A video package begins before the GP usual opening. It's of the many great moments in Madison Square Garden History. Concerts, Dog Shows, The Knicks, Boxing, Rangers, many great moments in MSG history and now...WpW.

Goldpush @ MSG opening occurs and the camera pans the rabid fans. Signs include "How's the Bed Sores, PSA?", "Big Gold Big GRENDEL", "Midas touches Cont Gold 2nite" "SBcomebacK", "Just say Yes to NovoFas", "Who's Jim?", "The Gathering: It's Magic he Lost his Soul", "HWM-Hallucinating Web Miller", "Kurinto Sux, Powers Rox", "DC4Record", "Striken is Delilah's Samson", "Shoot on em FB", "Juggalo is Juggalhigh", "Goldpush is now Simple", "Triple X Double Loser", "oWo is oWover", "CoreyWhoix?" "Tseng takes JJ to Turkish Bathhouses", "Midgets do it big Johnny", "Ric Hates NY hates Ric", "I'm Roy's Daughter", "DVA blew me 4 $2", "Triple X TV Champ!" "Pat will whip Gren", "Grend-Rules", "Greg IS Great", "All-Time Capital", "No-Time Phillips", "TDP4ATV", "Turky TV", "SBK in NYC", "Mucha Lucha Vagena", "Funkmaster suplex PDJ!", "Roy Lee @ MSG", and many other great signs. .

CC: Welcome everyone to what may be the biggest Goldpush in WpW history! I'm Candice Callaway and along side me as always is the respected Allen Rozell.

AR: My little flower I can hardly hear with this crowd as loud as they are. WpW brings GP to MSG! Tonight!

"Step Into the Light" by Dust For Life begins playing as Simple Simon Terry steps out onto the ramp.

CC: That's SST. Let's go back and take a look at last GP in Philly when SST made a surprising return to WpW.

(Footage of last week and Simple Simon Terry's return is shown.)


Simon stops to listen to the cheers of the fans, gives them a handraise, and continues to the ring where he steps in with a mic in hand.

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SST: Damn, Madison Square Garden. You guys are about to rip the roof off this place, and it's a big roof to be rippin'.

Simon stops for the cheap pops.

SST: I'm here to announce my place at Heatwave in Miami. I've got to give the non "marks" out there some history first. The collapse of Major League Wrestling.

Simon pauses for a moment as a chant of "Major League" begins.

SST: The fall came when Shawn Stryker left the Major League and two goons were fighting over rights to the company. Those two goons....Firebomb's buddy Rocken' Rob, and ol' Ric Flash. It seems that they still can't get their sh*t together even now. Firebomb stepped into WPW thinking he was going to make a name for himself.. low and behold the first night out against Phil Exel, Ric Flash shows up lookin' for trouble. But anyway, I digress. If you people remember, Simple Simon Terry was caught in the middle of all of this as acting commissioner of ML. A job that I dropped my only World title for. All that ruckus in the back of all the ML shows caused it to close it's doors for good. Two asses that were so intent on making themselves look big caused my biggest achievement to go down the drain. I was at home thinking a little bit'. What would happen if I stepped into the ring with Firebomb and Flash at Heatwave? I could take out my revenge on them for losing the thing I cared most about in the world at that time. So that's what I'm going to do.

AR: So it looks like the Firebomb and Flash matchup just became a three way.

SST: But I'm not looking to beat Firebomb or Flash, or both for that matter. What good would that serve for Simple Simon Terry? I want Firebomb and Flash to rip each other apart at Heatwave. That's why I've decided that I'm going to be the special guest referee at the Firebomb vs. Flash in Miami.

????: What good would that serve? You need some great motivation it seems.

The voice says then "I'm Back" plays and Greg"Great"White steps from backstage.


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Greg"GREAT"White: Simon, We go back many years and I welcome you to the same company I'm in. I think it's GREAT! Each and every one of these fans out there are glad to see you back. I think it's GREAT! I really really REALLY do. You don't feel like facing Firebomb or Flash or both would serve any good for Simple Simon Terry?

SST: No. Quite frankly I don't.

Greg"GREAT"White: You've spoken passionately of a great place I once ran for my current wife, Lynn Exel White. You spoke of ML. Major League.

