Family and Friends Page Two
Ok so like I said I will try and rotate these every now and then if I have you pick. I hope that everyone who views these pages will drop me an e-mail also at I am sure most of you know the e-mail address if you have gotten this far. And I am pretty sure you haven't written me either.  I can't wait to her from you.
Ok so here is my Dad and brother. I ran out film when my brother took my picture with my dad, but that is ok. This picture is very nice and I love both my dad and brother so a picture of them together is a nice site for me. Love you Dad.
Ok so here is my brother, John (my step dad), my mom, and me. They have both retired and loving it. So now they will travel the world. Well I don't know about the world, but I know they will come and visit me in Vegas. Love you lots mom and dad.
This is Glena's husband (Danny), her sons (Fernando, Alvarado), nephew (Berto), and other friend's of the family. I will add more pages as I have more time.
Well for those of you who don't know my Aunt Glena passed away. She was a saint and worked very hard for God. She gave of her time, love, and good cooking to the church that she attended regularly. So this is us assembled together for her. From left to right: Delia (Glena's daughter), Clara (her sister), James (her nephew), John (brother-in-law), Bernice (her sister), and me (her nephew). We Loved her and she will be missed very much.
Family Photo Page One
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