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Content Index
  1. The Feast
  2. Jesus We Celebrate Your Victory
  3. Blessed Be the Lord
  4. We Rejoice in the Grace of God
  5. You Alone Are My Rock
  6. Clap Clap Your Hands
  7. The Earth Shakes
  18. Shine Jesus Shine
  19. Lift High the Banners of Love
  1. Blessed Be the Lord
  2. Clap Clap Your Hands
  3. Jesus We Celebrate Your Victory
  4. Lift High the Banners of Love
  5. Shine Jesus Shine
  6. The Earth Shakes
  7. The Feast
  8. We Rejoice in the Grace of God
  9. You Alone Are My Rock
  1. The Feast

    The trumpets sound the angels sing
    The feast is ready to begin
    The gates of Heav'n are open wide
    Jesus welcomes you inside

    Tables are laden with good things
    O taste the peace
    The joy He brings
    He'll fill you up with love divine

    He'll turn your water into wine
    Sing with thankfulness
    Songs of pure delight
    Come and revel in

    Heaven's love and light
    Take your place at
    The table of the King
    The feast is ready to begin
    The feast is ready to begin

    The hungry heart He satisfies
    Offers the poor His paradise
    Now hear all Heaven and
    Earth applaud

    The amazing goodness of the Lord
    Jesus (echo) We thank You (echo)
    For Your love (echo)
    For Your joy (echo)

    Jesus (echo) We thank You (echo)
    For the good things (echo)
    You give to us (echo)

  2. Jesus! We Celebrate Your Victory

    Jesus! We celebrate Your victory
    Jesus! We revel in Your love
    Jesus! We rejoice You've set us free
    Jesus! Your death has brought us life

    It was for freedom
    That Christ has set us free
    No longer to be subject
    To the yoke of slavery

    So we're rejoicing
    In God's victory
    Our hearts responding to His love

    His Spirit in us
    Release us from fear
    And the way to Him is open
    With boldness we draw near
    And in His presence
    Our problems disappear
    Our hearts responding to His love

  3. Blessed Be the Lord

    Blessed be the Lord
    God of Israel
    Blessed be the Lord
    God of hosts

    Blessed be His glorious name


    And let the whole earth

    Be filled with His glory

    (Repeat 2nd Chorus)

  4. We Rejoice in the Grace of God

    He has clothed us with

    His righteousness

    Covered us with His great love

    He has showered us with mercy

    And we delight to know

    The glorious favor

    Wondrous favor of God

    We rejoice in the grace of God

    Poured upon our lives

    Loving-kindness has come to us

    Because of Jesus Christ

    We rejoice in the grace of God

    Our hearts overflow

    What a joy to know

    The grace of God

    He's brought us into His family

    Made us heirs with His own Son

    All good things He freely gives us

    And we cannot conceive what

    God's preparing

    God's preparing for us

  5. You Alone Are My Rock

    You alone are my Rock

    And my Salvation

    You alone are my God

    I will not be shaken

    You alone are my Fortress

    And my Refuge

    You alone are the One

    I can always run to

    Though the earth may rumble

    Though the oceans roar

    Though the mountains crumble

    And fall in the sea

    I will never tremble

    I will never fear

    I know that You are able

    To rescue me

    You alone are my Rock

    You alone are my God

    You alone are my Fortress

    You alone

  6. Clap Clap Your Hands

    Ps 47.1

    Clap, clap your hands
    All ye people!
    Shout, shout for joy
    To the Lord!

    O, sing, sing a new song

    To the Lord!

    O, sing, sing a new song

    Let it ring in Zion!

    Let us rejoice

    And bless the Lord! O...

    The mighty One now dwells among us

    He rides upon

    The wings of our praise

    His glory and His joy surround us

    As we enthroned His majesty

    He reigns

  7. The Earth Shakes

  8. Amazing Love

    Graham Kendrick
    © 1989 Make Way Music and Adm. In North and South America by Integrity's Hosanna! Music / ASCAP
    From Give Thanks - HM030
    Worship Leader: Graham Kendrick

    My Lord what love is this
    The pays so dearly
    That I the guilty one
    May go free

    Amazing love
    O what sacrifice
    The Son of God given for me
    My debt He pays
    And my death he dies
    That I might live
    That I might live

    And so they watched Him die
    Despised, rejected but
    O the blood He shed
    Flowed for me

    (Repeat Chorus)

    That I might live He gave His life

    That I might live, that I might live

    And now this love of Christ

    Shall flow like rivers

    Come wash your guilt away

    Live again

    (Repeat Chorus)

    That I might live

  9. God Will Make A Way

  10. I Want to Be More Like You

    Lord I want to be more like You

    Lord I want to be more like You

    I want to be a vessel

    You work through

    I want to be more like You

  11. I Will Sing to the Lord Forever

    I will sing to the Lord forever

    Let us together exalt His name

    Sing of His mercies

    That last forever

    Let us together exalt His name

    Magnify the Lord with me

    Praise His holy name

    Giving glory to the King

    He will reign forevermore

    Let us exalt His name

  12. God With Us

    He walked where I walk (echo)

    He stood where I stand (echo)

    He felt what I feel (echo)

    He understands (echo)

    He knows my frailty (echo)

    Shared my humanity (echo)

    Tempted in every way (echo)

    Yet without sin (echo)

    God with us so close to us

    God with us Emmanuel!