Greg stands at the rampway and awaits a response as the chants of "Major League" begin again.

SST: That's right.

Greg"GREAT"White: Ric Flash is not here tonight. He's let me down. I don't know where he is. I don't know if he's going to remain unprofessional. It isn't like Ric to be unprofessional but Ric does what he wants and so I've decided to do what I wish. As General Manager of WpW I'm making a decision that may serve the good for Simple Simon Terry. I'm changing the match at Heatwave from Firebomb vs. Ric Flash to...Firebomb vs Simple Simon Terry!

Simon looks at the cheers.

SST: I'm not really interested.

Greg"GREAT"White: I'm giving you this great opportunity to help me bring back Major League.

SST: Bring back ML?

Greg"GREAT"White: You can help resurrect ML and you've got a couple weeks to decide if you accept this match against Firebomb. I need your help because at stake could very well be something great. Something such as the ML World Title!

Greg"Great"White's music "I'm Back" plays and SST is left in the ring his eyes wide open in surprise.

Fans begin cheering, but are cut off this time by music....Tommy Kurinto's music. "Forsaken" by Johnothan Davis begins playing as Tommy Kurinto steps out onto the runway and passes Greg"Great"White who is on his way to the back Tommy Kurinto and makes his way to the ring. He steps inside and stands face to face with SST.

CC: Greg White is bringing back ML? Firebomb vs SST could be for the ML World Title possibly? This is a great deal to swallow and now it looks like Tommy has decided to stick to his original plan. It doesn't seem that Kurinto has changed his image at all.

AR: Greg White gave Kurinto the okay to stick to his roots, I'm guessing that he decided too.

Kurinto: Hate to interupt.

SST: No, you seem to have something important to say, go right ahead.

Kurinto: No don't let me interrupt your moment, Tell all those SST fans how you plan on being a part of Heatwave and dodge having to get into that ring with me.

SST: So what??? You want a match?

Kurinto: Not just yet. Not at Heatwave.

SST: Then why are you coming out here all dressed in your sand gear and interrupting my time?

Kurinto: No, Heatwave isn't the place for me and you to fight. I've got other plans for that show, but I did want to tell you to watch your back. I wanted to let you know that sometime in the near future S S T, we're going to step into that ring together. What better way to prove myself than to beat Real Deal's cash cow....Real Deal's top poster boy...Simon Terry.

SST: Cows? I thought that camels were more your style.

All of Madison Square Garden erupts with laughter…..As Kurinto gets in the face of SST…..

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SST then shoves Kurinto away…..

Kurinto: Tonight you'll get to see the new Tommy Kurinto, just like everyone else here at Madison Square Garden. Tonight starts the beginning of the "Great American Bash" with "The American Hitman". At Heatwave I challenge "The American Hero" Corey Hicks, then will come "The American Born Ass Kicker" Ric Flash if he ever shows up again, and at some point down the road it will end with you Simple Simon Terry. The "all-American" poster boy.

SST: Well, I'm proud that we get to see a new Tommy Kurinto, I was getting pretty tired of seeing the old one whine about himself every week....but as far as a fight with me, you better pack a dinner Kurinto, cause' it'll be a long night. You just let me know when you're ready to dance, and I'll be there. Now I have things to think about, if you'll excuse me!

Simon throws down his mic and backs out of the ring. "Step Into The Light" begins playing again.

CC: It looks as though these two are going to have a score to settle in the future.

AR: And it looks like we will get to see Tommy Kurinto repackaged tonight as well, my little flower.

CC: Gwen Jones of Real Deal must have changed Kurinto's mind about the whole idea.

AR: She may be more convincing that I at first was giving her credit for.

CC: We'll see the new packaging tonight when Kurinto faces off against "The American Hitman" Henry W. Miller.

AR: I cannot get over how GP @ MSG has kicked off. Greg"Great"White is bringing back ML and is considering crowning a ML World Champion @ Heatwave in a match between SST and Firebomb.

CC: Can Greg White really do that? Bring back a defunct wrestling company to WpW?

AR: Maybe this is why he asked for help.

CC: What an opening! I cannot believe it and we're just getting started! Stay with us!


(Suddenly, 'Two Pina Colladas' by George Strait starts up on the PA as Tseng and JJ Hart come out to a chorus of boos.)

