(Goldpush takes to the air with a sleek new opening montage featuring the superstars of WpW. The show opens with Candice Callaway the commentator from Golpush and also as a special treat of tonight’s draft is Commentator Connor Young from Elevation sitting at the broadcast table. )

CC: Welcome everyone to another MUCH anticipated GoldPush. The talk of the Wrestling world is WpW and it’s all because of our recent Draft not to mention the Upcoming Wrestival pay per view. Tonight I’ve been told we will learn of more matches to go along with the World Title Main Event of The Striken vs. SBK. Speaking of those two, They were at the top of Draft which was held on last Goldpush. If you missed any of the draft , Take a look at this recap of what went down....


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(A video package of the previous episode of Goldpush and The Draft is shown.)

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(Clips of the Draft are shown.)

Recap on draft: Golpush....#1 SBK...#2 PDJ...#3...Paris Rockwell w/ Chris Bennett #4 “Icon” Chris Lee...#5 Grendel...... #6 Mike Sensation.....#7 Donnavon Midas......#8 Simple Simon Terry........#9 Hayden Williams.... 10. Alex “pitbull“ Ortiz....... (Also picked for Golpush) Anomally, Eric Rodriguez, Cage Martenelli, Sean Graves, Stage II, Andy Fung, David Capital (please check website for more)
Recap on draft: Elevation....#1 Delilah...#2 Vampira and Alex Hart...#3...Velimir Radinovic....... #4 Hurricane Webmaster......#5 OWO Denn Mann and Tony Ruiz...... #6 Charlie Viencianato.....#7 K-Shawn......#8 Alex Cupec........#9 Psyco Brian Willet........... (Also picked for Elevation) Scott Stonewall.....Johnny Smith....Assassin....Esmerelda.........Daewoo..........Comax......Angel of Death

(Scene cuts back to Candace Callaway.)


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CC: As you can tell, I’m seated alone this week. Last time on Goldpush, you just witnessed clips of the Draft, seated at my side was Elevation’s lead commentator Conner Young, tonight I fly solo but one reason I look forward to Wrestival this year is the return to the commentator’s table by the venerable and respected Allen Rosell. He’s been sorely missed and we’re so happy he’s making a recovery from cancer and we’re praying he makes a full recovery, it will be great to see him again and I can’t wait to induct him as the first member of WpW’s Hall of Fame at Wrestival weekend. Tonight’s matches and events should really get us rolling towards California and Hollywood for Wrestival this year. One match up tonight our opening contest pits two of WpW’s champions, I look forward to seeing who is the better champion...The Phil or Rey?


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Backstage we see Phillip Shane Abernathy, the current Continental Champion pacing back and forth in his dressing room. He currently has on his I.C. Dead People shirt on it, and as he paces we can see a silhouette has been added to the back.

The Phil - Fuck Joe, I don't know what I'm going to do. It's official, she's free.

Joseph Higashi - Just chill Phil, there's nothing she can do here.


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The Phil - OH yeah, well look at this!

The Phil shoves a piece of paper towards Joe.

Joseph Higashi - This is a copy of a VIP PASS! Phil, fUck, this has her picture on it! FOR TONIGHT!

The Phil - Yeah, and she's still in the Union. Can you believe the Union let her stay?

Joseph Higashi - Not a lot of Union guys appreciated you jumping ship when you did.


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The Phil - FUCK Joe, this is so not good. It's a catch twenty-two. I stay in here, I have no honor and I SO lose face with these people. I go out there and I'm killed for sure.

Joseph Higashi - Well, she'll have to do a LOT ot get to the ring itself...

The Phil takes in a very deep breath then exhales.

The Phil - Okay, in that case I'm going to have to put Rey down quickly, no more screwing around.


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Joseph Higashi - Phil, what are you talking about.

The Phil - Joe, you can leave now. I'll find a new camera man, but I can't conform to your restriction any longer. I'll still pay you per our agreement. From now on though, the rules have changed. As long as she can get in the arena, and get at me being a Union Member, she can get away with it. So I have to get away with it if need me.

Joseph Higashi - Get away with what Phil?

The Phil - Murder Joe. I'm going to have to go full gusto and get away with Murder.


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Joe takes a deep breath, and then let's out a sigh.

Joseph Higashi - Then Phil, I wish you luck, but I can morally no longer be involved.

The Phil - Thanks Joe. Don't forget to write.

And as of this time, the world according to Joseph Higashi goes black, and snowy while Candace Calloway is shown back at the announcers table by her lonesome self.


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CC - Obviously "The Phil" has a problem coming out tonight, and it seems like he's not even concerned with the two men on the roster Gunning for him. That man needs to wake up and realize that he's part of this company or unemployed, the same could be said for Rey though.

The camera's in the ring now as Roxy Adams is ready to announce tonight's champion versus champion match.

Roxy Adams - The Following match is non-title and scheduled for one fall. First, making his way to the ring he is the current WpW Big Gold Champion, weighing in at 200 pounds from San Diego California, Reynaldo Sanchez!

The crowd gives a loud pop as "Jesus Walks" by Kanye West plays and IRey walks out on stage with his Big Gold Title strapped crossed his waist. The gold contrasts with his black tights with the words Honor written on both sides with red letters. The fans continue to be behind IRey as he runs down the aisle slapping hands; the camera gets a good shot of his belt just barely covering up the bottom of his large black cross tattoo. He takes his belt off and holds it while he slides under the bottom rope into the ring. Before handing his belt to the official, he holds up his hands and soaks up the cheers from the audience.


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CC - And it looks like Rey, despite making a visible showing these last few weeks, is more than ready for this match.

Roxy Adams - Next, making his way to the ring is his opponent, the current WpW Continental Champion, weighing in at 285 pounds from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, The Phil!

The crowd begins to boo as gold pyros begin to explode at the entrance while his normal theme doesn't start. Instead we're surprised to hear a rock guitar and drums starting up with an eerie tune before a slight drop off. The Tron shows up with an image of The Phil's face his eyes glowing red. The effect of blood splattering on the screen is near creepy as it shows up the letters "Welcome to Zero Hour" before dripping to the bottom. The Phil comes out of the gorilla position wearing bright white PVC looking trench coat, t-shirt and jeans. Over his shoulder is the Continental Title just draped in place.


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CC - It appears that the Phil's entourage isn't the only thing that has changed tonight folks. This is a different man than the one who won the Continental Title at the Roy Lee Rumble.

The Camera goes back to Phil as he passes its vantage point, it shows the words "The one dressed in white was Death" on the back. He hand the belt to the official and hops onto the apron, then slides between the middle ropes. He takes off his trench coat and just stares at IRey, almost with contempt. The other camera shot shows IRey now no concern on his face, just determination.

CC - Both of these men are complete opposites. While one man is the Honor of this company, the other is anything but.


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Roxy Adams steps out of the ring as the bell rings. The Phil throws his jacket right on IRey and immediately begins hammering him with a flurry of punches. IRey tosses off the jacket while the Referee gets in between and breaks it up.

CC - This is IRey Sanchez's first singles match in quite a while; his strategy really has to be different in this type of match up than before.

Phil approaches IRey with some caution, and goes for a tie up. A quick drop toe hold plants Phil right into the canvas though and IRey immediately follows up with a quick elbow drop to the middle of the back. IRey goes for another elbow drop, and the crowd gives a loud pop while he goes for a third!


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CC – Quick elbows working over the back of The Phil, and Rey misses the fourth one!

Rey connects with canvas on his third Elbow drop as Phil gets rolls to his feet and begins to stomp on the elbow while IRey is on the canvas. IRey quickly kicks Phil in the gut stopping the barrage and quickly gets to his feet nailing a drop kick to the chest of The Phil and Phil goes down to the canvas.

CC – And IRey now with a cover!


CC – And Phil kicks out!


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Phil gets an arm free and hammers IRey in the face with a closed fist! IRey stumbles off Phil and both competitors go at it again. Phil rushes in with a clothesline attempt but IRey counters with a Hurricanrana and the crowd goes crazy. IRey rebounds off the ropes while Phil is on the ground and Phil surprisingly springs up with knee to the stomach of IRey.

CC –IRey goes down with a bad knee to the gut, and it looks like Phil’s back in control of this match.

Phil looks around a bit skittish like before he continues on the attack, he begins kicking into Rey’s leg now attempting to ground him. IRey wraps his legs around Phil taking him down with a scissor leg lock. IRey rolls with the lock and keeps The Phil’s leg locked into place while he grabs for the chin of The Phil.


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CC – And it looks like Rey’s going for a submission move, trying to wear out The Phil and take away his blatant power game.

The official comes to Phil and looks him in the eye and checks the hold to make sure it’s legal. Phil swings blindly behind him trying to get IRey off of him. IRey keeps the lock in place and Phil finally uses his momentum from a punch to roll both him and IRey over causing IRey to roll into the ropes forcing a break.

CC – These last three minutes have been intense as we’ve seen these two champions go at it. Both men are totally determined here tonight, and only one of them can go home a winner though.


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The Phil grabs IRey by the arm and applies a quick armbar, digging his elbow into the move before slinging him to the ropes. IRey bounces off and connects with a cross body sandwiching Phil to the canvas. The Official begins the count.



CC – And again the Phil kicks out of Sanchez’s pin attempts! The hard effort of Rey is paying off though as Phil looks like he’s running out of steam.

The Phil gets up slowly as IRey stands in a ready stance. He rushes Phil and quickly spring boars off the ropes near Phil executing a perfect bulldog maneuver! Rey springs up from the canvas and crashes right into the official! The official doesn’t look too shaken up as he cautions IRey about roughing the official up. The fans are totally shouting at Rey as he crashes completely into the official due to a drop kick from behind planting both the Referee and IRey into the corner turnbuckle.


