"Democracy also means alternating government. The value of peaceful and periodic change in government has been proven time and again, in all parts of the world. Democracy is a constant struggle – but a struggle by peaceful means. If term limits are necessary to make this possible, so be it. "


Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General,  July 10, 2003



In July 2007 I met Ed O’Reilly after exchanging some email messages with him concerning his campaign for US Senate.  Having reflected on his candidacy I made the decision to support his campaign.  This would be no light decision.  O’Reilly has chosen to take on the political machinery as he challenges 4-term incumbent John Kerry for the United States Senate.  I fully understood the likelihood of this campaign’s success when I chose to support Ed; still I did so in clear conscience and that is always the best way to be involved in a campaign.


The quotation above from Kofi Annan was not the specific reason behind my support for O’Reilly.  I actually found this quote many months after I started supporting Ed O’Reilly.  However those remarks do reflect what many people objectively believe: that a functional democracy requires periodic change.


Since announcing his candidacy for the US Senate in 2007 Ed O’Reilly has campaigned non-stop across Massachusetts.  He has visited cities and towns to meet voters and activists.  Almost everyone he has met has come away with positive impressions of Ed.  People are coming on board.  Not in huge numbers, but people are listening to Ed O’Reilly’s message for change and slowly leaning his way.


In April 2007 a Suffolk University poll showed a rather startling revelation: around 56% of Massachusetts voters do not want Kerry to return to the US Senate and would prefer to give someone else a chance.  This does not mean a challenger would be assured victory; however it does create an opportunity.  Ed O’Reilly is pursuing this opportunity.


Ed O’Reilly is an attorney from Gloucester, Massachusetts.  He was born in Watertown and early in his professional life he worked as a fire fighter.  In fact Ed was a third generation fire fighter following in the steps of his father and grand father.  (I would later meet his cousin Tommy who is a fire fighter in Framingham.)


While working as a fire fighter in Gloucester and also as commercial lobsterman, Ed put himself through college and went on to law school.  In 1982 he began his practice as a trial attorney for the next twenty five years.  The essentials of his work involved representing people and defending the US Constitution.  He also spent significant time helping people to combat substance abuse.  In past political involvement Ed has served on the City Council and School Committee in Gloucester.


Most would say that O’Reilly’s resume is weak when compared to a 4-term incumbent.  However O’Reilly correctly points to John Kerry’s vote in October 2002 when he sided with President Bush in support of attacking Iraq.  Ed feels that Kerry voted in favor of the military authorization despite knowing that such military action was wrong.  Ed further emphasizes this fact as being confirmed in a book by Robert Schrum who was a political advisor to Kerry.


Some think that Ed O’Reilly is trying to duplicate what took place in 2006, when a political unknown, Deval Patrick, stormed onto the scene and won election to become Governor of Massachusetts.  This is not quite the same scenario.


For O’Reilly the challenge is greater.  He is running against a 4-term incumbent who is well known and well funded.  (Kerry almost became President of the United States.)  This is a primary challenge, not for the general election.  O’Reilly needs to win the September 16th Democratic Primary in order to face any candidate the Republican Party will put forth.


Ed O’Reilly knows the daunting challenge he faces, but he remains undeterred.  He has focused on what he needs to accomplish and what he needs to have a reasonable chance.  Major endorsements will not be forth coming and most Democratic Party leaders will support Kerry.  But O’Reilly remains confident.


Bernard Headley, a professor in the faculty of Social Sciences, once stated, "Among mere mortals, we ensure the vibrancy and the very essence of a democratic system by changing regularly those who govern us."  This thought (similar to the above quote from Kofi Anan) does echo what many voters across the state are feeling: it is time for change.


How well can O'Reilly possibly do in this campaign? Ed obtained the 10,000 signatures needed to qualify for nomination; in fact he submitted over 15000 signatures. He also gained the 15% delegate support at the Democratic State Convention, gaining 22.5%. This earned him a place on the September Primary ballot. Some feel he should never have made it this far.


So now I ask you to go with your conscience.  If you feel it is time for change, time to give some one else the opportunity to represent you, to bring forth new and fresh ideas, then please join me in supporting Ed O’Reilly for US Senate.  You will not regret your decision.


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Both Ed and I thank you for your consideration
-Parwez Wahid