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CC: We're back and Well, these guys stole the hour last week with their sudden appearance, Tseng and JJ Hart... but my question is 'If Tseng is such a big star, why hasn't he taken the WPW by storm the way the critics predicted?'

AR: You just don't understand... Tseng was THE MAN that made 'TombStone' Adam Holiday a star in N.E.W.; he was THE MAN that made Dennis Mann a star in the N.E.W., and he was stablemates with the personal bodyguard of 'The Franchise of the WPW' GRENDEL! He is a HOT item in the WPW! AND, he was a two time TV Champ as well!

CC: That may be true, but it takes more than your past to make your present and future in the WPW...

(Tseng gets in the ring and the lights go up. JJ trips into the ring to a bunch of laughs. Tseng looks mad.)


(The fans boo as Tseng jerks JJ to his feet.)


(The fans boo.)

CC: Good, we're sick of you too!

T: I have worked my ass off for years to be the star I should have always been, but I know why I have not become a star here yet...

CC: Why is that?

T: I'll tell you why... OMR has insiders...

(The fans boo.)

AR: Oh come on!

T: OMR has connections in this dump, and he's holding me back still!


T: OMR, if you are out there, I CHALLENGE YOU to face me in the ring NEXT WEEK... on GoldPush...

CC: Did I hear him correctly?

AR: I believe he is talking about the deceased owner of New Era Wrestling.

CC: The same man GRENDEL visited at his gravesite before Wrestival II?

AR: This is disgraceful.

(The fans boo. A small 'Tseng Sucks!!!' chant starts up.)

T: Also...

(Tseng looks at JJ Hart.)

T: There is another reason why I'm being held back...

AR: Hold on...There's more?

(Suddenly, Tseng looks at JJ Hart.)

T: JJ, guess what?

JJ: Chickenbu...

(Suddenly, Tseng kicks JJ in the gut and DDTs him in the middle of the ring. the fans burst into a frenzy and give Tseng a mad heel pop.)



CC: Now you're sounding like Greg White.

(Tseng pulls up JJ and mouths off at him and slaps him. Suddenly, Tseng kicks JJ in the gut and does the running axehandle kick and knocks JJ on his arse. Tseng speaks.)


(Tseng signals to the crowd, someone tosses in a chair. Tseng holds it up and JJ gets up.)

CC: HOLD ON, NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Tseng smacks JJ in the head with the chair and it's hanging over JJ's neck. Suddenly, Tseng does an insuguri dropkick and JJ lands hard and the Chair hits his neck!)


(Suddenly, Tseng does a Doublestomp to the chair and JJ is frothing at the mouth.)


(Suddenly, Tseng puts JJ in the Standing Figure Four and JJ is turnign purple in the face. The referees rush in to pull Tseng off of JJ. Tseng grabs the mic and leaves the ring.)


T: That's just an example of what will happen later in the show... JJ, you are no longer a part of the kliq you reject!

(Tseng drops the mic and leaves.)

CC: So before our first break we saw the returning Simple Simon Terry & WpW GM Greg"Great"White where Greg made the surprising announcement that he is attempting to bring back ML Major League Wrestling.

AR: And it appears in our second segment that Tseng is attempting to dig up the grave of the owner of the N.E.W. New Era Wrestling.

CC: More wrestling feds coming to WpW? Is this even possible?

AR: You know my little flower, tonight is the night we finally get to see and hear from Shawn Stryker.

CC: I know it. SBK returns tonight for the first time since Wrestival!

AR: SBK is the only man in wrestling history who is a former N.E.W. and ML World Champion.

CC: That makes hearing what SBK has to say all the more interesting especially if these two past feds are entering WpW at the same time SBK is returning!

AR: I concur my little flower, but SBK isn't the only past N.E.W alumnus. GRENDEL is a former N.E.W. World Champion as well.

CC: And he defends the Big Gold Title up next!!!!

[[As WPW Goldpush goes to commercial the easy light rock sound of Bryan Adam's newest hit "Open Road" plays as highlights of SBK's career are shown. "Life is an Open Road to meeeee". Screen shots of SBK's days in the Major League Wrestling Federation and his 6 month title reign are shown.]]