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CC – The ref and Rey are BOTH in trouble from that blow!

Rey tries to help the referee come too as Phil just sneers at him waiting at the other turnbuckle.

CC – This is odd for Phil to not…

The Phil slides under the ropes as soon as Rey brings his attention back to the Referee and the crowd becomes frantic once again as Rey turns around and Phil slides into the ring with a steel chair!

CC – I think the Referee hit his head on the turnbuckle when Phil kicked both him and Rey.


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Rey stares at Phil for a moment as Phil then begins to charge. Rey leaps up for a drop kick and Phil stops short.

CC – Rey missed and now Phil capitalizing with the steel chair!

Phil begins working over the legs and body with the chair and with a vicious sound of connecting steel, IRey’s face begins to bleed. Phil continues the onslaught and suddenly the lights go out.

CC – Someone get Rey some help in there, the lights just went off and…

The sound of a bamboo flute playing just briefly is heard as the lights come back on.


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CC – Fans, you have to see this to believe it. The woman called Kelly Flair, also known as Dark Blaze is standing above both Rey and Phil holding Phil’s steel chair.

The woman introduced by Candace Calloway as Dark Blaze is dressed in a form fitting black spandex with blue flames trailing up the sides of her legs. With what can almost be described as two bloody corpses are at her feet, she raises the steel chair above her head and lands another nasty blow to The Phil’s throat and follows up in the chest, and finally the one hit knock out spot. She lays the chair down on Phil and wakes up Rey.

CC – She’s helping Rey! Dark Blaze is here to finally end the Phil’s winning streak!


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Rey looks up at the Asian woman helping him up with a bewildered look in his face and finally realizes what’s going on. He motions for her to leave and she does so sliding underneath the bottom ropes.

CC – Rey wouldn’t think about winning this way! He’s the Honor of WpW; he’s everything this fed stands for. He can’t just accept this win!

The fans begin to boo Rey as he stands up and looks at the Phil. The camera shows Dark Blaze ring side smiling. Rey takes the chair and picks it up.

CC – No Rey! Don’t!


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Rey walks over to wake the ref and finally gets him to come too. He points at the chair and Dark Blaze and says something.

CC – I just got word that we’re getting security down here got Dark Blaze removed from the Arena, Union or not, she’s not an active roster member and she shouldn’t be here!

The official looks at Dark Blaze who notices security and starts to run. The bell begins to ring as the official says something to Roxy Adams.

Roxy Adams – At the request of Reynaldo Sanchez, this match has been declared a no contest due to outside interference!


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The fans erupt into applause and cheers as Rey tosses the chair outside the ring and “Jesus Walks” hits the P.A. system. Rey comes and checks on Phil who’s still out cold and motions towards the ramp where two medical attendants are coming down with a gurney.

CC – And Rey Sanchez has once again shown just what the Honor of WpW is about!

Paramedics finally get to the arena as Phil is still laid out, breathing heavily on the canvas.

(Rey take the mic and starts to speak, as "T.N.T." by AC/DC blasts over the arena before he can get anything out. The fans send down a shower of boos as "The Danbury Dreamboat" Chris Bennett walks out from the back, microphone in hand. He asks for quiet, but this only brings more boos. Finally, he erupts.)


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C.B.: I said shut the hell up, you Arizona morons! Can't you people acknowledge greatness when you see it?

(Rey waves his hands, getting the crowd even more pumped up.)

C.B.: Yeah, that's real good, Sanchez. Your adoring fans, huh? Well, where were they last week when you were getting the shit beaten out of you by Team Bennett? That's right, they were cheering for blood! So anyway, I've come out here, because....well, I just couldn't stand to hear you speak anymore. You were boring me half to death and WPW ratings were dropping by the minute. So now, I'm here to boost the ratings a bit and breathe some much needed life into this show.


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Rey: You want to boost ratings? I've got an idea that'll get the crowd on its feet.

C.B.: Oh yeah? What's that?

Rey: You and me, right here, right now!

(the fans go nuts as Bennett stands there, shocked by Rey's challenge. He takes off his glasses, drops the mic, and begins walking down towards the ring. Rey tosses his mic down as well and begins pacing around the ring. Suddenly, Paris Rockwell jumps out of the crowd, over the security barrier and slides under the ropes, into the ring. He rushes at Rey's back, but Rey turns around in the nick of time and kicks Paris in the stomach. He begins delivering vicious shots to Rockwell, but he is stopped as Bennett grabs him from behind and slams him to the mat. He begins stomping the life out of Rey and Paris joins in on this. Bennett picks him up and delivers a devastating BENNETT BLASTER, knocking Rey pretty much out cold…..)


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All of the sudden the crowd gives a huge pop as “More Human, Than Human” by White Zombie begins to play over the loud speakers…….GRENDEL’s video begins to play on the WPWTron as GRENDEL come running to the ring…..Paris Rockwell sees the big man and turns to try to stop him while Bennett is still beating down Rey……Paris tries a running clothes line but GRENDEL ducks it and bounces off the rope and clothes lines Rockwell……GRENDEL picks Rockwell up off the floor and sets him up for the GRENDEL Bomb….

CC: Here comes GRENDEL to the rescue.

GRENDEL slams Rockwell hard into the mat as Bennett continues to beat down Rey…..GRENDEL walks up behind Bennett and taps him on his shoulder…..Bennett swats him away thinking it’s Rockwell….


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CC: Chris better pay attention, that’s not Paris trying to get his attention.

GRENDEL pushes on the back on Bennett as Bennett turns around with a “WTF” look on his face…..That look changes to pure shock as he sees the massive GRENDEL standing toe to toe with him….Bennett backs off towards the ropes but GRENDEL grabs him and delivers a massive GRENDEL Bomb….

CC: Rey better be glad GRENDEL came and made the save otherwise there would be no telling what Team Bennett would have done to him.

The crowd cheers once again as GRENDEL goes over to Rey to help him up as Team Bennett slowly makes their way out of the ring and to the back……But before Team Bennett reaches the middle of the ramp, CEO Lilly makes her way out to the top of the ramp……


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CEO Lilly: Excuse me boys, I say boys, because that‘s the way you‘re acting. If you‘d just calm down a minute I‘ll tell you why I‘m out here.

Team Bennett stop in their tracks as they turn to look at Lilly……Meanwhile GRENDEL and Rey still in the ring leans against the ropes to listen to the CEO…

CEO Lilly: Enough of this...You want to see just who the best is...just who should be the Big Gold Champion? Then settle it at the grandest stage there is...WRESTIVAL!!!!!! That’s right...We will find out who is WpW’s #1 contender as its Big Gold Champion, It will be A Triple Threat match...Rey-WpW Big Gold Champion vs. ‘Danbury Dreamboat’ Chris Bennett vs. ‘The Man They Call’ Grendel!!!!

The fans pop.


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CC- Oh my! There’s a match that should live up to the Wrestival name.

CEO Lilly walks back through the entrance to the back as the wrestlers stand around with their various stages of reaction to the news.

CC- Making his return at the Draft GoldPush, Eric Rodriguez is in action tonight against one of the men out there right now who will be going for the Big Gold Title at Wrestival this year, Chris Bennett. That match is coming up next!!!!!!

(The scene shifts backstage to find none other than Elevation’s Roy Lee standing at CEO Lilly’s office door.)


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Roy Lee: Howdy, I told ya I’d be here tonight to take care of some bidness. That’s just why I’m here. I noticed Lilly out there makin matches fer the big dance called Wrestival. Last year Wrestival drew one of the biggest buy-rates for ppvs in 10 years. This year we got Striken vs SBK in their one and only One-On-One match Only Wrestival can deliver a Dream Match like that, well I’ve got a couple matches of my own to make for Wrestival and not only that, you see this here briefcase?

(Roy holds up a brown briefcase and then a manila folder that clearly has a video tape inside it as well as some papers.)

Roy Lee: In this here briefcase, is some information. Last fall, our CEO was brutally attacked, well to prove I’ve turned over a new leaf and am here to do the best and what’s right for WpW, I’m going to solve whodunit. That’s right a regular old fashioned mystery to be solved and I have a pile of suspects and with a little help from some friends I plan to reveal just whodunit.


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(Back now from her appearance minutes ago at the rampway CEO Lilly walks downs the hall to her office where Roy is standing outside of.)

Lilly: I’m in the midst of getting prepared for the big events of Wrestival, I really don’t think we need to relive the past of last year and try to solve some attempt to knock me out of the picture.

Roy Lee: That’s just the thang Lilly, Too many rasslin companies have something happen then just drop it with no resolution, I gotta do this Lilly, I gotta solve the whodunit attack on you.

(Lilly sighs and gives and approving grin.)


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Lilly: If you must, you can have access to an office down the hall for your operations but have you considered everyone on Elevation. What if the attacker is on the show you run?

Roy Lee: I’ve thought about that and even considered it being someone who doesn’t wrestle for WpW.

Lilly: Really?

Roy Lee: Tell me something, do you recall anything of the attack?

Lilly: Roy, it was last fall, It came out of nowhere, I really can’t offer much help. Now if you’ll excuse me I need back in my office to oversee the rest of the program and finish up putting together some key Wrestival festivities.


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(Lilly enters her office and Roy opens his folder to reveal it is indeed a video tape, he gives it a look and grins.)

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CC- We’re back and as we see Eric Rodrigues is ready for action, we just saw before the break Roy Lee of Elevation making an appearance and he’s dead set on solving the mystery behind who attacked Lilly last fall, One man who could be a suspect might be the man in the ring right now, Eric Rodriguez. He does seem obsessed with the CEO, maybe he did it because he couldn’t have her for himself. Who knows?


