Ensign Harry Kim played by:

Played by: Garrett Wang

Rank: Ensign

Species/gender:Human male

Year of birth:2349

Education:Starfleet Academy, 2367-71

Marital status: Single

Last recorded assignment:(2371-2378)Operations Officer,U.S.S. Voyager

Current status: Returned to Alpha Quadrant with Voyager in 2378, after 7 years stranded in Delta Quadrant

Here is some information on Ensign Harry Kim

He was fresh out of the Starfleet academy when he was enlisted as Voyager's senior Operations officer. He likes playing the clarinet and is a close friend to Tom Paris. He often falls in love with women he can't have (like a holgram, the wrong Delaney sister and Seven of Nine). He designed the Astrometics lab together with Seven.