Personal Accounts from TPN's Messengers Worldwide

TAW in Europe (1996-2000)

TIW to Australia

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TAW was sent to Europe and he is the best messenger we ever sent abroad. Just like the story of Abraham with his ship, most of the birds did not come back, they were busy with foods they found outside. Only one and the last bird came back to proofs of that the land's surface is appearing and the water will dry up in some days. TAW's work had been successful and gave significant contribution to the struggle of TPN. Let us listen to what TAW says:

  1. First time I went to Europe and my fist impression was like I came from a different planet .
  2. My second impression was that in fact there are people, who are still humane, understand the important of understanding and respect to each other.
  3. After a while, things turned into a different reality, in fact, Europe is the best place for TPN to tell the truths about us. In fact the understand more globally than us, that the struggle for independence in West Papua is not an isolated issue in Papua, ASEAN or the Pacific. I learnt from them that the issue is a global one, that it is an international problem.
  4. Supporters in Europe hosted me, fed me, gave me financial support, and treated me as one of them. 
  5. Surprisingly, in most occasions, I forgot that I am black in skin and curly-haired, different from those Europeans. When I was in Indonesia, since my childhood until I left West Papua, all the time I was strongly aware that I am not long-haired, not yellowish in skin color like the Indonesians, etc. The feeling of myself different from the Indonesians was very, very strong indeed. Only one time I managed to tell myself and I am black and curly-haired, not like those Europeans. Perhaps you ask me, "WHY?" Yes, the reason is simple: Because those Europeans treated me as one of them, as a human, as their friend; not as a Papuan, a person from a different country, different color of skin, different type of hair, etc.
  7. .

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TIW crossed over to Australia from Maroke, Papua in 1997 and stayed there for a year.



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