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Eric Rodriguez is already in the ring as the bell sounds and the announcer introduces him. Then the lights flicker and as Seven Nation Army hits the P.A., Chris Bennett comes out and stands in the entranceway. He looks out over the crowd and does an over the head point backstage. Paris Rockwell comes out, wearing a Team Bennett sleeveless t-shirt and a headband, and high-fives the Danbury Dreamboat. They make their way down to the ring and Bennett holds the ropes open for Rockwell to step through. Paris gets into the middle of the ring and does an air-boxing combo and finished it off with a standing backflip, and then the lights return to normal. Paris walks right up to Rodriguez and after an exchange of words, Paris slaps him across the face before skipping back laughing.

CC: Paris is already looking to make this match difficult for himself.

Rodriguez rubs his jaw and then turns his attention back to Paris. The bell sounds and Rodriguez taunts Paris to come on. Paris looks down at Bennett who tells him to attack. Paris rushes Rodriguez who catches him in a drop toe hold. Paris quickly climbs back up to his feet and goes to attack Rodriguez again, but this time Rodriguez hits him with a hip toss. Paris quickly rolls up in the corner as Rodriguez continues to taunt him. Bennett can be heard telling Paris to continue. Paris walks back to the center of the ring and both he and Rodriguez start to circle each other. The meet in the center, looking to tie up, but Paris hits him with a thumb to the eye. Paris takes advantage of a stunned Rodriguez and starts punching back into the corner. Paris then goes to whip him to the opposite corner, but Rodriguez reverses and whips Paris instead into the corner hard. Rodriguez goes to follow up with a clothesline, but is met with a boot to the face. With Rodriguez staggering a bit, Paris climbs up the turnbuckle and goes for a move off the top rope, but Rodriguez catches him and body slams him instead. Rodriguez goes for the cover. 1...2... Paris kicks out.

CC: Eric nearly had it right there. As I watch this match I can‘t help but think about the interaction earlier of Roy and Lilly and Rodriguez as a suspect, it could be possible Eric didn‘t attack Lilly at all and is indeed the FATHER of Lilly‘s unborn baby!!!!

Rodriguez picks Paris up and whips him into the ropes. Paris bounces back and ducks an attempted clothesline. Rodriguez ducks his head down as Paris bounces off the opposite ropes and Paris notices Rodriguez. Paris kicks Rodriguez, causing him to stand straight up and then Rodriguez hits Paris with a devastating clothesline. Rodriguez goes for another pin, but Bennett climbs the apron to distract the ref. Rodriguez obviously has Paris down for the pin, but realizes Bennett has the ref's attention. Rodriguez releases the pin and goes to deal with Bennett, who quickly jumps down from the apron. The two exchange words and the moment Rodriguez turns around, a recovered Paris is up to his feet and hits a Super Kick on Rodriguez. Rodriguez is down and out. Paris then climbs the top rope, does his trademark gyration for the ladies before hitting his Six Million Dollar Frog Splash.

CC: That's it right there. There is no way Eric is kicking out of that!

The referee counts... 1 . . 2 . . . 3 Ding Ding

RA: Your winner of this match Chris Bennett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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CC: Father of Lilly’s baby of not with that loss Chris Bennett has momentum going into Wrestival in a few weeks in the just signed Big Gold title match and he’s one who’s asking Rodriguez...”Who’s YOUR daddy?”

(CC laughs)

CC: Let’s go now to Monique who’s standing by with the man with the golden touch, Donnovan Midas!

Backstage standing by is Monique.

Monique - Thanks Candice. As you all can see I am here with The Legend Donnovan Midas just moments before he is suppose to meet Hayden Williams. Donnovan whats going threw your mind right now?


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Donnovan Midas - Whats going threw my mind? What do you think Monique I am about to go out there and show Hayden Williams what a Legend really is.

Monique - As true as that might be isnt there some sort of stage fright involved right now. I mean come one Don your about to fight your first singles match in the WpW and against someone as competitive as Hayden Williams isnt there a possibility you might not come out victorious?

Donnovan Midas - Donnovan Midas lose! In a singles match!! To Hayden Williams!!! You know something Monique I wish you were a blonde then I could just assume you have half a brain and ignore everything you just said. But instead you are a brunette and for that reason I am going to have to set you straight. Hayden Williams is just to busy thinking about Mike Sensation, is every waking hour is about Revenge for what happened during the TV Title match a few months back. And for you BIMBO to think that he can hold a candle ...


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(At this very moment the camera pans out ever so slowly to reveal Hayden Williams standing behind Donnovan Midas)

... to Donnovan Midas he is scared and he knows ...

(The look on Monique's face lead Donnovan to realize that Hayden Williams was standing behind him , Monique takes a few steps back and as Donnovan Midas begins to turn around... Before he can fully turn around he is hit by Hayden Williams then men begin to battle in the backstage area. Hayden has the upper hand delievering many good shots to the head of Donnovan Midas the ref's come in to break it up but before they can Donnovan hits Hayden with a low blow, Donnovan gets to his feet and fights threw the refs and gets a hold of Haydens injured Knee and beings to apply preassure to it, the refs attempt to break it up and finally get Donnovan off and begin to look at Haydens knee)


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Candice - Boy I can't believe this these men just can't wait to get into the ring together well once we come back from Commercial ladies and gentlemen the wait will be over Donnovan Midas Vs Hayden Williams stay tuned ...

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(Footage from last year’s event from the sold out TWA Dome is shown as the official Wrestival logo blazes across the screen, as the official song for this year’s Wrestival plays “Behind those eyes” by 3DoorsDown as Goldpush returns from break.)

Candice - What a night it’s going to be, Wrestival and two men who must be vying for a match at Wrestival and a chance to make their mark on WpW. Donnovan Midas and Hayden Williams and lets not wait any futher lets go to the ring.


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Roxy Adams - This match is for one fall From Chicago, IL weighing 252 pounds The Ledgend Donnovan Midas ...

(So Cold by Breaking Benjamin blares over the PA System and the lights go down blue and black lights follwed by a fog gather around the entrance ramp and Donnovan Midas appears he is not dawning his usual rope and is walking to the ring in a fast pace. He gets into the ring and just stands there staring at the entrance)

Roxy Adams - And his opponent ....HAYDEN WILLIAMS!!!!!!!!

sXe Hayden Williams’ music blares over the PA System and the lights go
Hayden Williams appears from behind the curtain with alot of wrap around his knee he begins to walk towards the ring with a slight limp, once he enters the ring the bell sounds)
Immediatly Donnovan begins to stomp on Hayden Williams as he slids threw the bottom of the ropes, once on his feet Donnovan locks him up in a grapple, then sends him to the Ropes Donnovan delievers a shoulder block on Hayden sending him to the canvas. He grabs the injured knee and begins to go to work on it, he begins to apply pressure to the knee as Hayden screams out in agony reaching for the ropes after a good struggle Hayden finally gets to the ropes but Donnovan refuses to release the hold.


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The ref begins to count 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ...

Releases the hold but quickly grabs back on and the ref counts again

1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... Breaks the hold again Donnovan stands up on his feet as Hayden quickly grabs his knee ...

Candice - That is a dirty move by Donnovan Midas he is delibertly going after the injured knee of Hayden Williams and is now gloating as if he has won the match already.

[Suddenly darkness overtake the arena as the words “Got Ego” appear on the Tron. The fans erupt as “Trip Like I Do” begins to blare over the PA System. Pyros explode on the stage as the lights come back on and the WpW All Time Television Champion stands there with the belt draped over his left shoulder.]


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CC- MIKE SENSATION IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The TV Champion is BACK on Goldpush????

[Mike looks out at the sea of fans as Midas and Williams have put their match on hold due to Sensation’s interruption. Williams leans against the ropes, his eyes burning with rage as he stares up at Mike. Sensation grins as he pulls out a microphone from his jacket pocket. The fans quiet down as he begins.]

Mike Sensation- Midas, Williams… I’d like to say I am sorry for interrupting that sorry excuse for a match you two are displaying in that ring there… but I can’t. See I am doing everyone a favor by putting a stop to that agony you two are causing. Honestly guys, this match so far… simply pathetic.


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[Mike grins as Williams screams up at him and motions for him to come on down to the ring. Sensation holds up his hand and shakes it as he continues.]

Mike Sensation- Now I know, I am Elevation… hell I am the All Time Television Champion, so why am I here on Goldpush tonight? Well for starters, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be here in my very own home state of Arizona!

[The fans erupt again as Mike grins again, shifting the TV Title to his other shoulder. The fans again quiet down so he can continue.]

Mike Sensation- However that is not the main reason why I am here tonight. After my TV Title Match this past week on Elevation, I realized something that I have been battling with for the past few days. Finally it occurred to me, the answer was so clear and obvious. I decided I would come here tonight and explain my revelation with all of you. Williams, you’re going to want to pay attention to what I am about to say.


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[Williams continues to focus on Mike as Midas leans against the turnbuckle, un-amused by what Sensation has to say.]

Mike Sensation- You see, I was sitting in my locker room after Elevation, thinking about my successful title defense and how Striken made that appearance earlier on in the show. At that very moment, I made an important decision. For weeks, hell even months I have been saying I am the Foundation of Elevation, the backbone holding it together, the Main Event, strongest link, so on and so forth. Well I knew I didn’t belong there, seeing Striken there made me realize something… I am too good for Elevation. That weaker brand was a disgrace to who I am and I am no longer going to allow myself to be affiliated with a lesser brand. The only thing that bound me to that shit hole was this TV Championship, which I thought so highly of. That was my mistake… for I can only bring so much dignity to this title when the only guys gunning for it are the curtain jerkers, the morons, the cockroaches of World Pro Wrestling. Hell, not even those two punks inside that ring right now lowered themselves by coming to Elevation to compete for this Title. When the only competition for it are losers, pathetic fools, and guys who can only dream of glory… this belt is worthless. I refuse to associate myself with anything that isn’t worth something. Those newbies on Elevation have no chance in Hell of ever defeating me for the title, but yet how can I be proud of easily embarrassing them week after week like I have? It’s a waste of my time in total honesty. So WpW… here is what I think of this All Time Television Championship!