[[As WPW Goldpush returns from break "Open Road" by Bryan Adams plays as more video footage is shown highlighting this time SBK's career in the New Era Wrestling Federation and his record NEW World Title reign. On the Tron at the end of it as the screen goes black across the screen it reads "SBK RETURNS"]]

CC: Well we're back.

AR: See, I told you SBK was a former World Champion for both N.E.W. and ML.

CC: And we also know GRENDEL is a former World Champ to N.E.W. and it's time for his Big Gold title defense.

AR: I haven’t seen or heard anything from Phillips this past week my flower, what about you?

CC: Not a peep, Allen. He was suppose to be at an autograph session with David Capital earlier in the week but he failed to show up for that. I sure hope he shows up tonight, or he might be out of a job.

AR: Indeed, let’s go to Roxy as she introduces the wrestlers.

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Roxy: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it’s for the WpW Big Gold Championship, introducing first the challenger Chris Phillips.

Phillips music hits the loud speakers……A few tense moments pass when all of the sudden he appears from behind the curtain and stands on the entrance ramp…..The crowd gives him a mixed reaction as he makes his way to the ring…..

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Roxy: And now introducing your WpW Big Gold Champion. Weighing in at three hundred plus pounds and standing well over seven feet tall. From Little Rock Arkansas, The Man They Call GRENDEL.

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“More Human, Than Human” hits the loud speakers as the smoke and pyros fill the entranceway and ramp…..GRENDEL steps out on to the entrance ramp with the Big Gold title around his waist as the crowd goes nuts…..He makes his way to the ring among the cheers and steps inside and immediately stares down Phillips, who in turn backs a way a little……

CC: GRENDEL trying to intimidate the young Phillips.

AR: It seems to be working, Phillips is backing away.

The bell rings as the match gets underway….Phillips and GRENDEL lock up in the middle of the ring…..GRENDEL gets the upper hand as he throws Phillips hard against the ropes…..GRENDEL follows through with a clothesline…..

AR: What power shown by the big man.

CC: That clothesline sent Phillips into orbit.

GRENDEL picks Phillips up by his hair and sends him down the mat once more with a belly to belly suplex…..

AR: This match might be over pretty quick.

CC: Looks like PDJ’s pick wasn’t the right choice to put up against the Big Gold Champion.

AR: Let’s hope the Midas can fair a little better against PDJ later on in the night.

CC: I think Midas will at least show up, looks like Phillips is somewhere else tonight. Didn’t someone tell him he would be facing the Big Gold Champion GRENDEL.

AR: Apparently not.

The Devastation continues in the ring as GRENDEL motions to the crowd….

CC: That motion could only mean on thing.


GRENDEL kicks Phillips hard in the stomach making him bend over in pain…..GRENDEL then picks Phillips high in the air and delivers a running GRENDEL Bomb….Phillips is lying in the middle of the ring in pain as GRENDEL goes for the cover….




AR: With a running GRENDEL Bomb, GRENDEL retains his title.

CC: GRENDEL made short work of Phillips. If I were Phillips I wouldn’t show my face around these parts for a long time.

Roxy: Your winner and STILL WpW Big Gold Champion, The Man They Call GRENDEL.

GRENDEL is standing in the middle of the ring as the crowd is cheering and chanting his name……

CC: Wait a minute what the….

All of the sudden “Back in Black” begins to play on the loud speakers as the WpWTron flashes the black and white OWO logo…….Dennis Mann and Tony Ruiz storm the ring, followed by a much smaller person with long greasy hair….

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AR: It’s the OWO what are they doing out here. Roomer had it that there was some friction between Tony and Dennis. They even squared off just last night in Fed Cup competition here in New York @ The Manhattan Center.

CC: It must have been a ploy because they look like their on the same page. And who is that with them, I thought there were only two members of the OWO?

AR: That looks like WpW newcomer “GreeseBall” Roland Peck. He was in Fed Cup competition last night as well and he also helped Tony Ruiz and Dennis Mann of the oWo against SBK but they were eliminated by Shawn Stryker.

CC: That's right SBK won the Fed Cup last night @ the House show @ Manhattan Center fighting off the oWo as well as Juggalo at the end for victory. Roland Peck is slated to appear in the TV title match later on tonight, but it looks like he’s ready to debut right here and now?

Greeseball runs past Tony and Dennis and hits the ring first….But GRENDEL is there to stop him…..

