Untitled Star Sweep fan fic
   By Snow Moon
   Notes: First off, if you haven't ever played or heard of Star Sweep,
I highly reccomend it. It's a tetris-like game with cute anime
characters that have pointy ears. I first played it when I rented it
from Hollywood Video, and then I got for a birthday present it off of
E-bay. Second, I tried to stay in the mood of the game, so my writing
style here is a little different than usual. And lastly (and perhaps
most importantly) I made some mistakes when I tried to remember the
landscape. I think that there's actually three temples, one where the
"city" is, one where the "village" is, and another in the jungle. Heh,
please ignore that... I don't feel like rooting through and changing
it. (^^) Thank you... now, read on!

   "Yes, I won!" Tia shouted, jumping up and down. She stopped and
looked at the older boy in front of her. "Now you have to goon a date
with me!"
   He smiled. "All right... I'm Rank."
   "My name is Tia."
   "Well, when shall we go? I know the perfect place. There's this
   "No no, you have to take me somewhere really nice. Let's go to the
   "The city?" Rank asked, looking uncomfortable, "Do we have to? I'm
really not comfortable in social situations..."
   "But you're doing all right with me." Tia protested.
   "Yeah, but you're a girl, and besides, why do you think I live all
alone on the top of a mountain with a cat?"
   "Well, you will just have to get used to it." Tia remarked. "Now
come on, let's go."
   Rank sighed, but he followed Tia down the mountain. A cat met them
on the way.
   "Rank, where are you going?" The cat asked, surprised. "I thought
you said you weren't going back to the city ever again."
   "I did, Domingo, but I have a date." Rank answered.
   "Oh, that's not fair!" Domingo protested.
   "Well, I said that if she defeated me, I would go on a date with
   "Yeah, we've got to be going now." Tia said happily, hanging from
Rank's arm. Rank laughed, and knelt down to Domingo.
   "Look, you watch things here, okay? I'll be back soon."
   "Oh, all right..." Domingo sighed, sitting  in the snow, "I want a
date, too..."
   "Well, you can go out the next time. Good-bye!" Rank said, patting
the large, white cat's head.
   When they got into the city, Tia and Rank started looking around.
Tia was looking for a place to eat, but Rank was looking around
   "Hey, Tia!" A voice called out. A boy ran up to them.
   "Hi, Ken!" Tia said. "Are you still sore because I beat you?"
   "No, I will get you this time! Let's fight!"
   "Sorry, but I can't because I'm going on a date with a really cute
boy." Tia answered.
   "Oh, who is-- RANK!!" Ken yelled, glaring at him.
   "Oh, not you again. You're such a pest." Rank said.
   "I thought I told you not to come back!" Ken said, getting into a
fighting position.
   "I'm sorry, I can't play with you," Rank answered coolly, "I came
back because I have a date with this girl."
   "No, you must pay for your crimes! I will defeat you!" Ken vowed.
   "I don't have the time today, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to...
run!!" He took Tia's wrist and ran down the street.
   "Hey, come back here!" Ken yelled.
   Rank and Tia didn't stop running until they were on the other side
of the city.
   "Wow, he was mad. What did you do?" Tia asked, out of breath.
   "It is a very long story." Rank answered.
   "Well, you can still tell me."
   "Hey, hey! You'll pay now!" someone yelled.
   "Oh, not again! Did you follow us all this way?" Rank asked,
   "Yes!" Ken said, appearing. "Now, get ready!"
   "Ken, what are you-- Rank?! What are you doing here?!" A girl said.
   "Oh, not you, too!" Rank said.
   "Po! What is going on?" Tia asked the fighting girl.
   "Hah! I see you've taken a hostage, Rank!" Po said, "But it does not
matter. You will pay!"
   "This is ridiculous." Rank said. "Now I remember why I never come
here anymore."
   "Don't worry, Tia! We will save you!" Po and Ken said at the same
   "But I don't want to be--"
   "Tia, come on! Let's go into the jungle, we can hide there!" Rank
   "All right!"
   They ran into the jungle. Po and Ken chased them, but Rank and Tia
hid in the bushes. Po and Ken had to give up the search.
   "I really want to make that guy pay!" Ken said as they left the
   "Don't worry, we will find him. Let's tell everyone what happened!
We have to save Tia from the criminal!" Po answered.
   "All right!"
   After they were gone, Tia and Rank came out of their hiding place.
   "I wasn't expecting to come here," Rank said, "It is way too hot."
   "Well, maybe you should take off your jacket." Tia suggested.
   "All right." Rank took off his jacket and slung it over his
shoulder. "Shall we be going?"
   "All right!"
   "Not so fast!" Another person said from above them.
   "Oh, no. Don't tell me..." Rank said.