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[Williams, Midas, and the fans watch in shock as Sensation takes the TV Title, spits on it and then throws it to the ground. He walks behind the curtain and steps into the back for a second, only to return with his sledgehammer. The fans gasp in more shock as Sensation sets the mic down and then slams the Sledgehammer down onto the Championship. The metal faceplate bends and distorts upon impact and as Mike brings the sledge down on it for a second time, small pieces of the plate shatter off it. Sensation grins as he picks up the microphone again.]

Mike Sensation- This is my way of saying, I hereby vacate the WpW All Time Television Championship! I got drafted to this show first, Lilly wanted me here on Goldpush from the very beginning and now I am officially here. Goldpush is no longer incomplete, for I am here to stay. Goldpush is and will forever be the best brand WpW has to offer so it deserves to have Simply the F’N Best headlining it week after week. The contract is finalized, ladies and gentleman like it or not, Mike Sensation is apart of Goldpush!


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[The fans erupt again as a smile forms across the face of Williams. Mike points the Sledgehammer right at him.]

Mike Sensation- Get that goofy smile off your face boy. You said you wanted your chance at revenge, you told me to watch my back for you would be coming for me. Well let’s just say I couldn’t wait any longer to put you right back into the hospital and steal away another month of your career! Now I could easily come down there right now, get inside that ring and get face to face with you.

[The fans cheer as Williams holds the ropes open and motions for him to come on in. Sensation grins.]
Mike Sensation- I could do that Williams… but I am not going to. It wouldn’t take much effort at all to destroy you in front of all these people tonight, but that wouldn’t be any fun. Now that I am here, we got all the time in the world. Don’t worry though Williams… you will get your shot at revenge, I promise. Just not tonight!


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[The fans begin to boo as Williams screams up at him.]
Mike Sensation- Instead of yelling at me Williams, you should be thanking me for not embarrassing you in that very ring. So until you are ready to show me the respect I deserve, that revenge you crave so badly will continue to be just out of your reach. Lilly, you wanted me here on Goldpush, well now I am… Striken… Anomally… Rey, Midas, and most importantly… Williams… you’re looking at the Foundation right now and I am going to turn Goldpush upside down starting next week. I might have lost TV Gold tonight but it won’t be long before I capture gold right here where I belong. Goldpush… Mike Sensation will become the dominate force here as no one will be able to stop me from rising to the top and securing my immortality as being Simply the F’N Best! You don’t got to like it… YOU JUST GOT TO DEAL WITH IT!


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??? ???: Naw, We ain’t gotta just deal with it!

“The Gambler” by Kenny Rogers plays and from the entranceway comes Roy Lee with folder and briefcase in hand, the folder now only has papers in it, no sign of the video tape.

Roy Lee: You’ve said and bunch of meaningless things the last few minutes and even disrespected two of your past WpW foes Midas and Williams and their match so I’ll try and make this to the point. Mike, you’re NOT the foundation of this here company, Elevation wasn’t YOUR show as you said, quite frankly I could tell you all of this on Elevation next week when you can “officially” vacate the TV title but here’s the funny catch to this here dog and pony show you tried to put on. I’ve got some more news for you aside from letting your huge ego know you don’t make WpW click. Goldpush isn’t the place to forfeit an Elevation championship but I heard you say something a couple times that was innerstin’ to me. You kept saying how much Lilly wants you on Goldpush, but not only have I heard that, I’ve witnessed your blowups backstage and your diva attitude. Complaining, whining, all the while claiming how you’re the best. Mike you’re not the best, maybe the reason you want to jump to Goldpush so badly is because you’re scared of what happened after Elevation went this last week....happening again.


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[Mike Sensation is clearly not happy with Roy Lee.]

Roy Lee: Roll that tape....

(The WpW Tron shows the Elevation logo then...)

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( The WpW tron then runs video from after Elevation went off the air this past week and it’s Fed Cup battle royal, it shows Willet’s elimination by Sensation, then it shows Dennis Mann and Mike Sensation battling near the ropes and then a midget names Johnny The Pirate runs over as the two battle and pushes both men over the top to win the Fed Cup!)

(At the rampway Roy Lee is laughing as is the entire Goldpush audience.)


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Roy Lee: No one will be able to stop me from rising to the top and securing my immortality as being Simply the F’N Best! You don’t got to like it… YOU JUST GOT TO DEAL WITH IT! Hahahahaaaaaaa!!!!!! A little MIDGET stopped you Mike!!!!! You lost to Johnny the Pirate!!!!! No wonder you’re being such a baby and a diva around here, well you keep saying how Lilly wants you for Goldpush, this little piece of paper I have signed by her says differently. It’s YOUR RELEASE!!!! No matter how much you think of yourself Mike, WpW isn’t YOURS and you’re not it’s foundation. You thought you owned me, owned Elevation, This here cowboy ain’t goin no where but people like you and Willet sure are...Out of WpW!!!!!

(The fans have started a “Na-na-na-Na-Na-Naaa-Naaaa Hey Hey Good-Bye” chant at Mike Sensation. Mike is furious, he taps his mic but it’s turned off.)


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Roy Lee: You’re done Mike as is your mic. If you have something to say...there’s always Elevation and the OPEN All-Time TV title match open to all outsiders! Hahahaaaaaaa!!!

Roy‘s music “The Gambler” plays again as Mike Sensation decides to exit through the crowd. Hayden and Midas shrug wondering about their match but still laughing about what happened to Mike Sensation.

CC: We’ve gotta regroup, Roy Lee just informed us Mike Sensation won’t be in WpW any long but we really need to let Hayden Williams and Donnovan Midas get back to their match. We’ll sort things out and be right back!!!


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Back from break.

Donnovan is walking around the ring gloating he approaches Hayden, Hayden gives him a low blow which send Donnovan to the mat, Hayden gets to his feet hobbling on one foot, he runs towards the ropes and comes back with a flying body press, the momentum beings to shift Hayden Williams way he picks Donnovan up and goes for a DDT, he goes for the pin ...


Donnovan kicks out and Hayden applies a headlock to Donnovan hoping to wear him out just a little bit.


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CC- I have to think Hayden and Donnovan are both high in spirits now that a nemesis has been rid of in Mike Sensation. Either of these men could be in title contention with a win tonight.

Donnovan struggles to no success to get out of the move, Hayden releases the move and both men are no to there feet Hayden gets Donnovan in a piledriver. Hayden gets to his feet and head towards the turnbuckle he climbs and is going to go for a flying elbow drop he takes a moment to get some fan reaction then jumps off as he is about to land Donnovan Midas moves and Hayden lands hard on his knee injuring it futher Donnovan finally gets back to his feet and goes for the figure four leglock on Hayden Williams ...


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After some moments

Williams is out from the pain and has his arms raised and lowered



three times.

The referee calls for the bell.

RA: Your winner....Donnovan Midas!!!!!!!


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The scene goes from ringside to backstage as Midas celebrates his win.

Roy Lee is elated over his appearance during the Midas-Williams match. He’s strutting down the hallway when he runs into Beantown Brawler.

Beantown Brawler: You don’t think I did it to Lilly do you?

Roy Lee: Which thing? Attack her or Impregnate her?

Beantown Brawler: Either one.


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Roy Lee: Well we’re all pretty sure you didn’t impregnate her as for attacking her, I’ve heard you wouldn’t harm a fly.

Beantown Brawler: Really? We’ll see about that Cow-stud!!!!!!

Brawler puts his hand up in “talk to the hand” motion and storms away.

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CC- We’re back and Well I certainly don’t think the Brawler impregnated Lilly. Hehe. I guess there’s always a chance of a stocking announcement. Looks like the Brawler has something to say...


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Beantown Brawler is standing in the middle in the ring with a mic in hand as the crowd boos and start "GAY" chants. After a moment of taking the verbal abuse, Brawler brings the mic up to his mouth.

Brawler: I would like to thank you all for such a "warm" welcome. It's because of people like you that I'm out here. For as long as I've been a part of this business, I've been subjected to various forms of abuse from not only you people, but from the guys in the back as well. Well tonight, I'm going to put a stop to all of it. Tonight, I'm going to set an example out of someone. I'm going to make you people and every one of the superstars in the back respect me. Tonight, I'm calling someone out and I expect them to face me in the ring and except my challenge.

The crowd starts chanting for various GoldPush superstars as Brawler just smiles.

Brawler: You people would like me to challenge one of them wouldn't you? No, the person I'm calling out is much higher up on the chain. The person I'm calling out is none other than...............CEO LILLY! So Lilly, why don't you come down here and we have ourselves a little chat.

The crowd boos heavily as Die Another Day hits the PA system and the CEO of WPW made her way onto the stage, obviously not thrilled to be called out. Brawler has a grin on his face as Lilly climbs into the ring and stands away from Brawler. Brawler paces around a bit, laughing to himself.