AR: What a boot by GRENDEL.

CC: That might teach the young kid not to be so eager.

But GRENDEL is no match for the combined strength of Ruiz and Mann as they both hold him as GreeseBall gets up and delivers a low blow to GRENDEL…..GRENDEL grabs his crotch in pain as Tony hits a DDT which sends GRENDEL to the mat…….Dennis then picks up GRENDEL and sets him up for the Train Wreck….

CC: This is just sick, what did GRENDEL ever do to deserve this?

AR: It looks like he has something they want. The Big Gold champion has just been laid out by the OWO, and what’s this…

Dennis motions for Roland to go and get something……

CC: What is GreeseBall going to get?

AR: Might be a chair to do more damage.

Greeseball jumps out of the ring and starts to look under the ring…….He is digging deep as he fumbles around under the ring all you can see is the soles of his boots…..GreeseBall finally finds what he is looking for as he climbs back in the ring….As Tony grabs the mic he begins to speak…..

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Tony Ruiz: Hey yo, we told you that we were sick and tired of WpW holding us back.

Dennis Mann: So we decided to do something about it, starting with the Big Mold title. GRENDEL you are just the first victim to fill our wrath tonight.

The crowd boos…..As they begin throwing things in the ring…..

Tony Ruiz: Throw all you want, you all actually believed that there was tension in the ranks of the OWO.

Dennis Mann: The OWO is stronger than ever. And to prove that we’ll let our newest member do the honors.

Greeseball starts to shake up the can of spray paint he retrieved from under the ring earlier…..He then grabs GRENDEL’s Big Gold title and spray paints the letters O….W….O…..across it……GreeseBall throws the can of spray paint down as he picks up the title and holds it high above his head as the paint starts to drip down….

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Tony Ruiz: Not only have we said it….

Roland Peck: But we did it…

Dennis Mann: And there’s nothing you can do about it. And we’ve only just begun.

The OWO make their way to the back as Tony takes the Big Gold belt from GreeseBall and taunts the crowd with it…….

CC: Someone better get some help out there to the ring, GRENDEL looks hurt.

WpW’s backstage doctor makes his way to the ring to check on GRENDEL…..GRENDEL motions that he’s fine as he walks to the back on his own power……

AR: And what did Dennis Mann mean when he said “we’ve only just begun”?

CC: GoldPush at Madison Square Garden is just getting started and we've heard about a return of ML from Greg"Great"White then a possible N.E.W. resurrection and now we find out the oWo is alive and well and they have a new member "Greaseball" Roland Peck.

AR: Tonight's show doesn't let up, We’ll be back after this short commercial break.


[[As WPW Goldpush returns from break "Open Road" by Bryan Adams made famous on ESPN's 50 States in 50 dates Promotion as more video footage is shown highlighting this time SBK's career in the New Era Wrestling Federation and his US Tag title reign with Grendel as well as the duo's days in the oWo together. On the Tron at the end of it as the screen goes black across the screen it reads "SBK RETURNS TONIGHT"]]

Roxy Adams: Ladies and gentleman it is town time for our handicap match! Introducing first, coming at a staggering 7' weighing 500pds, The lost soul!

The lights go out as Return of the Phantom Stranger hits the PA. The Words You are about to enter A Realm of Darkness appear on the Big Screen...The fans wait in wonderment of who or what is coming out of this darkness...Evil laughter is heard from all around as Flames engulf the screen and the words are burnt away...The camera pans a cemetery as it comes across a grave the grave reads R...........I...........P........."The Dark Master Lost Soul lies here...Evil to us...Evil to all....The dragontron lights up as the Murder Death Kill are seen on the screen with blood dripping off of the letters...A cloaked figure appears on the stage as Flames bursts around him...As he walks down to the ring flames appear under his feet as he walks...He slides into the ring and removes the hood from his head and laughs evilly as Flames shoot up from the turnbuckles...

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RA: And his opponent coming in at a combined weight 796 pounds! The Gathering! Individually, The Juggalo, Bull, and Lisha!

