Intro &


Heart Dance

Ride & Rally





Ride Schedule



































January 2001 Newsletter

Red Hawk Riders
A Chapter of Women On Wheels®

The January 20th meeting started off with a bang! Lynda and Ralph arrived at about 10:00 a.m. in a flurry of activity and the meeting was immediately begun. Lynda was on a mission to discuss the Motorcycle Show, the Heart Dance, the Branson Ride & Rally, elections, and a proposed observation run for charity before turning the floor over to Dave Theissen and the Ride Schedule Committee.

Those in attendance who were awed by Lynda’s enthusiasm and ability to remain focused and hold our attention were: Lynn Dahlman and her husband, Marge & David Theissen, Maxine Smith, Jennifer Moore, Debby Krause, Carrie Kozell, Martha Alexander, Debi Horner, Monica Rice, Maureen Shreeves, Ralph DiGregor, and Suzanne Palm.

The HOG Heart Dance
At 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 10, 2001, the McHenry HOG Chapter is holding their annual Heart Dance to benefit the American Heart Association. The dance will be held at the Crystal Lake Holiday Inn (815-477-7000) on the corner of Route 31 and Three Oaks Road in Crystal Lake. The tickets can be purchased from any HOG member or at the door for only $5.00 per person. Besides dancing, there will be door prizes, raffle prizes and a 50/50 drawing, not to mention live music by the Fairlanes. Special dinners and rooms are available at the Holiday Inn if you choose to spend the night—just call ahead. Don’t miss this event! You can’t get a better night out and you’ll be benefiting a good cause. For more information, call Greg Born at 847-836-6084.

Ride Attendance
It was suggested that we have a minimum of 2 persons showing up to participate in a scheduled ride in order to not cancel the ride. It was also suggested that those interested in participating in a ride would sign up for it at the previous month’s meeting so that on the day of the ride, if all aren’t present, only those who signed up would be phoned. This would eliminate unnecessary phone calls to those who were never interested in participating in the first place.

Of course, the ideal way to handle changes in plans, according to one member in our group, would be to call the ride leader and let them know you changed your mind and no longer plan to attend so no one has to wonder where you are in the first place. :)

The Annual Motorcycle Show
On Saturday, February 10th, 2001, we will be meeting the Northwind Riders in the Expoteria of the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center at approximately 8:30 a.m. where we will attend a breakfast given by a sidecar association. The Donald E. Stephens Convention Center is located at 5555 N. River Road in Rosemont (adjacent to the Rosemont Convention Center). See map. Discounted tickets for the show will be available at the breakfast. Parking is $10.00 per vehicle. For more information about the Motorcycle Show, visit their website at:

Branson Motorcycle
Ride & Rally

May 17th –20th, 2001. If anyone is interested, let us know! It’s about a 600-mile ride. We can take the speedy highways or we can take a slower, scenic route. More information to come.

Officers responsibilities will be outlined for your perusal within the next couple months. Anyone interested in becoming an Illinois Red Hawk Riders Officer should submit their request to Lynda DiGregor. We will be holding elections in July 2001. Elections will be held on a regular basis in accordance with the Women On Wheels® rules.

Observation Run
Lynda would like to organize an observation run for this summer to raise money for the Home of the Sparrow and to cover our Chapter costs. It was proposed that we meet at a restaurant or forest preserve, ride to a fun turn-around point with activities and/or food, and finally end up at a bowling alley to enjoy beverages and/or more food, games, raffles and etc. We’d like to have the event coordinated and ready to execute by late Spring, so if you have any ideas for a fun destination, turn-around point, meeting place or fund-raising activities, etc., please bring them to the next meeting!

Please be sure to give your January IRHR donation to Martha Alexander. The $10.00 donations are accepted twice a year; once in June, once in January. Annual WOW dues have been raised to $25.00 per year.

Ride Schedule Committee Survey Results
The Ride Schedule Committee, (Marge and Dave Theissen, Maureen Shreeves, and Debi Horner) headed by Dave Theissen, has compiled the survey results submitted by the IRHR Chapter members and has come up with a riding schedule tailored around the results as follows:

3-Day Ride
Davis Rally in New Hampton, Iowa. September 7, 8, 9. Approximately 240 miles each way. The Davis Rally is in its third decade and is heavily attended by WOW members. Typically there are about 5,000 bikes. Amenities: camping/tenting with meals taken out. There are usually 80-100 vendors on site, bands, entertainment, activities, a parade on Saturday night, and more. We can take the highway or the back roads through Wisconsin.

Quad State WOW meeting. August 3, 4, 5. Located in Southwestern Wisconsin near the Black River Falls area. More information will be available soon. It was thought that at least one of our rides should be to a WOW event.

One Weekend Trip
Slated for July 14 & 15 would be a trip to Galena, Spring Green, Wolf Park or ?

2 Separate Day-Long Rides
These rides would NOT be on the same days as the regular meeting days. One ride is scheduled for Sunday, August 12th and the other ride is scheduled for Sunday, September 23rd. Potential destinations could be Starved Rock, Kettle Moraine/Holy Hill, SW Wisconsin, or Apple River Canyon area. We need a vote and a couple volunteers to co-ordinate the rides. Don’t be shy!

After-Meeting Ride
Approximately 100-125 mile trip after each of the May, June, July, August, and September meetings, weather permitting.

It was suggested that 2 people sign up to organize and lead one ride each month. This way, if one can’t make it, there is a backup leader. Also, the work is split between two different people each month and no one person is entirely responsible. The following people volunteered for their respective month: May: Martha & Jim, June: Lynda & Suzanne, July: Maureen, leaving August and September open for a few other volunteers.

If you’re too timid volunteer to organize or lead a ride, feel free to contact Dave or Marge Theissen with your ride suggestions so no good ideas will be lost.

The Ride Schedule information should be ready to bring to the WOW booth at the Motorcycle Show on January 10th, 2001 so that others in the area will be able to join us if they like.
(Suzanne has volunteered to put together some IRHR Chapter flyers for the Motorcycle Show WOW booth also, to advertise our meeting time/place, contacts, website, and directions etc.)

I know I speak for the whole group when I say thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into coordinating our ride schedule. I’m sure our upcoming riding season will be much better as a result! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :)

Well, it was a good meeting filled with all kinds of great, motivational information!—I’m ready to ride! See ya’ll next time!

IRHR Officers: Director Lynda DiGregor; Co-Director Suzanne Palm; Treasurer Martha Alexander;
Secretary Sue McDonald; Co-Secretary Maxine Smith; Safety co-ordinator Debby Krause.