I'm too lazy to introduce this page.

Feminists love their buttons. What better way to symbolize a sexist movement than with 4 in. diameter circles of lies.

Wha..? Who the hell is this assdump and why is he holding a Feminist Button. Oh, I get it. He probably just goes to all the feminist rallies to get laid. Well chump, guess what you'll find at these rallies....(see next picture)

Meet the linemen for the '85 Chicago Bears.

I swear I did not Photoshop this pic. That guy in the back with the orange sign is my hero.

Feminazi's, eeek. Look out equality. They want to rule the world someday. When, you ask? Not til they are done being men haters and smelling like bleu cheese.

Ahhh, I wish all women were like this. She spends all day cleaning the house and cooking you dinner. You get home from work, drink a scotch or three, eat dinner, then put it in her pooper.

How did she end up here? Hmmm, not a feminist, not a good dresser. I know she must be a prostitute because she has a black eye and a bloody lip.

The button says 'feminist,' her brain says 'I like cute furry animals and Birkenstocks'

Oh no, they got Arnie too.

"You want me to stick my featherduster where?" I fucking love housewives.

Especially these housewives.

Haha. I get it. Very clever you slut. However, it's no match for me....

Take that evildoer. My weiner is a sledgehammer. That's why sluts love me.

Girls are stong, eh. How much can you benchpress, you stupid little girl? That's what I thought.

Good to see some mothers are raising their daughters correctly and teaching them priceless life skills.