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The lights go black, as one of ICP's latest blares over the speakers, and the gathering emerges from the curtains. First the stone faced enforcer, known to the clowns legion as bull. Following Bull, the Gothically erotic temptress of the group Lisha, trails out displaying a mix of joy and paranoia. Finally there leader emerges to an actual small but noticeable ovation. He looks strangely to the crowd, as if he expected there apathy, then smiles in a moment of serenity, before leading his troupes to the ring.

The Juggalo rolls in first, then sits back into the corner, his painted face doing a poor job of hiding his arrogance in this match. Bull climbs the stairs with Lisha behind him. As Lisha climbs in ,she giggles, and laughs at the dark warrior in front of her. Bull nearly stares through him, uncaring. The Referee forces out Lisha who leaves without regret, and instructs either the Juggalo or Bull to start the match, and The Juggalo steps out! He bounces on the bottom rope, pointing over Bulls shoulder at the unwavering dark master, and laughs. The bell rings and Bull charges! and runs straight into The first of Soul! The huge man steps on, and over Bull as he approaches The Juggalo! Bull gets up in a rage, and grabs the man from behind in an attempt to German suplex the monster! to no avail!

CC: The Bull using his amateur wrestling knowledge there, to try and stop the man. Allen: Unfortunately for him i doubt there were many 7 footers competing collegiately, or else he may have expected this my chickadee.

Elbow! and another! As The Lost Soul tries to shake The Bull from his back! Finally, a third elbow throws the Bull backwards. The Lost Soul smiles, and again begins his approach on the now concerned king of clowns. The Bull now sensing his friend in danger, jumps for the ankle of the lost soul, and grabs hold for dear life! The Lost Soul looks down in a bit of mild frustration, as the loyal friend holds for dear life. He bends down to grab the Bull, and remove the annoyance once again. Looking down the Lost Soul never sees Lisha springboard to the top rope, she flies and wraps her legs around his head, landing a huge huricanrana!! The giant goes down! with the black nylon banshee dragging him down. Immediately, Bull pounces on the now downed man, as he puts his body weight across him leveling him with punches! As Lisha drills kicks into the downed man with her leather boots. The referee starts to force the Goth diva out of the ring. The Juggalo takes the moment of distraction, to run in and charge into a speeding falling leg drop on the covered giant! Juggalo then rolls from the ring, and points to his brain to insinuate his plan is going well!

AR : This clown needs to watch out! i think the Lost Soul is merely getting angry down there!

CC: Allen, three on one odds are hard to beat for any man, even a giant.

The Bull continues to keep his weight on the Lost Soul, throwing punches, and keeping the man from rising. He finally gets his hand around the Masters throat, and the master throws him away! The Bull is thrown through the ropes, and unto the ground right by the shocked Juggalo! The Dark Master rises slowly and Lisha enters the ring. The Juggalo tries to get his ally to his feat. Lisha rears back and attempts a superkick on the Dark Master! but her foot is caught! The Lost Soul grabs her in a modified claw maneuver, and throws her into the corner! He then turns, now angrily ,toward the somber clown! The Dark Master steps over the top rope and leaps down to the floor. The giant begins his slow walk toward The Juggalo! The Juggalo turns and looks to Bull who's still a bit delirious, he looks for a path of escape, seeing none he goes to his last option, and dives toward the Lost Soul! The Juggalo connects with lefts and rights punch after punch! and its to no avail. The Lost soul starts blocking the shots with his massive forearms, then starts landing punch after punch on his own!

CC: The Juggalo usually starts off like a brawler, before turning on his wrestling knowledge. Without his forte to begin with I'm not sure he can turn the corner and play the mat game with this massive man.

AR: I don't know about all that my sweet, but i do know if a 7 foot man was chasing me, i would run!

CC: Rumor has it, hes not really 7 feet tall Allen.

The Juggalo starts to waver and sag, as The Lost Soul grabs him by the throat, and slams him backwards into the ring post! The Dark Master then grabs the clowns neck, and throws him back into the post again! He kicks Bull down with a massive boot, and signals hes going to chokeslam the Juggalo on the concrete! Lisha on her feat screams! The nimble Goth, runs toward the action outside, she cartwheels twice and then hits a suicide spaceman plancha! on the Lost Soul! The valet and the Giant crash into the guard rail, Lisha's head landing in a thud! The Juggalo grabs the Lost Soul and rolls him into the ring along with Bull. The Juggalo picks up the Lost Soul, as The Bull arises finally. The Bull grabs the Giant in a lifting bearhug, as The Juggalo bounces of the ropes with a clothesline!