    God with us so close to us

    God with us

    Emmanuel! Emmanuel!

    One of a hated race (echo)

    Stung by the prejudice (echo)

    Suffering injustice (echo)

    Ye He forgives (echo)

    Wept for my wasted years (echo)

    Paid for my wickedness (echo)

    He died in my place (echo)

    That I might live

  13. God Is Good

    God is good

    We sing and shout it

    God is good

    We celebrate

    God is good

    No more we doubt it

    God is good

    We know it's true


    And when I think of

    His love for me

    My heart fills with praise

    And I feel like dancing

    For in His heart

    There is room for me

    And I run with arms opened wide

    (Repeat Chorus 2 Times)

  14. Now unto the King Eternal

    Now unto the King Eternal

    Unto the Reigning King

    Unto the Lord Almighty

    Praises I will

    Sing to the King Eternal

    Sing to the King of kings

    Sing to declare His glory

    Let His praises ring

    I will lift my hands

    In joy before my King

    I lift my hands in praise

    I lift my heart

    In joyful jubilation

    I lift my voice in praise

    And I will shout "Blessings"

    To the King

    And I will shout "Glory"

    To the King

    And I will shout "Honor"

    To the King

    And I will shout "Power"

    To the King

    Declaring blessing and glory

    And honor and power

    Belong to Jesus the King of kings

  15. All of My Life

    Giving it up to You O Lord

    It's so easy to say

    Not so easy to do everyday

    I rise O Lord, pick up my cross

    And I'll follow you O my Jesus

    All of my life I'll praise You

    All of my days are Yours

    You are my God forevermore

    All of my life I lay down

    To worship at Your feet

    You are my God forevermore

    I find that within

    Your grace O Lord

    Is a joy so complete

    And the will to obey

    All of Your love

    Raining down on me

    Gives me the strength

    For another day

    I just have to say that

  16. The Apostles Creed

    I believe in God

    The Father Almighty

    Maker of Heaven and earth

    And in Jesus Christ

    His only Son our Lord

    Who was conceived

    By the Holy Spirit

    Born of the virgin Mary

    Suffered under Pontius Pilate

    Was crucified

    Dead and buried

    He descended into hell

    The third day He arose

    Again from the dead

    He ascended into heaven

    And sitteth on the right

    Hand of God the Father Almighty

    From there He shall come

    To judge the quick and the dead

    I believe in the Holy Spirit

    The Christian church

    The communion of saints

    The forgiveness of sins

    The resurrection of the body

    And the life everlasting Amen

  17. We Believe

    We believe in God

    The Father

    Maker of the universe

    And in Christ

    His Son, our Savior

    Come to us by virgin birth

    WE believe He died to save us

    Bore our sins was crucified

    Then from death He rose victorious

    Ascended to the Father's side

    Jesus Lord of all Lord of all

    Jesus Lord of all Lord of all

    Jesus Lord of all Lord of all

    Jesus Lord of all Lord of all

    Name above all names (3X)

    Lord of all

    We believe He sends His Spirit

    On His church with gifts of power

    God His Word of truth affirming

    Sends us to the nations now

    He will come again in glory

    Judge the living and the dead

    Every knee shall bow before Him

    than must every tongue confess

  18. Shine Jesus Shine

  19. Lift High the Cross

    Lift high the cross
    Lift high the cross
    In majesty
    In victory

    (Repeat Chorus)

    Here raged the flight (echo)
    Darkness and light (echo)
    All Heav'n and hell (echo)
    Battled here

    (Repeat Chorus 2 Times)
    (Ladies echo second time)

    Here once for all (echo)
    Was sacrificed (echo)
    The Lamb of God (echo)
    Jesus Christ

    (Repeat Chorus)

    Raise now your voices
    Give glory and praise Him (echo)
    For He has poured out
    His blood as a ransom (echo)

    Hell's pow'r is broken
    And Heaven stands open
    Lift high the cross (echo)

    (Repeat Chorus)

  20. Lift High the Banners of Love

    Lift high the banners of love
    Sound the trumpets of war
    Christ has gotten us
    The vict'ry, hallelujah!
    Jericho must fall

    (Repeat Chorus)

    The body of Christ is an army
    Fighting powers unseen
    Bringing the captives to freedom
    In the name of Jesus our King

    (Repeat Chorus 2 Times)

    Preach the Savior crucified
    Dead but risen again
    Come against the powers of darkness
    In His glorious name

    (Repeat Chorus 2 Times)
    Jericho must fall

25 Great Praise and Worship ] 30 Classic Songs and Choruses Volume 1 ] 30 Classic Songs and Choruses Volume 2 ] Celebrate ] God for Us ] God with Us ] Hosanna! Music ] Jubilee ] Praise ] [ Rejoice ] Rise Up ] Tearing Down Strongholds ] The Best of Hosanna! Music Celebrating 10 Years Vol. 1 ] The Best of Hosanna! Music Celebrating 10 Years Vol. 2 ] Times of Worship ] War in the Heavenlies ]

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