Brawler: I can see why you're not doing anything about my career Lilly. You're too busy getting yourself knocked up. Tell me, who's the lucky daddy? Is he one of your beloved superstars? Huh? Isn't it policy to keep your professional life separate from your personal? Then again, you made the rules, so they are yours to break. Well, I'm not here to praise you as an expecting mother. I'm here to correct a few wrongs on your part. First off, it is because of YOU that these people don't get to see much of me in the ring any more. You and Roy Lee have this big draft and my name isn't even mentioned for either show. Roy doesn’t even think I could harm a fly. When was the last time I was in the ring? See, you don't even remember and you run this place. I've busted my ass a lot for WPW and I have nothing to show for it. But we're going to change that aren't we? We're going to give me the proper dues I'm owed right? YOU and I will make that happen.

Brawler grins in Lilly's face as the crowd starts another "GAY" chant. Lilly looks around with a half grin on her face while Brawler is far from amused.

Brawler: You like that don't you? You like when I come out here and have to deal with these people calling me gay? I've said it once before, I'm not gay! This is your fault! It's because of you that these people continue to call me gay! Tell them otherwise! Tell them I'm not gay!

Lilly looks Brawler in the eye. Brawler puts the mic in Lilly's face and Lilly doesn't even look at it. She continues to just stare Brawler in the eye. Realizing Lilly isn't going to give in to him, Brawler grabs Lilly by the hair and puts the mic right up in her face as Brawler starts yelling at her. Lilly now has fear in her eyes as Brawler looks as though he is going to attack her. Suddenly, the crowd erupts as Sean Graves emerges from the back and slides into the ring. Brawler lets go of Lilly and goes to attack Graves, but Graves ducks the attack and starts connecting with punches of his own. Brawler staggers for a moment and then walks right into the Grave Digger! After planting Brawler, Graves starts kicking him until he kicks him out of the ring. Graves shouts a few words to Brawler before going over to Lilly and help her backstage.

CC- Could Sean Graves be the father? I now think maybe Beantown Brawler could have been her attacker last year. Things are getting interesting.


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We are in the locker room of Donnovan Midas, the door is closed and there is not much activity in the room. The door swings open and we see Donnovan Midas enter the room with a towel draped over his head and still in his wrestling gear. It is very apparent that he has just came back from his match with Hayden Williams, he glances over at the cameraman who is positioned now in the right hand corner of the room so he is not in the way of Donnovan Midas. Donnovan walks over to the nearest table where there is a bucket full of ice and bottles of water. He reaches into the bucket and takes out a bottle of water as he shakes off the ice the door is opened behind him and in enters Seth Schults the agent and friend of Donnovan Midas. He approaches Donnovan but chooses a hand shake instead of any other form of greating hoping not to get two close and ruin his nicely pressed suit and exspencive shoes. Seth takes of his shades and begins to speak to Donnovan ---

Seth Schultz - Man Donnovan you really kicked some ass out there I laughed my ass off in the back as Hayden was beggin for mercy as you had him clinched in that figure four leg lock and tore into his knee. I just passed by his locker room right now and if I am not mistaken I swear I heard a whimper from inside. I think I heard Hayden on the phone with his mom telling here how he has a boo boo ...


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--- They both laugh at that comment as Donnovan walks over the a chair and takes a seat ---

Donnovan Midas - What do you exspect Schultz! The Legend said all along he would come into Goldpush and show Hayden Williams what a Legend does when he is in the ring with a man who is beneath him. Hayden really thought he was a tough guy attacking the Legend fom behind like that I mean Schultz he made me break a sweat before the match ever started but you see the ultimate results of his attack was his demise. He placed his hands on me and got a taste of what I can do and as you saw he his knee busted up for his troubles.

Seth Schultz - Excactly Donnovan what was he thinking when he did that, you know something Donnovan you told him before hand that you were going to take it easy on him so that he would have some sort of a shot against Mike when that time came but then he comes threw and pulls a low down move like that. Ofcourse the funniest thing was after the match Don did you see it.


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Donnovan Midas - What happened I came back here right after the match so I didnt see it?

Seth Schultz - Oh it was hilarious Don. After you broke off that ass kicking to Hayden and got the win he was lying in the ring grabbing at what use to be his knee and all of a sudden we see the Big Gold Champion IRey come out into the ring and help him up and take him to the locker room.

--- Donnovan Midas is seen from behind taking a sip of water as Schultz makes those last few comments. Once he mentions IRey Donnovan stops drinking a quickly throws the drink at the wall. He stands up and the camera can now see his face he seems to be inraged by what Schultz has just said ---


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Donnovan Midas - What the @#%$!!! Who the hell those that guy think he is?

Seth Schultz - I don't know Don I guess he is the Big Gold champ so he can kinda do anything he wants. Plus I think him and Hayden are good friends.

Donnovan Midas - Bullshit! Do I come out and get into his bussiness after he is done whipping his opponents ASS!! I took care of Hayden and after all the shit he said about what he was going to do to me during our match he deserved to sit there for the rest of the night and think about how he let his mouth write checks that his ass can't cash. Then this no good sorry disgrace for a champion comes out and carries him off. When did the champions in the WpW start having pitty for every little low life scrub who comes thru with a pair of tights and no talent.


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Seth Schultz - Come on Don think about what you are saying here it sounds as if you are trying to start trouble with with a champion.

Donnovan Midas - So what if I am!!!

Seth Schultz - Well Don there is no real problem with that except don't you think that you should wait just a little bit longer before you start trying to fight with people who are out of your league.

Donnovan Midas - OUT OF MY LEAGUE!!!

--- Donnovan is getting more inraged by every passing moment he tips over the bucket that has the water in it and then tosses the table in the air as we see Seth Schultz attempt to calm him down ---


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Donnovan Midas - You think that he is out of my league?

Seth Schultz - No ofcourse not Don I am just saying what I overheard IRey say that to Hayden when they were in the locker room together.

--- Donnovan gets a calming look on his face ---

Donnovan Midas - OK so he thinks I am out of his league right... I will show him who runs the league... Get out of here Schultz...

--- Seth Schultz leaves the room as there is another camera located in the hallway that sees Schultz take a deep breath then get a huge smile on his face. He grabs his cell phone and dials a number ----


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Seth Schultz (On cell Phone) - Hey its me. Yeah it went perfect. (laughs) Yeah like taking candy from a baby. Don't worrie the first step is done now time for the second.

--- Camera fades away ---

Cameras are back in the Phil's dressing room looking through fairly frantically.

[Joseph Higashi] - Phil, Phil! Where are you?


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[Dark Blaze] is in plain view now sitting in The Phil's normal chair.

[Dark Blaze] - Relax Joe, he's in the hospital right now. Getting treated for a few cracked ribs and maybe if I slipped a fractured sternum.

[Joseph Higashi] - Kelly you BITCH.

[Dark Blaze] - Easy there Joe, this doesn't concern you. I just needed to get a message to Phil and I figured you'd be back here trying to figure if it was a setup or the real deal.


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[Joseph Higashi] - But why!? You're cleared now...

[Dark Blaze] - Don't you ever listen to your employer? In this sport you can get away with murder. Tell Phil that his flame is burning brightly. He'll know what it means.

[Joseph Higashi] - I do too, and I'll...

[Dark Blaze] - You'll what? Stay out of harms way like always? Not even come down to the ring to stop me? What Joe? You'll abandon him again when he needs you the most? Get real.


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[Dark Blaze] gets up out of the chair and heads out of the door as Joe's camera shot follows her.

[Dark Blaze] - I gotta go, rental cops are looking for me everywhere. Take care,

[Joseph Higashi].

The sobs of can be heard over the camera as it goes to black.

CC- This Dark Blaze is a mysterious character.

Roy Lee is watching on a monitor everything that’s been going on.


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Roy Lee: I sure wish some of these guys like Midas or Phil would come over to Elevation for a night and try their hand at winning the toughest title in WpW to keep...The All-Time TV title!!!! Men like Grendel and Anomally could really make and impact and be really good champions. Goldpush is loaded with talent, Lilly really has stacked the deck but I’ve got a surprise or two up my sleeve. Cause at Elevation, next week, new talent is coming in, there should be a new TV champion crowned, unless the newly released Mike Sensation decides to successfully defend it. But I doubt he will, he probably doesn’t want to lose again like he did in the Fed Cup. But you can bet your best pair of underwear, there’s some surprises coming to Elevation and if you think it’s a “Psycho” becoming GM of Elevation...He’s not. Before he could even get one show under his belt, he blew a gasket and I’ve found me a GM. A man who’s gonna be great for the job. Just you watch and sea!


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CC: Well fans it‘s now time for one of big main events of the evening, a much anticipated contest between newcomer Anomally and that of the Man They Call Grendel. Personally, this could be a war between future WpW World Champions.

[More Human Than Human” by White Zombie begins to play as GRENDEL’s entrance video plays….First the words “The Man” flash across the screen……then the words “The Myth” flash across the screen……then the words “The Legend” flash across the screen…..then the words “The Man They Call” GRENDEL flash across the screen….the music gets louder as several action shot of GRENDEL flash in and out on the screen…..GRENDEL walks out onto the entrance ramp as the pyros go off…..The fans in attendance stand to their feet and cheer at the top of their lungs…..GRENDEL makes his way towards the ring slapping the hands of fans along the way….GRENDEL walks up the stairs and steps over the top rope and into the ring…….He stands in the middle of the ring listening to the fans cheer as he looks towards the entrance way and gives the cut throat sign……]


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CC: ‘The Man They Call Grendel’…. He’s looking ready for action tonight.

[The lights suddenly cut out, leaving the arena in total darkness. A slow drumbeat can be heard, quiet at first but then growing louder and faster. The drum stops for a split second, only to be replaced by the drum beat of 'Voodoo' by Godsmack. A few blue strobe lights flash randomly around the arena. A pale green light illuminates the entrance ramp, which now is covered in smoke and fog. From behind the entrance comes Anomally. He is dressed in green wrestling gear and is wearing a mask with a skull. As he steps onto the ramp, he removes the mask, letting his long hair flow across his back. Anomally looks out over the crowd before slowly walking toward the ring. Anomally climbs the steps into the ring, the smoke dissipating as he enters the ring. Anomally climbs to the second turnbuckle and puts both arms straight out in ninety degree angles to his body. The crowd seems perplexed by Anomally as he hops over the top rope into the ring. Anomally moves to the center of the ring and unleashes a few practice martial arts kicks and punches.]