AR: That's the old Hart attack maneuver, devastating to say the least!

CC: I assume the Juggalo has been watching some old film, that maneuver was used to win the old Hart Foundation tons of gold.

The Dark Master goes down hard, then starts to get up. The Juggalo and Bull put the boots to the man, but he just keeps rising! The Dark Master grabs both men by the throat, and goes for a double chokeslam! but both men slap his arms away, both drop for a double low blow! Then two of the gathering, grab each of the Masters arms, for simultaneous fujiwara arm bars! Both men take the lost Soul to his knees but he wont go down! The Lost Soul then gets a knee up! Then Another! The Lost Soul then stands with both men holding onto his arms. The gathering wrenching away to no avail, he lifts both men into the air!

AR: I have never seen anything like that.

Both men, suspended in mid air, have no traction to apply pressure to the submissions. Using only there own strength, to try and separate shoulder from torso! The Dark soul dangles the immense Bull over the top rope, leaving nothing under him but space and the concrete bellow! Bull looks down and begins to panic, the once technical submission move now becomes a grip for life itself, as The Lost Soul tries to shake the man off! The Lost soul shakes his arm franticly, trying to remove the overweight piranha, but starts to waver. The combined men's weight starting to wear down the behemoth! He falls to a knee as Bull tries to get his footing on the apron! He release the Giants arm and grabs the ropes for balance, as The Juggalo switches from the battered arm to a sleeper! The Bull standing on the apron starts landing body shots on the Giant, and gets goosled for it! The Lost Soul picks The Bull up, and Chokeslam's him from apron to the concrete! The Bull is out! Lisha is out! and now its only the Juggalo!

AR: Theres no one left to help him! The Juggalo must now face the monster!

The Juggalo reaches behind the winded master and hooks a full nelson, and throws him into a back breaker! He doesn't get the man up far, but he brings him down hard! Breathing heavily, the Juggalo knows he must act! He grabs the suffering big man and wrenches him up above his head, Alabama slam style, then falls into a sit-down powerbomb! And The Lost Soul sits right up, fire in his eyes! He stands, as the Juggalo fires weak punches, giving everything he has left!

AR: Something inside the Juggalo just gave up.

CC: He has thrown 2 minions, a dozen devastating maneuvers ,and every bit of brawling he had, he has nothing to be ashamed of, and the fans are reacting to it!

The Lost soul grabs the Juggalo by the neck and picks him up high, crotching him on the top rope! The Juggalo tries to get free, but this monster now is immune to pain! He walks up the ropes with the Juggalo's neck in hand, Top Rope Chokeslam!!! The Juggalo bounces madly! As the Dark Master hops down to the apron. Un emotionally the Dark Master picks the Juggalo up in a torture rack, spins and tosses him! The Juggalo hits the corner hard! The Juggalo flies like a rag doll, and folds in ways a man isn't supposed to! The Dark Master chuckles to himself, then approaches the man slowly. Behind the imminent disaster awaiting the clown, something unusual can be seen. Lisha has rolled it the ring, blood pouring from the gash in her head. Barely conscious she runs and jumps on the back of the Lost Soul! the love of her soulmate driving her claws into the Dark Masters eyes! The Lost Soul dazed a moment runs backwards ramming Lisha into the turnbuckle behind them! He grabs her arms, and begins to easily peal the dark valet off as The Juggalo rises. The Juggalo seeing the distraction looks to the heavens, looking for aid from his downed mentor!

CC: The Juggalo was trained by Ray Traylor, who took him in like a father, i guess when everything on earth has failed, you turn to prayer.

The Lost Soul charges! Boss Man Slam!!! Boss Man slam!!!




The Juggalo has done it! With the help of his fallen guardian! Tears stream down his face, streaking his makeup as he raises his hands to towards Ray's heavenly home! And in the distance one can here the unmistakable sound of cheers.

CC: That was nice but thankfully that match is over.

AR: Juggalo just beat one of WpW's biggest wrestlers and he made it last night to the very end of Fed Cup.

CC: What a quick rise for this unexpected WpW future star Juggalo!

AR: We'll be back!


Hour Two!