<BGSOUND SRC="sonic3kcredits2.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Strategy Guide For Playing Over The Net
Sick of getting clobbered by people? Read THE ULTIMATE GUIDE to help you turn your losses into wins!
Tip no. 1
On your turn, pneumatic drill all the way down, down, down...RIGHT BEFORE YOU GO IN THE SEA! Then, when it's your turn again, ninja rope a side of the tunnel and climb out. Station that worm beside the tunnel. Now, make another tunnel about 5 pixels away like the one you just did. Then make yourself invisible and stay in between the tunnels. If an enemy drops into the hole and he thinks you have no worms around, just take that invisible worm and drop a dynamite/grenade/Banana Bomb inside and run away! Say goodbye to the miserable critter inside the tunnel.

This tip is best used when you are not playing with the Jetpack enabled.

Tip no. 2
This tip is only useful when you are playing with Jetpack enabled. Firstly, during your turn, Jetpack beside an enemy worm. Drop a 5 second fused Banana Bomb and Jetpack away! DO NOT LOOK TO SEE THE DEMISE OF THE ENEMY WORM! Concentrate on flying the Jetpack.

Best used for blasting a certain irritating worm.

Tip no. 3
If you are on a ledge above the enemy worm, use a Homing Missle and aim it horizontally. The worm below you is toast.

Best used for blasting a worm below you.

We'll have more tips soon!
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Tip 1
Tip 2
Tip 3