CC: We’ve heard a lot of talk from this newcomer, I’ll be looking forward to see if he can back it up physically. From hearing him say over and over “You think you know” and being mysterious, I wonder if maybe Anomally is really behind the attack on Lilly last fall.

[Grendel warms up in the corner for a moment as Anomally plants his feet in the center of the ring in a defensive position. Grendel starts out toward Anomally but dodges back quickly as Anomally throws a stiff side kick, narrowly missing Grendel’s head. Anomally pulls his hands up, bouncing lightly on his feet. Grendel moves in a second time, Anomally connects with a left kick to the lower leg of Grendel and quickly follows up with a right kick that connects squarely across the chest. Grendel again backs up and regains himself.]


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CC: Anomally doing a good job of keeping Grendel on his toes here.
[Grendel moves in a third time, Anomally throws another barrage of kicks that keeps Grendel at bay. Grendel backs up, lets out a yell and then charges forward at Anomally. Anomally connects with a kick to the ribs of Grendel, but Grendel doesn’t react and tackles Anomally down with a modified spear variation. Grendel lays into Anomally with a series of right hands until the referee counts to four and Grendel gets off. Anomally slowly gets up but Grendel quickly grabs him and takes him over his own head with a powerful suplex. Anomally quickly slides out of the ring, holding his back in pain.]
CC: Grendel over powering Anomally there.
[Grendel moves over to the ropes and yells down at Anomally. From the floor, Anomally delivers a spinning back leg sweet to Grendel, knocking out his legs and taking him down. Anomally quickly hops onto the apron and then flips over the top with a flipping senton bomb variation. Anomally goes for a quick cover.]
[Grendel kicks out with power, bench pressing Anomally high enough in the air that Anomally lands on his feet. Grendel pops up quickly only to be caught with another series of kicks from Anomally. Anomally stays on the offensive and backs Grendel into the corner. Anomally goes to whip Grendel into the far corner but Grendel reverses. Anomally catches himself in the corner and springboards back as Grendel comes running in. Anomally uses the ropes for support attempts to leap backwards over Grendel, but instead lands squarely on his shoulder. Grendel swats at Anomally, trying to get him off his shoulders. Anomally twists and rolls down Grendel’s back, taking him down into a tight pin.]
[Grendel rolls through and both men make it to their feet simultaneously. Grendel runs in and takes Anomally down with a powerful clothesline.]
CC: Anomally almost stole this one away from the veteran.
[Grendel pulls Anomally from the canvas and quickly hits a clean neck breaker.]
[Anomally rolls his shoulder up. Grendel wastes no time in lifting Anomally off the mat again and slamming him down with a huge body slam. Grendel quickly drops an elbow across the chest and throat of Anomally, following it up with another. Grendel raises both hands over his head, getting a boost of cheers from the crowd. Grendel raises Anomally up again and whips him to the corner. Grendel puts a finger over his mouth, telling the crowd to quiet down before laying into Anomally with a hard chop that echoes through the arena. Anomally uses his speed and reverses Grendel, tossing him into the corner. Anomally lays into Grendel with a fury of far less powerful chops. Grendel quickly cuts Anomally off with a knee to the stomach. Grendel grabs Anomally, spins away from the corner, and delivers a strong belly to belly suplex. Grendel goes for the cover again.]
[Anomally kicks out again.]
CC: Only a half a second away!
[Grendel pulls Anomally up again, this time raising him above his head in a huge gorilla press. Grendel actually bench presses Anomally a few times before twisting his arms and dumping Anomally onto the mat. Anomally holds his back in pain as Grendel again plays the crowd. Anomally struggles to his feet and Grendel waits for him to do so before snatching him into the air with a powerful bear hug. Anomally writhes in pain as Grendel thrashes about, putting all the pressure into the hurting lower back of Anomally. After a moment, Anomally stops moving and the referee moves in to check if he’s out cold. The referee raises Anomally’s arm into the air and drops it. Anomally doesn’t let his arm fall and battles back with a punch to the side of Grendel’s head. Grendel only synchs the move in tight. Anomally has to push Grendel’s head away, just enough to get off a quick headbutt. Grendel staggers back a little as Anomally connects with another headbutt. Grendel finally releases the hold. Anomally staggers on his feet, regaining his balance as Grendel comes forward with a clothesline again. Anomally ducks and runs forward, catapulting off the inside ropes with a moonsault into a reverse DDT that takes Grendel down hard. Anomally runs at the ropes again, this time catapulting off into a flipping leg drop. Grendel holds his head in pain as the crowd cheers. Anomally pulls Grendel up, and hooks him for a suplex. Anomally drags his thumb across his throat before scooping up Grendel’s leg and hitting a twisting fisherman’s suplex.]
CC: The tide has turned with Anomally hitting ‘Daylight Fading’ Let’s hope that it’s not Grendel’s daylight.
[Anomally makes a cover.]
CC: Anomally won!?
[Grendel just rolled the shoulder at the last second, resulting in a two count.]
CC: Grendel comes through. I thought he might have been pinned there.
[Anomally crouches, waiting for Grendel to get to his feet. Grendel takes a moment getting up dazed. He has his back turned to Anomally. Anomally moves in and quickly applies a cross-face chicken wing. Grendel quickly runs back, smashing Anomally in the turnbuckle and causing him to break the hold. Grendel backs out and Anomally stumbles forward, right into the waiting hand of Grendel. Grendel turns Anomally toward the center of the ring, a hand around his throat. With a mighty yell, Grendel raises Anomally into the air. On the way up, Anomally delivers a kick to the midsection of Grendel, causing him to be stunned and lean forward slightly. Grendel drives Anomally down with a chokeslam, but on the way, Anomally grabs the head of Grendel, driving it down into a face crusher. Both men impact hard and lay on the mat.]
CC: I can’t believe how close this is.
[Anomally gets to his feet first, Grendel making it only to his hands and knees. Anomally runs at Grendel, taking him over to his back with a split crotch. Anomally rolls around a large circle in the ring, dragging Grendel around with him. After a moment of this, Anomally stops, holding it for the pin.]
[Grendel quickly kicks out and makes it to his feet. Anomally is also on his feet. Grendel attempts yet another clothesline, Anomally ducking. Grendel turns right into a super kick from Anomally. Grendel crashes to the mat hard. Anomally quickly makes it back to his feet and applies a textbook sharpshooter. Grendel struggles to get to the ropes but can’t seem to make it. The ref is asking if he wants to submit, but Grendel refuses. Anomally finally releases the hold and turns to face Grendel who is attempting to make it to his feet. Anomally delivers a powerful karate kick to the side of Grendel’s head, taking him down with a thud. Grendel doesn’t move and it looks like he might be unconscious. Anomally climbs to the top and waits as Grendel slowly makes it to his feet.]
CC: I’ve got to say, Anomally has been impressing me. He’s in total control right now.
[Grendel finally makes it to his feet, weary, and turns as Anomally leaps off the top, doing a full flip, and landing on Grendel’s shoulders. Grendel staggers toward the ropes as Anomally throws himself backwards over the top, attempting a hurricanranna over the top. Grendel stops and holds himself to the inside of the ring. With a mighty burst of energy, Grendel raises Anomally back over the top rope, turns to face the inside of the ring, and runs forward, driving Anomally down with the vicious Grendelbomb!]
CC: Out of nowhere!
[Grendel makes a cover.]
CC: This has got to be it.
Kick out!!!


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[Both men make it to their feet slowly. Grendel takes it to Anomally with a right hand. Anomally backs against the ropes as Grendel lays into him with a series of rights to the head before whipping him to the far ropes. Grendel comes at Anomally as he bounces off the far side ropes with a clothesline but Anomally ducks. Both men come off the opposite side of the ropes. Anomally leaps, catching Grendel squarely with a spin wheel kick. Anomally heads up to the top rope, but Grendel has made it to his feet. Anomally leaps from the top with a big cross body but Grendel catches him and delivers a powerful football slam. Grendel now makes his way to the top, signaling to the crowd.]
CC: I think he’s going for a bulldog off the top here.
[Anomally makes it to his feet dazed, his back facing Grendel. Grendel leaps off the top for a bulldog but Anomally ducks, causing Grendel to crash down to the mat hard. Grendel bounces back up quickly, in a stupor. He turns and Anomally quickly hooks him. He lifts Grendel into an elevated flatliner, bringing him down to the mat with a crash. He quickly rolls Grendel and covers.]
CC: Darkness Falls! He hit it!
CC: It could be!
CC: It might be!
:CC: It is!
[‘Voodoo’ plays as the lights dim. Anomally, exhausted, rolls out of the ring. He catches his breath, leaning on the side of the ring for a moment before raising both hands into the air and heading back up the aisle. Grendel gets to his feet in the ring, leaning against the ropes, a disappointed look on his face. Looking down he shakes his head. After a moment he shrugs and heads out of the ring.]


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Sean Graves and CEO Lilly are right backstage as Lilly looks to be trying to calm Sean down.

Lilly: Sean, you need to calm down. I'm fine.

Sean: You don't understand Lilly, I should go back down there and finish the job I started. I mean, you're pregnant. What man attacks a pregnant woman?

Lilly: He didn't hurt me. He could have, but he didn't.

Sean: Are you sure you don't need to get checked out or something? I mean, the baby and all?