   A girl jumped down from the trees and landed on her feet. "Tia, I
will not let you steal my boyfriend!"
   Rank sighed. "I am NOT your boyfriend, Princess Rio."
   The princess steamed. "I said that you are! Tia, I order you to give
him up right now!"
   "You are so selfish! I will not!" Tia yelled back.
   "Then prepare to fight... Funger! Come here right now!"
   A large green monster came and bowed to the Rio. "Yes, Princess?"
   "I want Rank! Get him for me!"
   "But he is a criminal! He should be in jail, where he belongs!"
   "Oh, I am NOT fighting against that!" Rank said. "Why does this
always happen when I come down here?"
   The Princess didn't notice what they were saying. "I WANT RANK AND I
   Funger bowed again. "Yes, Princess Rio... As you wish..."
   But when he turned back to Rank, only his jacket was there, on the
ground. "Where did they go?!"
   "Arrrrgh!!!" Princess Rio yelled.
   Tia and Rank were long gone. They were running through the jungle
towards Tia's village.
   "Why do we keep running away?" Tia wondered.
   "Well, you want to go out with me, right?"
   "Oh, yeah!"
   Finally, they came out of the jungle.
   "Where are we now?" Rank asked.
   "Oh, this is where I live."
   "It's very pretty." Rank said.
   "Thank you!" Tia giggled.
   They walked into the village.
   "Oh, Tia! You're back! Who is this guy?" a blue-haired boy asked.
   "Hello, Mint. This is Rank. We're going out on a date!"
   "Oh, where are you going?"
   "We haven't found anywhere. People keep chasing us around..." Tia
   "Oh, well I'm on my way to a party-- wanna come?" Mint asked,
   "Okay! Rank?"
   "It sounds like fun." Rank said.
   The three left for the party. It was in the city. They didn't have
any trouble going through the jungle, though, because Rio and Funger
weren't there.
   They got to the city and went to the party. Lots of people were
there, and very upbeat music was playing.
   "Well, bye! I'll be around!" Mint said.
   "See you, Mint!" Tia called.
   "Well, shall we dance?" Rank asked.
   They went to the dance floor. On the way there, they ran into a boy
with long, white hair. He looked like Rank, except for younger.
   "Rank!! Look at me! I'm back!"
   "Domingo?!" Rank asked, his eyes wide. "You're a human again!"
   "Yes, isn't it cool?"
   "But how did it happen?"
   "Well," Domingo answered, "I was up on the mountain, and I realized
you forgot your wallet. I came down to return it to you, and I ran
into a girl name Po. She heard me talking and asked me why I could, so
I told her the whole story. Then she said that she would help, and she
   "Domingo... you told her the whole story?" Rank asked.
   "Well, I was feeling kind of sorry for myself..." Domingo said.
   "Wait! Domingo's really a human? What happened?" Tia said.
   "It's a long story..." Rank said.
   "I will tell you if you dance with me." Domingo said.
   "All right." Tia answered.
   She switched to Domingo and they went to dance.
   "So, will you tell me now?"
   "Yes. I'm Rank's brother. Two years ago, we were exploring the
mountain, and we went into this cave. It was made out of crystals that
were red, blue and yellow. When we went farther into it, the woman who
called herself doctor... something... was there. She said that we
couldn't go unpunished, and she turned me into a cat. She was about to
do something to Rank, but he picked me up and ran. We lived on the
mountain for a long time. Rank went back to the city once, because he
used to love the Star Sweep game. He was gone all day, and when he
came back, he had this medal for being the champion."
   "So, Po and Ken were mad because he beat them?" Tia asked.
   "Well, no... they were mad because he stole Po's medal."
   "Oh... So that's why...
   "Yes," Domingo answered, "But they said that it was okay because I
gave it back for helping me."
   "How did they help?"
   "They took me to see the lady who turned me into a cat. She was in
jail for trying to destroy the world."
   "... I see."
   The rest of the party was a blast. Especially after Mint spiked the
punch. Rio confessed her love for Ken, and Po got mad and attacked
her. Domingo and Rank got into a huge fist fight over Tia. Funger had
to break it up. Mint and Tia were blamed for the punch, since they
were the only ones besides Funger who didn't drink it, and they ran
all the way back to their village. Things didn't cool down after they
left, and eventually the person throwing the party had to call the
police. Everyone at the party had to spend a night in the slammer. Tia
and Mint were the only ones who got off the hook, since they got home
before curfew.
   The End!

This fanfic is copyright © 2002 Snow Moon. All rights reserved. Star
Sweep is copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 AXELA. All rights

    Source: geocities.com/wovenstardust