Of course, noone can tell you what the Matrix is... You have to see it for yourself.

Unless you come here, then i can explain it to you perfectly. Really to explain the whole thing, you need to watch the movie. If you want to understand it, you need to watch the movie 100 times. It gets a little confusing...

Its about this computer hacker named Neo... All his life he searches for a man named Morpheus, who knows the anser to the question: What Is The Matrix?

Morpheus finnally found him, and helps him escape agents. I will explain the agents later. Anyways, Morpheus gives him a chance to escape, which Neo does, (special effect city) and he gets in "the real world"

Morpheus then explains to Neo this:

The matrix is a dream world, which is scientificly real. In the real world its about year 2200... And humans created AI, (artifical Intelligence or machines that can think for themelves) AI took over, but they had no energy sorce after humans scorched the sky. Therefor they used the best energy sorce they could find- Humans.

They grow us in fields, then drain our energy out constintly. To keep us under control, they put signals into our brains, making us think were in the past, they call this dream world "The Matrix"

It is defenintly hard to explain... So you MUST go see this movie today!

"Go... Now!" -Morpheus talking to Neo on the phone