Lilly: No. I'm fine. We're both fine thanks to you. I don't need you worrying about us right now. You have a match you need to prepare for.

Sean: You're right... Look, I'll check up on you afterwards okay?

Lilly: *laughs* Okay, but there really is no need.

Lilly gives Sean a quick kiss on the cheek.

Lilly: Thank you and good luck tonight.

Lilly walks offs, leaving Sean with his trademark grin on his face. Someone runs up to Lilly and tells her something. She seems concerned but then quickly walks away.

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"Step Into The Light" by Dust For Life" dies down as SST Simple Simon Terry stands patiently already in the ring.

CC- This is one match many wrestling fans have waited years for, I guess we should thank the WpW World Champion Striken, who’s been conspicuously absent tonight of all nights, just a few weeks before Wrestival.

:: "Cat Scratch Fever" by Ted Nugent blares over the p.a. as the crowd awaits Shawn Stryker. Moments pass but then finally as fireworks shoot all around the entrance area The Strike-Back Kid SBK emerges to a thunderous ovation and flashbulbs. Shawn holds his arm up high in a makes a fist. He is wearing a long red and silvery tights on the right leg reads "Stryker" all the way down and on the left leg reads "SBK". Up high on the Tron is SBK's initials flashing "SBK, SBK" and as stills of SBK are shown of him in action on the tron. Shawn walks ever so confidently to the ring to many cheers from the crowd as well as loud screams and cheers from the women in the audience. SBK enters and stands ready doing his traditional dance and pose for the female fans ::

CC-There is alot of history between these two, some made in WpW some made elsewhere but wrestling fans should really enjoy these two names clashing and if you listen to the rumors it could be the very last time these two wrestle one another.

The bell sounds as there is quite a bit of pause among the two wrestlers. The fans are eating it up as the two soak in the moment.

Shawn and Simon circle each other.

They lock up in the center of the ring and Shawn Takes Simon over with an arm drag. Simon gets to his feet and nods. The two men lock up again and Simon takes Shawn over with an arm drag but when Shawn gets to his feet he is met with a dropkick by Simon that Knocks him back into the corner. Simon quickly climbs the turnbuckle and looks down at Shawn a if He was going to nail him with a punch. Shawn grabbed Simon around the waist and nails him with an inverted atomic drop. He backs Simon into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Simon comes off the ropes and Shawn buries a knee into his midsection. He backs up and goes to nail Simon with a knee lift. But Simon moves out of the way and Shawn lands hard on the back of his neck Simon pulls Shawn to his feet and nails him with a swinging neck breaker then covers for a pin attempt
2.... Shawn kicks out.


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Simon gets up and heads to the top rope. He waits as Shawn slowly gets to his feet then leaps off going for a missile dropkick. Shawn takes a step back and then grabs hold of Simon's legs as he crashes to the mat. Shawn falls backwards catapulting Simon into the corner but Simon hops up on the second turnbuckle. Shawn turns and Simon does a moonsualt and takes Shawn down. He only gets a one count before Shawn kicks out. Both men get to their feet and Simon nails Shawn with a kick to the midsection. He whips Shawn into the ropes and sets for a back body drop. Shawn holds on to the ropes and goes to kick Simon. Simon catches Shawn's foot and Shawn leaps up nailing Simon with an Enziguri . Simon falls face first to the mat and Shawn runs and leaps off the second rope with a springboard moonsualt to Simon's back. Shawn rolls Simon over and goes for a pin
2...Simon gets a foot on the ropes.


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Shawn gets up pulling Simon to his feet with him. He sets Simon on the tip and then begins to climb to the second turnbuckle. Shawn raises his hand and gets cheers from the crowd before hooking Simon and trying to suplex him off the top rope. Simon blocks it and nails Shawn with a punch to the midsection. He shoves Shawn down to the mat and then leaps off the tope Ripe. Shawn raise his foot in the air but Simon lands on his feet and grabs Shawn's leg. He flips Shawn over and locks in The Laid Back. Shawn begins to yell out in pain and inch his way toward the ropes. The referee asks him if he wants to give give up but Shawn shakes his head no and finally manages to grab the ropes . Simon breaks the hold and lays Shawn across the second rope. He backs up and runs driving his knee into Shawn's back and then raises his hand in air air calling for one more. Again Simon runs toward Shawn but this time Shawn moves and Simon lands across the second rope and on his back in the center of the ring.

Both men are now down on the mat. Shawn crawls toward the corner and begins to pull himself up, Simon also gets up. He staggers around holding his head and then charges toward Shawn: Shawn gets both feet up into Simon's face. Simon stumbles around the ring and Shawn grabs him and takes him down with a bulldog. Both men once again find themselves down on the mat but Shawn kips up and points to the top rope as the crowd cheers. He drags Simon to the center of the ring and then climbs to the top rope. He leaps off going for the Lone Star Press but Simon gets his knees up. Shawn lands hard and rolls around holding midsection as Simon starts to get to his feet. Simon grabs Shawn and nails him with a facebreaker and then calls for his move. He starts to head to the top rope now and points at Shawn. Simon leaps of and goes for the Simplesplash but Shawn manages to roll out of the way Both men find themselves down on the mat again. as the referee begins to count. He gets to 5 and Shawn started to move. He inches himself ever closer to Simon and then drapes an arm across Simon's chest
2...Simon rolls his shoulder off the mat


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Both men start to get to their knees Shawn nails Simon with a right hand but Simon fires back with a right of his own. They begin trading punches back and forth as they get to their feet. Simon gets the up hand and whips Shawn across the ring . Shawn holds on to the ropes but Simon charges taking both he and Shawn over the top rope and down to the arena floor with a clothesline. Both men lay on the arena floor not moving but instead of counting the referee slides out of the ring and begins to check on them. Simon gets up first and grabs Shawn by the hair. Shawn buries a head butts into Simons midsection and then rolls back into the ring. Simon climbs up on the ring apron and the catapults himself over nailing Shawn with a swanton bomb. He covers Shawn and goes for the pin
2.... Shawn kicks out just before the referee's hand was about to hit the mat for a three


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Simon looks at the referee and asks was it a three before pulling Shawn to his feet slowly. He locks in a sleeper hold on Shawn. Shawn immediately drops to one knee but gets back to his feet, turns and reverses the sleeper hold into a belly to back suplex. Once again both men find themselves down on the mat. Shawn rolls over and drapes an arm across Simon's chest but Simon turned and begin to pulls himself up by the ropes. Shawn begins to get up as well. Simon whips Shawn into the ropes but Shawn comes off with a flying forearm hat takes Simon down. Shawn gets up and then falls back into the corner. he raises his hands in the air calling for the Kick Back. He goes for it but Simon ducks under it . Simon kicks Shawn in the midsection and hoists him up on his shoulders. Shawn manages to get free and drop down behind Simon. Simon turn around and walks right into The Kick Back Shawn falls on top of Simon for the pin attempt


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Simon walks over to Shawn and holds his hand out for a respectful shake.

(SBK shakes his head in disappointment, most probably from SST’s recent comments about SBK. He cautiously reaches out a hand and the two shake the crowd responds positive to this As SST turns to exit but then pauses.)

Simon grabs a microphone from ringside, and makes his way back into the ring.

Simon: First off Shawn, I want to apologize for the false accusations that I put out a few weeks ago. I was in the hospital, but only for a brief moment. I did have a minor surgery, but the reason that I stayed gone for almost a year had nothing to do with that. The main reason I was gone for so long was my heart. I've had some trouble putting my heart into my wrestling like I did two and three years ago. That takes me to what I want to tell you tonight.


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SBK nods his head showing a that he is pleased by SST’s apology, Simon pauses for a brief moment to gather his thoughts.

Simon: I've got to say that SBK, you've been the greatest opponent I've ever stepped into the ring with. I've always enjoyed working with you. Not only that Goldpush has been one of the greatest shows I've ever been on, and WPW one of the greatest federations I've ever worked for. That being said, it's time for Simple Simon Terry to take his leave, not from WPW, but from wrestling. What better match to retire on than stepping into the ring with my "best" friend in the business.

At this point SBK has his own mic in hand.


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SBK: Retire? Now now, come on! If any cat has done it all and has the right to step down and leave this game, sport and business on a UPnote is me! Look here SST, you’ve got a ton of time left to make that name, make your mark as one of this game’s greats. These fine fans have paid me that respect for all I’ve done. Just like in 2001 when I did the honors and passed a Major World Title your way, tonight even in defeat you’ve made your big comeback. I righted the wrongs of your lies and words towards me and just a few moments ago you admitted to the smearing. In my opinion, we’re back solid again and I think you can go far on your own in WPW or with Cissy. Good ol SST could go forever.....

Simon interrupts


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Simon: But see here’s the thing Shawn,I don't want to be one of those guys that everyone looks at a feels he's went on past his prime. My brother Cole, knew when to step out of this business. My friend Cage Sullivan knew when to step out of this business. Now it's my turn. In the last few months I've lost so much, and now it's time for me to go onto something different. It's time to get my life back into order. From this point forward, there will be no more excuses from me. There will be no more lies. And there will be no more pressure for SST to live up to the others. No more pressure for me to step out of the shadows of not only you Shawn, but my brother Cole, and my friends Cage and Cissy as well. As of right now, I'm going to let everyone know that I'll always be here for you Shawn, and I'll always be here for WPW.....But there's one last favor that I want from you before I leave.


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SBK remains quiet listening and watching on as Simon steps out of the ring and walks over to a duffle bag and pulls out a wadded up black piece of cloth. He steps back into the ring. The crowd begins to stir as they recognize what SST is holding, beginning with the first rows, the crowd is a buzz in shock.

