Make a dark house for the worms to live in. A wooden or plastic bin or other non-metal container. A bin 1.5 ft. H x 2 ft. D x 3 ft W is a good size for a household. Make drain holes near the bottom.

Fill the bin with moist bedding. Bedding can be paper or newspaper shredded, leaves, straw, peat moss or sawdust. Make sure the bedding is kept very moist like a sponge. Change the bedding once or twice a year.

Feed the worms.

Yes!    Fruit, vegetables, coffee grounds, bread, leaves

No!    Milk, oil, eggs, meat, fat, dog or cat feces.

Dig a hole in the bedding, dump the food in and cover it up with bedding. Pick a new spot each time you add food.

Keep them damp and warm. Add water if the bedding feels dry, but make sure the excess water can drain away. Cover the bin with plastic or a tarp during freezing weather.