"You are the salt of the earth...
You are the light of the world" (Mt 5, 13-14)
XVII World Youth Day:
Toronto July 18 - 28 2002
XVII World Youth Day:
Toronto July 18 - 28 2002
Borrowed from www.wyd2002.org
The Pope announced to the world during the last
World Youth Day in Rome that the City of Toronto in Canada will be host to the XVII World Youth Day.
18 - 21 July:

The participants arrive and will spend a few days in the surrounding dioceses to experience and share in the local Catholic Church. Accommodation should reflect the whole idea of the event being a pilgrimage. The youth will take part in social services projects and meet other youth from around the world.
22 July:

All of the youth will travel to the main events in Toronto. Again accommodation will be selected to reflect the simplicity and spirituality of a pilgrimage.
23 July:

Today  Aloysius Cardinal Ambrozic, Archbishop of Toronto will celebrate the Mass of the opening of WYD
24 - 26 July:

Throughout Toronto the youth will take part in catechesis. This is usually arranged in language groups. The afternoons will be devoted to entertainments and meeting the other pilgrims. There will also be time for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and other spiritual events.