Simon: Shawn, this is the oWo shirt that you gave me after I came to NEW.

Shawn: Now now, Ol bud, The OWO ain’t the OWO the fine WPW fans know. That doesn’t represent what’s going on with Tea-Bag Tony and Denny on Elevation.

Simon: I know that the oWo has changed alot since those days. But Shawn, this shirt came off your back.


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The camera comes in close to show the true emotion and meaning behind the words SST is saying. SBK notes this and closes his eyes as he listens.

Simon: You personally gave me this shirt in my induction into the oWo. Shawn, this shirt and the respect that came with it meant more to me than any "world" or "tag team" title that I ever held. So what I want from you Shawn is to take back this shirt. I want you to take back the oWo....and I want you to give this shirt to some other up and coming superstar just like you gave it to me. I want you to help some other rookie, just like you helped me.

Simon sits the shirt down on the mat, SBK cocks his head to the side as he looks down at the old OWO tshirt.


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Simon: Oh and one other thing........I want you to beat Striken and whatever he throws at you, and take that world title.

Shawn: You know better than anyone SST, I don’t LOSE World title matches. I’ll do what I always do...but...

SBK then walks over to the ring ropes and leans down and picks up the OWO tshirt.

Shawn: This shirt and all it represented to you, is YOURS. Someone once told me if you love something so much you want it forever, you have to let it go and if it’s meant to be it will...RETURN back to you.


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With that SBK tosses down the shirt to SST who is standing on the arena floor. SBK points to SST and then looks out at the crowd, clapping as he points to the man.

SBK: Give it up...for...SIMPLE SIMON TERRY....everybody!!!!!!!!

On that "Step Into The Light" by Dust For Life" begins playing as Simon slowly walks out of the arena shaking hands with lots of fans on the way out, SBK applauds then watches as his old friend leaves, he then motions for the music to die down.

SBK: You know it takes alot for a cat to apologize for spreading lies and running a false smear campaign just to draw some heat, it’s a rare occurrence for someone to do what’s right. SST did just that. He made things right but as I stand here and look down where the t-shirt was laying. I realize TONIGHT is the right time to make something else right around here...it’s ON ME to bring back an old familiar face to WPW....


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PDJ’s Entrance

SBK:: Now now, before I say anymore, it’s LONG PAST TIME, this cat get to speak his mind on where he’s been and why he hasn’t been around. Hit em with it...

Jefferson: Thank you Shawn, but I want to speak out to all of you out there, I know all y’all are gonna ask, what happened with PDJ on Goldpush last week? There it was, tha first draft in WPW history, and PDJ doesn’t even show up. Well lemme explain myself. Ever since I signed my name on tha dotted line on that WPW contract, I prided myself on givin’ my all to this place. My first week in, I’m at tha WPW Office, and I see an open contract to fight tha TV Champ, the only champ tha promotion had at that point. None of the so-called “stars” signed up for that first defense; I did.


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(Jefferson acknowledges some cheers from the crowd before continuing.)

Jefferson: From that day on, tha baptism of fire that only comes from wrestling tha best, I invested more blood, sweat and tears in this place than just about anyone else. When they needed a guy to go against anyone, no questions asked, I got tha call. When a certain power hungry redneck was runnin’ his own pay-per-view event and acted a fool, I got tha call. When tha quote unquote ‘Franchise’ was writin’ checks his ass couldn’t cash, I got tha call. When dude tried to come back to take that TV Title, I got tha call. I answered all those calls. While this place became a stream full of guys who claimed to be tha best but came and went, I was ALWAYS HERE!


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(The crowd cheers again. Jefferson nods and continues.)

Jefferson: Always, that is, EXCEPT for tha 2004 Awards Show. I saw all tha TV ads, read all tha Internet hype, and I waited and waited for that call or invite - and it never came. Now lemme tell y’all somethin’ about me. Where I come from, once someone’s reached a certain level, there’s no way you slight ‘em. Office screw-up? For a former World Champ?

(Jefferson shakes his head, sneering. He gestures to the WPW ring on his finger as a reminder of his accomplishments.)

Jefferson: So let’s move tha clock forward, to right before last week’s Goldpush. WPW Brass ringin’ my cell phone non-stop, askin’ PDJ to be at tha draft. “Oh, we got a first class ticket for you. We really need you for this!” Then it hit me - Patrick Derek Jefferson might’ve done a lot of things, and be a lot of things, but what I will no longer be is at tha beck and call of an organization that will leave me on that shelf until it profits them! So what I did last week, that’s a lil’ receipt for tryin’ to play me.


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Jefferson: So you ask, “PDJ, why are you here this week?” Well tha answer to that one’s simple. I can count tha people I respect in this place on one of my hands, and first on that list is Shawn Stryker. So when he called me and asked me to be here, he didn’t have to tell me twice! Lemme take y’all back one more time, to Heatwave, 2004. I sat in tha back with all tha other wrestlers, and I saw this man deliver tha speech that brought everything home to me. What everyone else was afraid to say, SBK laid out simple and plain. Tha fact of tha matter is, peeps were hiding tha downside to this place, until it got to tha point where someone had to finally call a spade a spade. So I listened to every word Stryker said, and I nodded right along with it. But then I looked around me, at my ‘colleagues.’ Man, you couldn’t hear shit in that locker room, ‘cept a lot of people takin’ some pretty deep gulps! Then tha talk came - questions, speculation, in fact David Capital even went to the extent of declaring he ‘hoped’ he was considered UPSIDE. But those dudes missed tha whole point, that was laid out in black and white; if you hope you’re UPSIDE, you ain’t. If you think you might possibly be UPSIDE, you’re not. To truly be great, in whatever you do, you take what you want, far as yo’ eyes can see. And what I see right now is a lotta motherf----s happy to be on the downside; happy to be mediocre, passable. Well, much as I gotta beef with tha office you couldn’t hold in a meat locker, I came back just for those cats. Happy with yo’ spot? Don’t be. Satisfied wit’ just hangin’ around? That’s gonna change. ‘Cause until tha day comes where none of these punks stink up this ring with tha ‘average’, or tha ‘marginal’, PDJ’s work, UPSIDE’s work, ain’t gonna be done...and that’s THE TRUTH!


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With that, PDJ points to the tron and it reveals a logo reading “UPSIDE”.

SBK:: This company has an UPSIDE and a Downside...you know where we stand.


The Striken:: Oh what a tangled web, I myself am about to weave. My beloved brother. The conundrum you’ve just boxed you, yourself and friend PDJ into is quite interesting. YOU, yourselves represent WPW’s Upside? Toss me my “Upside tshirt” because I’m certainly not part of WPW’s “downside”.


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He begins walking down the aisle.

The Striken:: Heh. A mere few weeks before Wrestival and you, yourself Shawn must praise your opponent, The WPW World Champion. I,myself seek no “membership” to a club which you, yourselves do not even hold a key to the clubhouse.

CEO Lilly’s music hits.

[[LIlly speaks towards Striken supposed to come out and announce the next match in Striken’s “Past Present, Future” road towards Wrestival Main Event against SBK.]]


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The Striken:: The Past was played out as Shawn defeated his Major League Wrestling friend and foe Simple Simon Terry and now I myself on the night of the debut of Shawn’s Upside membership addition of PDJ announce his next opponent...No, it is not to be Patrick Jefferson, let’s look to a gift...the gift which is an opponent which I,myself know personally Shawn Stryker has sought to face for many years but due to backstage politics and maneuvering his opponent next week has been able to avoid said contest...Next GoldPush...It will be a PRESENT for Shawn Stryker as I’ve delivered thanks to CEO Lilly...a main event that will be one of WPW’s most memorable to date....Shawn Stryker vs....
“The Man Called” GRENDEL!!!!!!!


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CEO Lilly clears her throat to speak from at the ramp way and The Striken turns around.

The Striken:: Yesss?

CEO Lilly:: Last week you signed the papers champ so SST would face SBK, and for next GoldPush you’ve set up Grendel vs SBK. In those papers it also allowed for a match against YOU...of my choosing.

The Striken:: Yessssssss? Let me guess, you, yourself want I,myself to face the man in the ring, the latest revealed Upsider, the forgotten yet self-important to WPW, PDJ????


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CEO Lilly:: Nope. Your opponent next Goldpush will be ....


As you would say it....

I MYSELF!!!!!!!

The crowd is stunned as they witness the CEO point at herself.


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CC: Could this be? A first in WPW history. The WPW World Champion vs. WPW’s CEO????

CEO Lilly: I want to return to the ring and make a splash, make an impact while showing my own potential... and dare I say it Upside. See I'd rather wrestle than do this stupid work backstage to make you all happy. My dream is to become one of the best and to do that I need to beat the best, however that would be you Striken, you are the world champ. I can't wrestle you for the belt however we can wrestle. So you and me here in this ring next week.

CC- Fans, Tonight has had all sorts of twists and turns but some sad news I need to report, Our backstage interviewer Monique was heinously attacked tonight. This must be the news we saw being told to CEO Lilly when she was talking to Sean Graves.

Roy Lee then appears at the commentating table.

Roy Lee- Put that damn camera on me! Let me make this clear. I will get to the bottom of who attacked Lilly and there ain’t no attack on Monique gonna stop my hunt. You saw I won my battle with Mike Sensation so there isn’t anyone in WpW who can prevail against me, I’m set on doin what’s right and at Elevation I can promise great things are coming to WpW and just in time!!!!!

Roy then wipes his brow as he leaves the commentating area.

CC- So much has happened tonight and next Goldpush should not let up the momentum we’re in heading to Wrestival. Next Goldpush we’re in San Francisco at the Cow Palace...California...HERE WE COME!!!!! We’ll see ya next weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
