Formating of Data

The pages that contain frequency information use a standardized
format as follows:

39.620  39.260	Indicates a HALF DUPLEX or Base Mobile System. You will
		need to listen to BOTH frequencies to hear both sides of
		the converstaion. Base frequency first, mobile frequency

460.550/465.550	Indicates a REPEATER with the OUTPUT being the
		FIRST frequency.

458.0375	Indicates a SIMPLEX frequency. All activity occurs on
		this frequency.

CTCSS (PL/Channel Guard) tone & DPL codes are listed AFTER the frequency(s), such as:

460.550/465.550 131.8 <- Indidcates a PL of 131.8Hz

460.550/465.550 DPL 023 <- Indicates a DPL Code of 023

If no PL or code is listed the systems uses carrier squelch, or no PL/CODE. CSQ or OPEN also indicates the same mode, for systems which are a mix of PL/DPL & Carrier squelch.

Descriptive names such as channel numbers etc. referenced on air will be listed as follows:

39.460   Mobile - Mobile "4" <- Indicates it is referenced as 4 on the radio. 

These descriptors can be channel numbers or names for frequencies.

Systems with a pre-planned channel numbering system are indicated as follows:

39.620 39.260 100.0 Dispatch		1 <- Indicates channel number
39.620	      100.0 Mobile - Mobile	2
39.580		CSQ BCSA		3

Trunking systems are listed with only the OUTPUTS, inputs are 45MHz lower.
856.2625 - 860.2625 856.4375 - 860.4375 856.7625 - 860.7625 856.9375 - 860.9375
The above is for a 20 CHANNEL System with each channel 1MHz above the
other ie. 856.2625, 857.2625 etc..


CSQ - Carrier Squelch NIS - Not in Service MRE - Mobile Radio Extender, a system to relay from portable to mobile to base. M - M - Mobile to Mobile, a frequency used to talk from unit to unit.
71.9/123.0 Indicates a dual PL mode. This is commonly used on repeaters which have one PL on the input, and another on the output. This format matches the repeater format with output PL/input PL.

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