearable. I’m sorry, you are pitchy and all over the place vocally, added to the fact that you used a midi- UGH. You are down to the final 4 of this competition- you should be SHINING. This is completely dreary.


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