From the Depths

Down and deeper it went, into the depth with vins whirling water around as the grey barrier-shark swam down. Alone but awaiting, on a journey downwards to a gathering. Having smelt its kin, the shark circled towards its company, where it was welcomed into the darkness. Restless predators of the sea that came together in a school, for there is safety in numbers. Each predator has its prey, and is in turn a prey to yet another predator along the coasts in the warm pacific oceans. In fear of its life, the shark that descended down swam around to the others, their vins touching softly in the water to take comfort in their company. On its trek down it noticed even the daunting dolphins grouped together in anticipating of the fearsome creature that came from the deeper depths, a shark twice its own size and reknown for devouring its kindred, and quick in its hunger. Its head a monstrositiy as its eyes are placed on far outer parts of the rest of its body, onto long extended sides, and jaws to rip apart the biggest of prey. For the grey barrier-sharks and all other fish of the sea: its very presence a terror.

A lost barrier-fish speeding for safety announced that the dolphins alarm was justified, and a great hammerhead-shark made its way using any cover it could find to mask its intentions. The school of sharks moved out of its way upper onto the reef, keeping a respectfull distance, and constanly eyeing their greater cousin that ussually dwells on the sea-floors. Imperiously and overbearing, the big predator swam under the barrier-sharks as if in ignorance with eyes that glance with a dark intelligence.


Above the constant scene of predator and prey, Uls lied in the evening sun on his small fishing boat "The Leviathan", named after the behemoth from the dangerous seas of old. Picking his nose and looking at his catch, he shot it away and swung around from his chair to look at his other catch, a casket full of fish he captured earlier on the day. Knowing he shouldn't leave his catch of the day like that, he got up from his lazyiness and went to the cabin, where he took control of the ship again and started the motor.

Checking and reading his instruments, a sudden impact on the side of the ship made it crack and Uls feared he had hit something. Rushing out of the cabine he saw the obstacle that he had hit, or that hit him. Not believing his eyes he witnessed a collosal shark surfacing the ocean that is known to be living hundreds of feet below, and a giant hammerhead looked at Uls. Staggering with awe and amazement at this impossibility, he fell down and hit the deck with his knees, too mesmerised or hypnotised to act. Still the shark was with its upper body out of the water, oblivious to its body own needs and the sheer immenseness kept Uls staring. The creature was now swaying up as if being lifted, and then dropped down in the water with a splash that brought waves of water in to the boat and made it tile with the tide. Uls, awashed with the salty water regained control of his body, and as he was about to go for the waterharpoon in the cabine the shark seemed to blink both of its eyes towards Uls as if reading his mind and then swang up in a final gesture and plunging down to its own depths again.