"The Lord your God is gracious and merciful,
and will not turn away His face from you,
if ye return unto Him"
2 Chron. 30:9


It is easy at times
to look at life in a wordly way
getting caught up in depression
circumstances, pain or
the glitter of the world.
We forget the words spoken
turn from the light of the Lord
and become engrossed in self.
I assume we think
we can go it alone
or think it will be ok
or maybe we just
dont realize we are doing it.
I myself
didn't really realize
the slow progression
as each day I would
drift a little further away.
I caught myself thinking
I believe
I am a Christian
but my actions reflected differently.
One day I realized
my words were not
those of my heart.
In that moment I knew
a deep sadness in where I was.
My heart cried out
to the Lord for mercy
for taking my eyes
from the light
and wanted to again feel
the peace of Jesus.
The Lord's tender mercy
was extended to me that day,
and I returned to the place
I was to be.
Each day I thank the Lord
for showing His mercy
to one who's path had gone astray.

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"Lord Have Mercy"
by Michael W. Smith & Amy Grant
