I fucking hate panda bears. Those fat pieces of shit need a fucking job. A species that is too lazy to mate deserves to die off. I haven't had sex with a human yet, but when I do, it'll take precedence over gorging my fat ass with bamboo shoots. That's another thing, panda's are fucking bears and they WILL maul you if they get the chance. However, they don't eat fucking meat. I wish they had velociraptors in China. Besides the laziness and eating habits of the panda, I just hate the way they look. They are fucking obese. Someone needs to give those pandas some of that opium that has ran rampant throughout the last 200 years in China. Maybe then they will lose weight and end up as a penniless beggar in the alleys of Shanghai.

This lazy excuse for global protection enjoys showing off its gonads which will never be used for the act of mating. All panda bears should die. They do nothing for anyone. Bleedingheart liberals want to make you think that pandas are all cute and cuddly. However, even though they are vegetarians, they will not hesitate to tear you to shreds. Furthermore, all they do is eat, they don't even mate. That's right, they're NOT endangered because we hunted them, they're endangered because they are too lazy to fuck. They are a worthless species.


This is a perfect example of the panda's ruthlessness. Here one panda attempts to push another one off of a cliff.

Altought pandas aren't attracted to the opposite sex of their species, they do have a fetish for Asian women. Look at that tiny weiner.

Whoa, did someone spike my Juicy Juice with peyote again?

Tom Green really needs work.

After brutally mauling the McKenzie family, the panda took a nap, then wallowed in self-pity.


It's panda season, mother fuckers. The only good panda is a dead panda.

Pandas are also gold-diggers. Here you see a panda romancing a rich old man. The old man came to his senses because he wanted a partner who was fatter, lazier, and more money-hungry, so he started dating Anna Nicole Smith.

That's fucking right! Take that you fucking hippie.

Just like communism, pandas are only appealing on paper and not in real life.

Yeah, eat your bamboo because once I knock your teeth out with pipe wrench, you'll be sipping bamboo milkshakes through a straw.